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I'm a fic writer & blog my active fandoms. Right now, this blog is heavily Supernatural, mostly Destiel.

You might occasionally see Star Trek AOS/TOS, Janto, Jurassic Park III, Smallville, writing dilemmas, and quotes about writing.

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Catching Elephant is a theme by Andy Taylor, which I modified.


I’ve seen both sides of the debate on my dash, so I’d like to ask my followers, since I’m sure you have feelings about this:

What is your opinion of fanworks being included on Goodreads?

  1. meeedeee answered: I think readers should be able to discuss wherever they want. And writers can control access to their fanfic if they don’t want this
  2. tif-oh-one answered: Can’t see what’s the problem with it.
  3. ioniandragon answered: I think the scope of fanworks is too vast to be incorporated. maybe a site similar specific to fanworks though? w/ author permission only…
  4. rattatea answered: I think it would be great to have a rating system and a way to share/keep track of fic that you’ve read but I would want it separate
  5. kinaley answered: I actually hadn’t heard about this debate. But my first thought is I use Goodreads to find books and I’d like it to stay that way.
  6. wintry-mix answered: I think it’s important to be clear that no one else is adding fic itself, just reviews of fic. I don’t see what’s out of bounds about that.
  7. queeriophile answered: nope
  8. rheridia answered: It is taking fandom outside of fandom spaces. Personal details are a definite no, and if the author says no fic then no.
  9. lettersfromeleanorrigby answered: not without explicit author consent…
  10. sconesforjustice answered: Well, I’m not a fan of them being added without the writer’s consent.
  11. juno-magic answered: Fics have been recced on Goodreads for years. I don’t see the problem. Outing real life private details is a completely different matter.
  12. museaway posted this