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Good reads

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Dec. 15th, 2014 | 12:31 pm

This post won't be of the fun variety. Most of you by now must know what the website Goodreads is: it compiles tons of stuff you can read on the internet, and apparently, it doesn't have any sense of ethics, and someone can recommand a story there, and it gets posted, and the hell with the author's permission.

I found one of my stories there, not only the story, but the freaking art I did for it serving as a "book cover" and also a link to my AO3 account. I did not give my permission for this. I was uterly pissed, to tell the truth. Then I started thinking that I was writing fanfiction, obviously without the SPN creators permission, and it got me very conflicted, as to what rights do I have over my stories. It comes down to this, really: I don't make any profits out of these stories, wherein the website does by using advertising. ALL I have is intellectual property over these stories. And they are mine. It's not much, a handful of stories that I post so that maybe twenty, thirty people can enjoy them and have fun with them. I like doing it. I have no intention to stop.

I don't want to f-lock my journal or my AO3 account. I count on my friends and readers'sense of ethic. I still want to make a few points.

-I will from now on not allow any translations of my fics: anyway, every time I do give permission I never hear from them again, so it's a mess and I won't allow it anymore. If one of you stumble over one of my translated stories, please let me know.

-I will not give permission to anyone to write codas or sequels to my own fics. It happened recently, and I was surprised, so that's a no. Remixes are another thing entirely, and I know people do ask permission before writing a remix.

-If you want to rec my one of my stories somewhere, ask me first please.

-I will post something similar on my AO3 account.

Please, guys, don't use this goodreads website, and if you do wander there and find one of my stories, let me know. I mean, fanfiction is so much fun, we shouldn't have to deal with this kind of s**t.

On other news, Christmas is coming and I've been writing a story for the mpreg secret santa that should be posted in the upcoming weeks. I've also had the pleasure to have my two art pieces claimed by wonderful authors for the Reversebang and I can't wait for them to be posted. ALSO, I pitch hit for one of the art of the same reversebang, so there's another story I'll be posting during the holidays. AND, I offered two fics for an auction, am writing them as we speak. So... lots of stuff coming up.

So, happy holidays everyone


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Comments {39}


(no subject)

from: kattiememe
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 06:29 pm (UTC)

Apparently, this has been done to several fan fiction writers, not just you. i am sorry to read that it has happened to you, also. I've enjoyed reading your stories and hope that you continue writing.

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(no subject)

from: etoile_etiolee
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 08:07 pm (UTC)

Yes I will. My story has now being taken down and I'm so relieved, but I'll have to keep an eye open for this website. As I understand it, fanfictions aren't even supposed to be listed there.

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Enlightened Me

(no subject)

from: enlightened_me
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 07:25 pm (UTC)

I’m outing me as a goodreads user and librarian. I can totally understand your anger. On the other hand goodreads was never meant to list fanfictions. It’s about books you can buy – and sometimes short stories the authors of books give away for free. As a goodreads user I would never expect to find a fanfiction on this site. To cut a long story short, I deleted your story.

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(no subject)

from: etoile_etiolee
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 07:44 pm (UTC)

Thank you very much for doing so.

This has been going around on tumblr and lj, probably other website too. I do understand better now what goodreads is about, but there should definitively be rule made for fanfiction. This is a very delicate issue. Fanfictions are meant for people that share very specific interests, depending on the fandom, and it is true, my stories are out there on the internet but and I have little control over them, but it's my small corner of the internet, a place I created where I felt comfortable enough to post fanfic. To see my art used as well andf my AO3 account was just too much. I'm lucky enough that I don't have a facebook or twitter account that can be linked to that pseudo. A lot of us writers of fanfiction likes to keep our RL and LJ life separated. I suggest that fanfiction shouldn't be allowed except with the permission of the author, because I know a lot of other writers in this fandom are really mad right now. I can't speak for everybody, but it's a serious issue.

Thank you again for removing my story.

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Enlightened Me

(no subject)

from: enlightened_me
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 07:55 pm (UTC)

I checked the goodreads policy on fanfictions just to be sure. There is a long discussion about whether fanfiction should be listed or not. The current policy is to allow listing of “fanfiction which is self-published in book format”. But: “If an author asks us to remove a fanfic listing (or we get a takedown notice), we will.”

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(no subject)

from: etoile_etiolee
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 08:05 pm (UTC)

Yes, except when an author doesn't know some of her/his fic is listed, how can he/she notice? That's what bugs me the most.

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My Hunter

(no subject)

from: meus_venator
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 12:20 am (UTC)

Hi there, just jumping in on etoile's thread.

I wanted all my work off GoodReads as well. Thanks so much.

Edited at 2014-12-16 07:16 pm (UTC)

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(no subject)

from: walking_tornado
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 09:42 pm (UTC)

Would you be able to do that for mine as well? I just noticed one of my BB fics is on there with riverofwind's uncredited artwork. I don't have anything against Goodreads (although I haven't looked into it all that much) but I don't really feel it's the right location for RPF. I'd rather have my readers make a conscious decision to read fanfic and go to the appropriate sites.

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Enlightened Me

(no subject)

from: enlightened_me
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 09:55 pm (UTC)

Sure. Can you tell me the title of the story please, so I can find it on GR?

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(no subject)

from: walking_tornado
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 09:57 pm (UTC)

An Aura of Colored Sprinkles
Many thanks! :)

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River Rose

(no subject)

from: emmatheslayer
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 07:57 pm (UTC)

sorry to hear about the good reads website but I am looking forward to your fics and hope this goodreads mess gets taken care of

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(no subject)

from: etoile_etiolee
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 08:06 pm (UTC)

I certainly hope so too. In the meantime, I have no intention to stop writing I'm having waaayy too much fun :D

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River Rose

(no subject)

from: emmatheslayer
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 11:41 pm (UTC)

yes please don't stop

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full frontal nerdity

(no subject)

from: simplybeing
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 08:52 pm (UTC)

Ugh, that's horrible. D has had issues with Goodreads in the past too, so you're definitely not alone. It's absolute bullshit that they feel they have the right to post peoples' work without their permission, because fanfic or not, you wrote it? YOU OWN IT. Period. They have no right just slapping it up on their site (which, like you said, they get PAID FOR), all in the name of "promoting" stories and authors, when really they're just in it to make money. They could just as easily LINK to the fic where it's originally posted (like I do) for free.

Uh, that said, I have recced the shit out of a whole bunch of your stories in j2_recs... do you want me to remove them? I will. Just say the word. :D

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(no subject)

from: etoile_etiolee
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 09:15 pm (UTC)

Are you out of your mind, lady? Being recced by you is an honnor!!!

Seriously, though, I can't understand this freaking website. I've been told (see comment right up) that it's not even supposed to be for fanfiction, but then, the mods apparently allow it and the author has to somehow be omniscient and know her story has been posted there to have it remove. I mean what the f...? Is it so hard to ask permission? My art was there as well, and my icon from ao3, it's unbelievable. Fanfic is something private, and it must seems like a contradiciton since I actually WANTS people to read my story, but it's my little corner of the internet, you know? Where I know what is happening and I'm comfortable and hell, I had a J2 au mpreg posted there!!! (also, only three stars out of five, vexing, right?

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full frontal nerdity

(no subject)

from: simplybeing
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 04:00 am (UTC)

Ha! Whew, I'm so glad. I really, really wasn't looking forward to going back through 500+ posts to take your stuff out. LOL

ps. Totally o/t, but TorCon 2015... I'm still hoping and praying to see you there just fyi. I MISS YOUR FACE, WOMAN.

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(no subject)

from: lupinlover
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 10:15 pm (UTC)

GoodReads is awesome.

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(no subject)

from: etoile_etiolee
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 10:37 pm (UTC)

This is not a post about people's opinion on goodreads but about me sharing my stories.

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(no subject)

from: lupinlover
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 10:40 pm (UTC)

Oh, my bad.

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(no subject)

from: jj1564
date: Dec. 15th, 2014 11:02 pm (UTC)

I can understand your concern and frustration about your fic and your art appearing on Goodreads without your permission. As you said, you and many of us fanfic writers wish to keep our identities private and LJ/AO3 gives us that ability. I've heard of Goodreads and thought it was to share rec's for published books, so I can't understand why they would include fanfiction. At least they took it down quickly, but it is a worry that fics could be posted here without the author's knowledge.

I'm pleased that this won't put you off from posting your fics and really pleased to hear you have so many fics in the pipeline (including mine wheeee!) **hugs**

Edited at 2014-12-15 11:03 pm (UTC)

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(no subject)

from: etoile_etiolee
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 12:27 am (UTC)

Yes, the whole rule thing is the most annoying part of it, where you have to write and ask for your stories to be removed wherein you don't have a way to know unless you go back to the website on a regular base. It's what disgusts me. I am not an englished original storyies published author, fanfic is a very specific way of writing reserved for those who can understand why you write it because they share your interest.

I can't just stop writing, you know, I love it too much and need this in my life.

And yes, your fic is halfway done now *cheers*

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(no subject)

from: jj1564
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 11:03 am (UTC)

It's the whole lack of communication and respect for people's anonymity that makes this annoying. If the person had asked you and the other LJ authors and you'd vetoed her posting, I'm sure she wouldn't have done so. As you said, how can you ask for something to be removed when you didn't know it was posted in the first place?!Ridiculous! It just shouldn't be posted in the first place.

And hurrah for your prodigious fic-writing! Looking forward to my one and all of them!

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(no subject)

from: pennydrdful
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 12:30 am (UTC)

I'm a fan of GoodReads, have been for a while now, but I had no idea they were cataloging people's fanfiction! Even going so far as to include fanart as the covers and publicizing personal information under the author's profile. This really bothers me.

As you pointed out, many of us would like to maintain a very clear boundary between RL and fandom. It's great that they'll remove it if the owner complains, but like you mention, most people don't even know that their work is on there. I've been contacting several artists this evening just to make sure that they know their fanart has been posted there as 'book' covers. Ugh.

Moving on! I'm so excited to read everything you've been working on!

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(no subject)

from: etoile_etiolee
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 03:10 am (UTC)

I can't understand how someone can just put me out there and create a profile of me like I was the one doing it. I mean, the mods and the creators of this website should not allow this, it should be stated clearly in their rules.

On the other hand, YAY! Yes, I'm in over my heads with fics to be posted and to be completed, Hopefully, they won't be too bad ;-)

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(no subject)

from: anonymous
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 02:36 am (UTC)

Wait, so they are posting your story on goodreads where people can review it?? (unless I'm misunderstanding) What the heck?? I thought that was for published books only? The get our own 'reviews' in the form on comments on the sites where we choose to post out fanfic.

I one time had someone completely rip off my story (i'm not on live journal but ao3). I don't mind people using some elements from my story...everyone uses ideas that inspire them from other stories. But when they took an exact idea and didn't bother changing it at well as most of the plot, it pisses me off. Especially when they are getting reviews saying how 'original their story is'. No, it's a cop of mine with a few things changed.

It really upset me because this person reviewed my stories. They also claimed in their author's notes that they 'borrowed ideas from a great story' and never listed the story or the author. The thing is, I don't know what to do without getting this person's followers attacking me.

Anyway, I feel your pain and I'm so sorry this is happening to you :( We just want to write for fun and these people take the enjoyment out of it. But I can't wait for the 'Scattered Pieces' sequel. It's my favorite all time story, as I don't really read any romance :)

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(no subject)

from: etoile_etiolee
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 03:18 am (UTC)

A lot of people thinks goodreads is only for published work, but apparently not. Worst thing is that they had created a whole "author profile" of me, using my art and my AO3 account. I still can't believe it's allowed.

I am so sorry for what happened to your story, it's plagiarism. If it was on LJ, you would see a lot of people gathering around you and supporting you and calling out the author who has stole your ideas and plot. On AO3, it's more difficult because it's not a community. You should at least contact the mods. You shouldn't be scared of calling out someone who stole your plot without even mentioning you. If the followers of this person know her work isn't original, they will react, I can assure you. In fanfiction, plagiarism is something that's not accepted AT ALL because we have little control over stories posted on the net so we have to count on each other.

Don't be scared to claim what's yours and what you've worked out so hard to create.

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(no subject)

from: reggie11
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 03:35 am (UTC)

what has happened has actually breached Goodreads own terms and conditions. You may not own the characters but it is your intellectual property. If you click on their terms page you'll find which rules were violated and a section on how to make a DCMA complaint to force them to remove your work from the site.

I'd really like to know who the absolute asshat is that has not only added so many people's fanfiction but set up profiles using their usernames. That's fraud plain and simple.

I suggested on Cassiopeia7's post that a petition that could be circulated through every fandom to have Goodreads remove fanfiction might be in order. I'm not one of the authors whose work has been pilfered but I'm angry on behalf of everyone whose work has been. I may start the petition myself.

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(no subject)

from: etoile_etiolee
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 04:27 am (UTC)

this information has to be shared. If it's going against Goodreads own term and conditions, then we shouldn't have to go half crazy (like I did) to try and have our fics taken out.

So, you think this might be the work of one single person because it's horrible. Why would someone do something like that, I just don't get it.

The petition is a wonderful idea. I'm not sure I'm influent enough in this fandom to be the one starting it, but I would surely help passing it and make sure everyone has seen and sign it.

Please, if you do so, keep me informed.

Thanks for the infos!

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(no subject)

from: reggie11
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 05:27 am (UTC)

I agree. I have no idea why they're allowing it and making it so difficult for people to have their work removed. The thing that puts so many people off is that by making a DCMA complaint you ahve to provide your real name and details. Most fanfiction writers use pseudonyms because they want/need to keep their identities private. If we can pressure them into taking the entire genre of fanfiction off their site then all fanfic authors benefit.

I don't have much pull at all in fandom because I know so few people, but I'm willing to create a petition. If I get one going I'l ask that everyone on my flist share it with everyone on their flists and with people they may know in other fandoms. If everyone bands together it could be huge and would have to have some kind of impact, surely.

Over the next few days I'll see what I can pull together. I'll find all of the relevant clauses in their terms and conditions and see if I can draft some wording.

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(no subject)

from: walking_tornado
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 04:03 pm (UTC)

Hmm. While I like the idea of a petition and I don't feel that a site meant to rec published original works is a good place for fanfiction, I do wonder about fanfic authors who might want their work listed there. A complete ban would remove from them a group of readers, which doesn't seem right either.

I guess I'm still fuzzy about how everyone is defining "published." My imperfect understanding is that according to GR, posting the story to LJ is not published, but bringing it to AO3 to accommodate ereaders makes it published. Did I get that right? I dunno, when I first decided to write fanfic, had I realized that it would end up somewhere to be held up against traditionally published novel which have each seen a team of editors and a dozen revisions, I would have hesitated (more than I already did) about posting. Had I known that RL details might be included in an author profile that I hadn't made, I would have tried to find another creative outlet.

Displaying uncredited artwork as a "book cover" is more straightforward. And just, no. The artwork that had been associated with my story had not been posted on AO3, so whoever made the entry must have gone to LJ to find it.

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(no subject)

from: etoile_etiolee
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 04:38 pm (UTC)

It's a very blurry area, as far as fanfiction is concerned, IMO. The thing is, fanfiction is a very specific kind of writing and a lot of writers really wants to have at least some control over their work and how it's spread. It's too easy to have trolls stumbling over an mpreg, or a Sherlock/Watson slash fic and getting totally crazy over it. I've read articles on certain humor sites that were dedicated to make fun of the most strange and ridiculous fanfic out there, and it's very sad because you have to GET IT to enjoy fanfic, it's a process all of us have been through: watching a show -or a movie, or reading a series of books- and falling so deeply in love with the universe we wanted more, discovered fandom on the web, then fanfic, and then some of the more... mature fanfics, it happens gradually. When your fic is out there on a HUGE website that recomends good stories, anyone can easily stumble uppon it. My fic that was posted was a J2 au mpreg and it's something I would have been completely traumatized of seeing and reading if I hadn't started by discovring fanfic, rps, then mpreg gradually. So, I guess, although it might be unfair if some fanfic writes want to be seen there, it,s better to have a total ban because if not, the mods and persons responsible for this website don't seem to have a way of controling what's posted, so I guess, in the absence of a better solution, it's better to have it completely forbidden.

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Trigger Warning: Life

(no subject)

from: matchboximpala
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 07:50 am (UTC)

I've been using goodreads for a few years to rec books and get recs from friends. I had no idea you could actually post fic there, though. I've never run across that. I am sorry this happened to you and I hope goodreads changes their policy about this.

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(no subject)

from: etoile_etiolee
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 04:22 pm (UTC)

TBH their policy is ridiculous, and we, fanfictions authors, shouldn't have to work to be sure our work is not there, it should be the other way around.

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The Shadow Of Your Smile

(no subject)

from: apocalipskiss
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 01:50 pm (UTC)

I'm so sorry this upset you. Though I don't know what is this good reads, but I saw it bother a couple of fanfic writers too.
Also I can't wait to read your new fic! <3

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(no subject)

from: etoile_etiolee
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 04:23 pm (UTC)

It seems like it's spreading and goodreads have to change their policy about it IMO

Thanks, bb, I have a lot of writing on my plate right now ;-)

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(no subject)

from: milly_gal
date: Dec. 16th, 2014 10:42 pm (UTC)

I think this is a good idea hun ♥

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(no subject)

from: anonymous
date: Dec. 17th, 2014 02:11 am (UTC)

Good news. no one is reposting the fanfic - they're just adding the title and author to their database along with comments (usually this is done to allow readers to keep track of what they've read or what they want to read). it is not against the GR policies to add a fan story that is completed, "published" (like on a blog or ao3 without friendslock) and is novel length . And once the author asks the link to their story be removed (along with the entry). Note this will remove any comments or reviews by readers (think of you deleting your blog on LJ and removing all the comments posted in the blog). the difference is that these comments and reviews are part of someone else's "blog" (if that makes sense). But the process is fairly quick.

You might want to claim your Goodreads author page so that if anyone mentions one of your stories on GR again, it will be faster to remove.

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(no subject)

from: etoile_etiolee
date: Dec. 17th, 2014 02:44 am (UTC)

I'm posting this, and you, anonymous, will get my reply.

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Enlightened Me

(no subject)

from: enlightened_me
date: Dec. 17th, 2014 09:57 pm (UTC)

Before more of you ask me to delete fan fiction listings on GR: I have received an e-mail from a GR moderator for violating GR policies. I did know about the risks of deleting fan fictions but did it anyways. However, I can’t edit your GR listings anymore.

I wrote a replay to GR support and stated yours and my concerns. And I have to admit I’ve got a really friendly and warm replay. Here is the part that relates to you:

“To clarify, we remove fan fiction works from the site at the author's request, as long as they have not been published elsewhere through more traditional e-book publishing channels. If you'd like more clarification, please take a look at Rivka's comment in the Librarians Group here.

If […] is able to contact us here at support directly (, we'd be happy to remove her listings from the site.”

Don’t state your requests on the delete-this-book-thread, don’t ask another GR librarian, but write a message to the aforementioned email address.

I hope this helps you at least a little bit.

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