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Fanfic on Goodreads?




So I received a tweet last night from someone that alerted me to the fact that someone has put up some of my fics on Goodreads. I poked around, and others of the bigger fics in the fandom also seem to be up there.

I guess I was caught mainly by surprise. Is this a thing people are doing now?…

I was just thinking the other day that I need a Goodreads equivalent for fic. I don’t think it feels right to put up fic on that site, not because it doesn’t belong there with books but because it has a different culture associated with it. Anyway, I use Kippt (and before that Springpad) to keep a list of things to read and my favorites. I use the AO3 bookmarks and subscriptions but I like something more dynamic so I can collect things as I see fit (“fics to make me cry”, “fluffy happy fics” “WIPS to check on obsessively” “PWP ~horny goat noises”). But I wish there was a more social and broadly used option. Any suggestions??

Thoughts on this, guys? 

Interesting that you mention this. I occasionally Google some of my titles to see who has recc’d them, because so often they tag my URL as the one on AO3 (with underscores) and then I never see it on here. I want to say thank you, but I have to dig for it. Anyhow, I know that The Measure of a Gentleman has been on GoodReads for some time now, with some reviews attached. I used to be active on GoodReads and know that there are MANY fanfics mentioned on there, with rec lists and the whole bit. It’s never bothered me, really, and if it gains my fic on AO3 more readership? *shrugs*
And honestly, GoodReads was how I found the Sherlock fandom in the first place. The Progress of Sherlock Holmes was on a fic rec list over there, and that was the first one I read, even before I saw the series (I thought, at first, it was written for RDJ Sherlock Holmes).
But the last time I looked, someone had attached a fanart cover for TMoaG. One that I KNOW wasn’t specifically drawn for my fic, but goes with it well enough. What I DON’T want is for the artist to feel that I did that, when, in fact, I had nothing to do with it.
On the other point, it WOULD be nice to be able to organize and consolidate fic recs for myself. I don’t particularly like AO3’s limited way, and don’t necessarily want to do a fic rec page on here… I don’t know. It would be good to hear others’ thoughts on the matter. :D

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via Possibly, I'm Insane
  1. madame-vashtranerada reblogged this from earlgreytea68
  2. earlgreytea68 reblogged this from okideas and added:
    Good to know!
  3. thursdayj reblogged this from earlgreytea68 and added:
    ok well for lack of a better alternative at the moment i opened up my kippt lists to be public. so if anyone is...
  4. ishipanarmada reblogged this from earlgreytea68 and added:
    Interesting that you mention this. I occasionally Google some of my titles to see who has recc’d them, because so often...
  5. marsdaydream reblogged this from earlgreytea68 and added:
    …wow. So someone created that Goodreads account and it wasn’t you? Someone made you a profile without your consent?...
  6. itsallblogtome reblogged this from earlgreytea68 and added:
    Under no circumstance is it acceptable to repost an author’s work without their express permission.If readers would...
  7. okideas reblogged this from earlgreytea68 and added:
    The web app is a sophisticated cataloging system with a very plain interface (works well for mobile). Many...
  8. consultingpiskies reblogged this from earlgreytea68 and added:
    You can add tags to fics you bookmark on ao3. This has the added benefit of being able to add fics to multiple...
  9. the221armada reblogged this from earlgreytea68 and added:
    I use a bit of a hybrid system where I maintain a massive Google Doc spreadsheet of fic I’ve read and love enough to...
  10. cloudwolfbane said: I know Goodreads just takes recs from anyone, but I haven’t the faintest clue how they got ahold of all your author information. That’s so strange. Though I have to admit I am impressed by how all the fanfics have covers. Really nice ones too.
  11. traumachu answered: this has happened to me before with one of my older popular fics from HP fandom! I was shocked and kind of at a loss as to what to do…
  12. theresacinematicend said: I’ve stumbled across some of the more popular fics on Goodreads before and it always feels weird to me.I think because it’s not fan space & a lot of people want to keep their reading/writing of fanfiction separate and not linked to personal accounts.
  13. gloriousclio reblogged this from earlgreytea68
  14. musabenedetta said: I would be very uncomfortable if that happened to me. Like you, I like to know where my fic is being shared.
  15. elizabethminkel answered: You CAN fault someone for putting publicly avail. stuff in a different place—you own the story! Without your permission, that’s plagiarism?
  16. musabenedetta answered: I would be very uncomfortable if that happened to me. Like you, I prefer to know where my fic is being shared.
  17. heymanticore said: Also since the tone is a bit different than reviews to the actual author I found they added an extra layer to everything… In a good way, so far. I can see why it might be weird though!
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