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“The name ISIS is one that every American knows”


TLB Preface:

Although this article and video was first published by our great partner “Truth In Media” in late February of 2015 … too many Americans today are still ignorant of the facts. You need to know the (so called) enemy, the fashion in which billions of taxpayer dollars are being spent … and the catastrophic mistakes being made by this government … or are they … ???

Remember that all that is being done, is being perpetrated in OUR names, so We The People have a responsibility to be informed!

Please take the time to read and watch this comprehensive presentation.


Truth in Media: The Origin of ISIS

Contributed to TLB by: Ben Swann

Swann said:

The biggest threat to our national security since Al-Qaeda, right? They are a brutal, savage group known for public beheadings and mass executions. They are the face of the new war on terror.”

Truth In Media Episode: Origins Of ISIS

In this episode of Truth in Media, Ben Swann investigates the origins of the militant group referred to as the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

The name ISIS is one that every American knows,” Swann said “The biggest threat to our national security since Al-Qaeda, right? They are a brutal, savage group known for public beheadings and mass executions. They are the face of the new war on terror.”

Swann pointed out that while the U.S. Military is currently conducting airstrikes in Syria, in a supposed attempt to take out ISIS targets, the White House and U.S. military leaders are discussing possible boots on the ground in Iraq. These talks are arising just three years after President Obama declared that the war in Iraq was over.

Former Defense Secretary Leon Panetta told USA Today that in order to defeat ISIS, he believes the United States is looking at “a 30-year-war.”

As the U.S. goes to war in an attempt to defeat yet another terrorist group, the biggest question is: Who exactly is ISIS and where did they come from?

Angela Keaton, the founder of, said that ISIS is “entirely a creation of the United States’ behavior in Iraq.”

That’s how we got to where we are, because of war, because of occupation, because of torture,” Keaton said. “The United States government completely destabilized and wrecked Iraq. They caused it to fail miserably and that is entirely the fault of the United States government. There is no one else to blame.”

Swann explained that when the U.S. first invaded Iraq, it “blew the country apart.” By destroying the existing government, toppling Saddam Hussein, and destroying the infrastructure, the U.S. “left behind a power vacuum” that would never have existed under Hussein.

Daniel McAdams, the executive director of the Ron Paul Institute, said that the impact caused by the actions of the United States is a “historical fact that media just won’t discuss.”

This has to do with U.S. action in the region, which destroyed the infrastructure, which destroyed Iraq society, which destroyed the Iraqi government,” McAdams said. He explained that while there were a lot of people who weren’t “as happy as larks” while living under Saddam Hussein, they also weren’t at odds with Hussein in the same way they were with the government established by the U.S.

The militant group ISIS was formed as a small insurgent group in Iraq in 2006. Swann noted that while they tried to create problems for the U.S. military, they had no money and no real ability to recruit.

It wasn’t until 2009 that ISIS shifted its focus from Iraq, where it was largely unsuccessful in developing a foothold, and focused on the civil war in Syria,” Swann said.

While in Syria, ISIS still struggled to gain a foothold. Swann attributed this to the fact that two larger groups fighting against President Bashar al-Assad were overpowering them: al-Nusra Front – or al-Qaeda – and the Free Syrian Army.

Then, came a pivotal moment that most Americans aren’t even aware of,” Swann said. “In June 2013, a Northern General for the Free Syrian Army spoke out on Al Jazeera Qatar and stated that if international forces did not send weapons, the rebels attempting to overthrow Syrian president Bashar al-Assad would lose their war within a month.”

Swann noted that just months before this occurred he had personally confronted President Obama on the issue of why the U.S. was covertly funding Syrian rebels. Although Obama acted as if he was proceeding with caution, politicians such as Senator John McCain demanded action.

Within a matter of weeks of the Syrian general making his plea for international help, the U.S., the Saudis, Jordan, Qatar, Turkey and Israel began providing weapons, training and money to so-called rebel groups like the Free Syrian Army,” Swann said.

In September 2013, American media outlets began reporting that weapons were being given to Syrian rebels. CNN reported that while the weapons are not American-made,” they were “funded and organized by the CIA.”

However, Swann said that things began to fall apart when less than one year after the U.S. supplied Syrianfreedom fighters with weapons, those weapons ended up in the hands of ISIS fighters.

Those ISIS fighters came from the group McCain insisted would help the U.S. overthrow Assad: the Free Syrian Army. Swann explained that the army was not only sending the Islamic State weapons, it was also sending them fighters.

The Free Syrian Army has lost most of the land that it ever claimed and it’s entirely incompetent,” Keaton said. “The only thing that it has been good at is currying favor with western leaders.”

Swann said that it wasn’t until June 2014 that ISIS went from being ano-name group in Syria” to a group that was “heavily armed and trained by U.S. and Coalition Special Forces.” This revitalized group made a dramatic entrance by crossing back over the Syrian border into Iraq and capturing Mosul and much of the northern part of the country.

One of the most important facts that mainstream media ignores time and time again is that ISIS was able to grow so fast, because of all the U.S. military equipment they were able to seize – equipment that our military left in Iraq,” said Swann. “Truckloads of Humvees, tanks and weaponry that instead of taking or destroying, the U.S. government simply decided to leave behind.

However, even when the U.S. government became aware that ISIS fighters were capturing U.S. equipment, it did nothing. Swann attributed the lack of action to the fact that ISIS fighters were taking the equipment back into Syria to continue fighting Assad, which was what the U.S. government wanted.

How is it that the United States, with all of its intelligence capabilities, didn’t know this threat was coming?” McAdams said. “How many billions did we spend, maybe a hundred billion on total intelligence community budge over the year? How did they have no idea?”

Swann said that the answer is simple: The U.S. did know who ISIS was, but the so-called Islamic State was doing what the Obama administration wanted.”

The ISIS fighters continued to do what the Obama administration wanted, and in late summer 2014, they were labeled what Swann called, the new boogeyman in the war on terror.”

Over the past few months, the U.S. government, who acted like they had never even heard of ISIS, suddenly, with the help of media has turned the Islamic State into the new focus of the war on terror,” Swann said. “Now, as ISIS has continued its rise, recruitment is exploding and the group is becoming stunningly wealthy.”

Swann noted that in response to the ISIS threat,” the U.S. began conducting airstrikes on Syrian oil fields, instead of going after those buying the oil.”

McAdams pointed out that ISIS makes $2 million a day off of selling oil, and the United States’ response, of undercutting the competition by blowing up oil fields makes no sense. He questioned why the U.S., which is known for sanctioning anything that moves,” when it’s angry, is not placing sanctions on the banks or the oil companies that are involved.

Swann added that in addition to those questions, Americans should also be asking, Why is the U.S. sending $500 million to the Free Syrian Army to fight ISIS when the FSA is one of the biggest suppliers of fighters and weapons to ISIS?” and “Why are we sending new and more powerful weapons to the FSA like anti-aircraft missiles – weapons that we know will be in the hands of ISIS?

Swann maintained that while the mainstream media will say that ISIS is the “creation of American inaction,” the reality is that they are theproduct of direct action.”

This direct action started with the action of creating a power vacuum in Iraq” and manifested into the “arming violent Jihadists, hoping they would overthrow a leader in a neighboring Middle Eastern country.”

McAdams described the U.S. government as a victim of its own insane policies, due to the fact that it is very good at blowing things up, but really bad at putting them back together.”

In determining whether or not McAdams’ statement was true, Swann listed three facts:

Fact #1: Our government armed Osama bin Laden and the Mujahideen in Afghanistan and created al-Qaeda.”

Fact #2: “Our government put Saddam Hussein into power – we helped supply and create chemical weapons for him to use against Iran in 1980 – and then we overthrew him in 2003.”

Fact #3: “Our government trained rebel fighters in Syria who would become the group today known as ISIS. We have watched them commit every violent atrocity you can imagine to people living in Iraq and Syria, and now we want American taxpayers to fund a 30-year war with them.”

Swann came to the conclusion that it isn’t the U.S. government being held hostage by crazy policies; rather it is the American people.

It is time that we reject the destruction of people groups around the world for the sake of foreign policy that makes so-called defense contractors rich, and perpetuates violence, death, and the destruction of entire people groups,” Swann said. “This is the central issue of our time – because humanity is greater than politics.”


TLB also recommends you Visit Ben’s website for more great/pertinent articles, shows and information (click logo below to visit site)


See more from Ben’s outstanding episode HERE



By Joachim Hagopian

Those of us in alternative news media shoulder a growing responsibility of shedding light on the truth where little to none exists anymore either in government and mainstream media. As such, citizens of the world but especially of America need to know that the so called Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) like al Qaeda before them are the created, well-paid, well-armed secret mercenary ally of the US Empire in cahoots with Israel, other Western nations, NATO, and US Muslim allies Saudi Arabia, Turkey and other oil-rich Gulf state puppets.

Overwhelming evidence has been amassed to expose this basic fundamental fact. This sobering reality in and of itself proves that key members of the international crime syndicate posing as the US government have violated their sworn oaths to protect and defend America from both foreign and domestic enemies and clearly committed repeated acts of treason. The same neocons responsible for murdering 3000 of their own American citizens on 9/11 have also been the creators of ISIS and they have the blood of five US servicemen on their hands in Chattanooga… not to mention the millions of people in the Middle East and North Africa.

No sooner did Islamic State forces invade Iraq in June 2014, within days a groundswell of relentless warnings ever since have been pumped out of the feds’ echo-chambers, be it Homeland Security, the US intelligence community, law enforcement, Border Patrol and prominent Republican politicians like Senator Lindsey Graham, all insisting sooner than later another 9/11-like attack by ISIS is imminent on US soil. In Graham’s own words:


The seeds of 9/11’s are being planted all over Iraq and Syria. They want an Islamic caliphate that runs through Syria and Iraq… and they plan to drive us out of the Mideast by attacking us here at home.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) warned:

I guarantee you: this is a problem that we will have to face and we’re either going to face it in New York City or we’re going to face it here. These are not monkey bar terrorists out in the desert somewhere planning some very low-level attack. These are sophisticated, command and controlled, seasoned combat veterans who understand the value of terrorism operations external to the region, meaning Europe and the United States. That is about as dangerous a recipe as you can put together.

The Intelligence Committee Chairman in Congress must know that these ISIS fighters as US mercenary allied boots on the ground in Syria, Iraq, Libya, Yemen and spreading globally are extremely well financed, trained and armed by his own US coffers. Meanwhile, Army Colonel Kenneth King, a US detention camp commander in Iraq, reminded the Daily Beast last year that when the current ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was let out of his prison in 2009, he promised, “I’ll see you guys in New York.” According to Edward Snowden documents, to top it all off, Baghdadi is reputedly a born and bred Israeli citizen and Mossad agent named Elliot Shimon.

A host of high profile shills from the dirty politics game including former Texas governor (and still GOP presidential wannabe) Rick Perry the same week he was indicted for felony fraud charges last year jumped on the bandwagon chorus raising fears in Americans that there are terrorists sneaking across the US border by way of Obama’s flagrant open door policy. It’s directly out of the old “Red Scare” playbook from the 1950’s that for years had US citizens worried that there’s “a Commie lurking under every American bed.”

Of course politicians are notorious masters of deceit, preying on public fear by constantly planting false information and propaganda to manipulate and shape citizens’ perceptions and opinions for votes and popularity. Since 9/11 the all too familiar national security card has been constantly utilized to arouse fear as a means of controlling Americans while stripping us of our civil liberties and constitutional freedoms, perpetrating mass deception as if enslavement to tyranny is making us any more secure. And since the feds and the terrorists are secretly on the same demonic team together, Islamic State attacks against innocent Americans on domestic soil may actually come to pass, potentially as soon as the next false flag.

Leave it to Fox News to drive home the open border issue with documentarian pundit Dennis Michael Lynch’s emphatic assertion that “ISIS are already here!” In recent years a number of whistleblowing Border Patrol agents have come forth complaining and lamenting that Washington has intentionally tied their hands to prevent them from doing their job to securely protect our border with Mexico. Overriding directives from Obama’s Homeland Security Department have consistently sabotaged border protection. Border Patrol whistleblower Hector Garcia told CNN that the Obama administration is “aiding, abetting and facilitating the smuggling of illegal aliens across the border,” adding that the US border is being “organized and orchestrated” by the Mexican drug cartels. Vice President of the National Border Patrol Council Shawn Moran told Breitbart last October, “We are simply being ordered to stand down and stop tracking and trying to apprehend the criminals, including possible terrorists,” adding that this Obama policy applies to Border Patrol agents across the boards from California to Texas.

In May 2014 Obama declared the Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks as a National Monument along a large chunk of the New Mexico-Mexico border (containing 500,000 acres) which restricts Border Patrol mobility since it can neither make arrests nor gain access. With only foot traffic permitted, Obama’s intervention is good only for the Mexican drug cartels, undocumented immigrants, criminal gangs and ISIS. Additionally, the steady flow of humans destroys the natural environment, the very rationale Obama uses to designate land as National Forests, Wildlife Refuges and National Monuments. Enormous sized gaps along the Texas, New Mexico and Arizona borders provide safe haven passageways for thousands of illegals that may well include terrorists to freely enter the United States. More than a third of the near 2,000 mile stretch of the US-Mexico border has been deemed unsecured. Hence, Obama’s open border policy is clearly not in the best interests of either the United States or its citizens.

Of course last summer also marked the humanitarian crisis when 60,000 unsupervised children mostly from Central America converged on our southern border tying up and exhausting Border Patrol personnel and resources, forcing them to become babysitters and social workers. 70% of the Border Patrol agents were assigned to processing the illegals, leaving only 30% of the workforce to patrol and protect our border. It was a free pass not only for the minors but also for drug smugglers, human traffickers and criminal elements including terrorists.

A full year ago and less than a month after ISIS entered Iraq, US intelligence officials were predicting that the Islamic State terrorists intend to mobilize their power far beyond the Middle East. Of course over this last year, the IS jihadists have more than proven this statement true. A photo of a hand holding an ISIS flag in front of the White House was tweeted with the message dated August 9th, 2014, “A message from ISIS to U.S. – We are in your state. We are in your cities. We are in your streets.”

A UN report stated that just from June 2014 to March 2015 alone, the ISIS ranks grew by a whopping 25,000 foreign volunteer recruits signing up to kill infidels, many new members originating from the West spanning most countries on earth. This spike marked a 71% increase in Islamic State terrorists in only nine months. With such a fast growing, menacing force, is it any wonder ISIS is spreading like a cancer around the globe?

Anyone who understands how ISIS came to be should not be surprised by the success of the US created Islamic State expanding its territorial control globally from the Middle East (Iraq, Syria, Yemen) into North Africa (Libya, Tunisia, Algeria) and further south into sub-Saharan Africa partnering with Nigeria’s Boko Harem and Somalia’s al-Shabaab. A couple months ago the Pentagon and Defense Intelligence Agency documents clearly showed that back in 2012 even before ISIS was ISIS that its rapid growth was by Empire design. Several weeks prior to this embarrassing revelation being uncovered, the same Pentagon was caught hiding the Islamic State’s massive expansion. And now the latest movement has ISIS spreading into Ukraine while working feverishly eastward towards the South Caucasus of Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan and northeastward into Russia by way of Chechnya and Dagestan.

ISIS’ overt promises to attack Americans on US soil has been reverberated repeatedly by neocon warnings that Islamic State is waging a global war invading and perpetrating jihadist terrorism worldwide. Not by accident, the one nation that seems most immune from any Islamic State violence thus far is none other than Israel. Perhaps Netanyahu’s trips to his Golan Heights hospital cheering up his wounded jihadi terrorists are paying off.

The diabolical symbiotic relationship between the US-Israeli criminal governments and the Islamic State co-depend on each other for sustainable power and influence. Ironically and hypocritically, it was Secretary of State John Kerry who described Syrian President Assad’s relationship with ISIS as “symbiotic.” Between the three globally destructive forces, US Empire, apartheid Israel and ISIS all share the same designed outcomes wherever their killing machines spread, effectively destabilizing and “balkanizing” every violent hotspot in the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe leaving in their wake more ravaged, war torn failed states with the list growing yearly. So far the tag team trio’s batting .1000.

Last October Breitbart news posted an FBI internal document warning of homegrown violent extremists (HVE) and radicalized ISIS sympathizers carrying out attacks against law enforcement and government personnel within the US. This FBI bulletin came in response to ISIS social network messages posted by none other than big daddy Baghdadi himself instructing jihadists and domestic wannabes to kill cops and soldiers in both America and abroad.

And then like clockwork just nine months later an ISIS sympathizer allegedly shows up at the two local Chattanooga US military sites three weeks ago and slaughters four Marines and a sailor. Within hours of opening day of the infamous Jade Helm 15 exercises, the July 16th shooting raises a number of questions and suspicions that it too appears to be another false flag, joining the growing list of proven false flag events regularly employing crisis actors from 9/11 to Sandy Hook to the Boston Marathon bombing to this year’s recent Charleston AME church shooting.

Prior to the announcement that Muhammad Youssef Abulazeez was the identified killer, a twitter account claiming to be ISIS was already taking credit just moments after the initial story broke. A sinister federal agenda using its state sponsored domestic terrorism is preying on the fears of Americans in order to justify the $38.2 billion Homeland Security budget at financially strapped taxpayer expense. The feds are even carelessly resorting to hiring the same crisis actors in multiple false flag incidents. Another perhaps most important function that these false flags serve is paving the way for progressively more devastating false flags in the future, priming the US populace into passively fearfully accepting the despicable lies and deceptions of its government’s official narrative.

The Chattanooga shooting last month was not the first supposed ISIS terrorist act in America. Three months ago ISIS claimed responsibility for another false flag event inGarland Texas, the same state designated “hostile” as the Jade Helm hotly debated battlefront. The timing of the US Special Forces announcement of Jade Helm and the firestorm it created in Texas followed so closely by the Charlie Hebdo-like shooting of two radicalized ISIS wannabes in Garland reeked of false flag stench. The would-be terrorists were allegedly shot dead before even entering the building where the cartoon contest lampooning Mohammad was taking place.

The Los Angeles Times as early as September last year began reporting that the government watchdog group called Judicial Watch was claiming that ISIS was present in Ciudad Juarez. The Judicial Watch report stated that ISIS was planning to attack the US with “car bombs or other vehicle borne improvised explosive devices.” Nearby Fort Bliss in El Paso along with Homeland Security and the Defense and Justice Departments were placed on high alert. The Timesarticle went on to quote a former CIA operations officer confirming the chummy relationship between the Mexican drug cartels and al Qaeda and now ISIS. As it turned out no such terrorist attacks near the US border have occurred in the subsequent year that’s followed. But that neither precludes terrorism from being committed on US soil in the future nor does it fail to psychologically condition and prepare Americans for its eventuality. Last year’s heightened hype alert becomes part of the ongoing process that is programming Americans to blame ISIS and Muslims in general (despite the fact that IS hired thugs are not practicing true Islam) instead of the real culprits behind the violence and terror, the crime cabal US government and the globalists controlling and dictating the feds’ policies.

Back in mid-April this year Judicial Watch was at it again reporting that just eight miles from the US border near El Paso ISIS was busily preparing for war against America at a joint drug cartel training camp. The Judicial Watch sources were a high ranking Mexican field grade officer and a Mexican Federal Police officer. Another ISIS cell is said to be operating further west across the New Mexico border. Apparently a joint operation by the Mexican Army and the Federales allegedly discovered ISIS documents in Arabic language along with Muslim prayer rugs and plans for attacks on Fort Bliss.

The Juarez cartel control the area along the US border and their coyotes are alleged to be moving ISIS fighters through the unsecured open stretches that Obama makes off limits to Border Patrol in New Mexico as well as Texas. ISIS is reported to be engaging in reconnaissance missions scoping out potential US targets that include Fort Bliss, home of the Army’s 1st Armored Division, America’s largest military post the White Sands Missile Range and government facilities in Alamogordo, New Mexico, Holloman Air Force Base, electric power plants and regional universities.

Last October Judicial Watch disclosed that four ISIS terrorists had been caught in a 36-hour period crossing the border into the US. In a separate incident in February this year a Russian operative posing as a military trainer was caught and released by Border Patrol. For every potential terrorist enemy caught, no doubt dozens are entering the US through one of Obama’s safe corridors. The official response of the Obama administration allowing this undeniable threat to American lives to continue unabated is simply to deny, deny, deny.

“No imminent threat is posed by ISIS at the US southern border” according to both Homeland Security and the FBI. The Council on Foreign Relations that dictates US foreign policy released an article in its Foreign Affairs just this last February boasting a title claiming “ISIS is on the run.”

And from the six oligarch owned mainstream media corporations controlling the news, not a peep was heard about terrorists at our border. Perhaps because Obama, the FBI, DHS, the CFR and their presstitute press corps are all working covertly with ISIS to destroy America.

Obviously the FBI and others in government are sending out mixed signals as FBI Director James Comey also in February stated, “We have investigations of people in various stages of radicalizing in all 50 states.” Shortly after the ISIS wannabe killed 5 US military personnel last month, retired General Wesley Clark took to the airwaves calling for the government to lock up disloyal Americans as extremists and enemies of the state. Such an inflammatory totalitarian statement brings us ever closer to the critical mass of FEMA camp roundups and civil war in America.

Homegrown radicalized Islamic State terrorists of course fuel Obama, war criminal General Clark and Homeland Security’s drive to wage war against a much broader segment of the US population, including all dissidents, protestors, constitutionalists, environmentalists, veterans, gun owners, Tea Partiers, right wing groups, anti-abortionists, fundamentalist Christians, home schoolers, or anyone who speaks out against the federal government’s tyranny and oppression. The arbitrary labels of belligerents, enemy combatant sympathizers, and domestic terrorists can then be applied to locking up virtually anyone in a FEMA camp or worse yet be murdered by the militarized police state.

Obama and his fascist regime have long recognized that more Americans are growing angrier each year at the gross two-tiered injustice system (one for the privileged elite and the other for the rest of us), the pervasive police state killing of its own citizens (especially African Americans), and the fact that this increasingly armed and dangerous world of global tyranny has only deceptively made us all far less safe. The growing impoverishment resulting from the bankrupt global house of cards debtor system economy on the verge of total collapse has only accelerated the globalists’ doomsday endgame scenario.

After every staged fake ISIS beheading, out come the parade of former CIA propagandists and neocon shills on all the MSM newscasts pontificating how ISIS cells are already operating and multiplying throughout the United States. After all, this charade game’s been going on now long enough that waves of American and Canadian jihadists fresh from the Iraqi and Syrian battlefronts are coming home to plot terror on North American turf. Or the CIA dis-informers will reassure Americans that more of those staged beheadings are on the way in reaction to recent US air strikes that never seem to make any real dent in reducing Islamic State’s ever-growing numbers. Or are they talking about all the US bombs killing off innocent civilians in Iraq and Syria.

Obama’s now bombing Assad’s troops, manipulating what he was determined to do two years ago when the world stopped him as Putin brokered the last minute deal to get Assad to turn in his cache of chemical weapons (despite Obama-backed rebels being guilty of the attack on the Damascus suburb). Obama’s real agenda all along has been to go after Assad, not ISIS. Under the pretense of “rooting out ISIS,” the US and Israeli bombs have attacked Syria’s energy infrastructure by destroying oil refineries and grain storage silos. Anything but wiping out ISIS… kind of like the so called “misplaced” airdrops of vital food, medical and arms supplies that are supposed to be going to the only real fighting force that has half a chance of defeating ISIS, the Kurds in Iraq. But somehow (accidentally on purpose) who seems to invariably wind up with all those supplies? Of course, Empire’s closet ally ISIS, who else? Bottom line, if US Empire possessed the political will, the most potent killing machine on earth could eliminate ISIS in two or three week tops. But the Empire’s forever war on terror would have to end if ISIS suddenly ceased to exist.

Dozens of those pundits from neocon think tanks and prior administrations have been sounding the MSM alarm promoting the idea that a coalition partnership-in-crime has already been forged between the various drug cartels, the MS13 gang and the Islamic State. They also recirculate the belief that Osama bin Laden delivered nuclear technology to al Qaeda operatives here in the US by way of suitcase nukes and they could easily be in Islamic State’s possession now. In actuality, it’s far more likely that the only suitcase nukes strategically planted in various US cities are part of Israel and Mossad’s Sampson Option, global blackmail to the world powers in order to ensure that Israel never gets attacked by any other powerful nation or Israel will nuke the whole lot of us. Nonetheless, no doubt there are evil enough nuke or biological/chemical warfare peddlers out there willing to sell WMD’s for the right price to the likes of ISIS. And based on the money flowing into Islamic State hands from a number of sources like the US, the Saudis and other wealthy Gulf states along with the IS revenue generated from the black market sales of pirated oil and drugs, anything is possible.

Speaking of nuclear material, a month ago Mexican officials had to admit for the third time in less than a year that a truck containing deadly radioactive Iridium-192 was stolen from an area controlled by a drug cartel, the same one training with ISIS. Though in this latest case the material was later recovered, previously missing nuclear substances and even missing nuclear warheads remain unaccounted for. Because a pattern of lost nukes over time persists, it seems inevitable that at some point one or more fall into the wrong hands, particularly when ISIS hands are so well-funded.

In a similar vein, current DHS chief Jeh Johnson in one breath tells 60 Minutes that a number of the returning American IS jihadists from fighting in Syria and Iraq “have been arrested or investigated and we have systems in place to track these individuals.” Then in the very next breath he slips in the small print, “But you can’t know everything.” His last statement is pretty flippantly cavalier, considering it’s his job to keep extremely close tabs on known terrorists operating inside America. Yet in effect he is admitting that it’s not a question of if but when before ISIS kills Americans… oops, it just happened in Chattanooga. Like when the LA earthquake hits, you know the big one, the same holds true for when ISIS strikes America with the big one, instead of five servicemen dying, the big one could take out an entire US city or a few hundred or a few thousand Americans at a time. “Oops, we can’t know everything.” Yet another sobering thought is 5000 Europeans have left home to fight with ISIS and Western Europeans don’t even need visas to enter the US. Oh well, DHS “can’t know everything…” (in)famous last words.

To provide a full backdrop for what’s to come, a brief overview of President Obama’s foreign policy in Latin America will offer insight and understanding of the precarious stage currently being set. Obama’s record south of the border follows suit with his foreign policy everywhere – disastrous except for the globalists pulling his strings. Hilary’s State Department and CIA induced regime change coup ousted the Honduran president in 2009 followed by several more coup attempts that failed to overthrow Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro (recall Bush’s multiple failures at ousting Maduro’s defiant predecessor Hugo Chavez who rightly called Bush “the devil”). Obama policies have empowered criminal gangs such as the MS13 along with the all-powerful Latin American drug cartels to rule much of the Southern Hemisphere with absolute impunity, rampantly inflicting increasing lawless violence on both sides of the US border. Obama has been financing weak, corrupt puppet governments in Central America and Mexico owned and controlled by the drug cartels, enabling both the cartels as well as the United States government to continue bilking enormously obscene profit obtained illegally from the international drug trade boosted also by bumper crop yields of opium and heroin smuggled in from Afghanistan.

Obama is complicit in causing the crime and murder rates in Central American nations to soar among the highest in the entire world. As an example, Honduras’ murder rate is the highest in the world. In El Salvador the lawlessness and lethal dangers facing citizens struggling to work their jobs every day is now so out of control that their feeble government cannot even protect them. The crime cabal gangs and cartels blatantly responsible for the skyrocketing violence are demanding that their extortion fees be codified into law by the national government. In the meantime, El Salvador’s murder rate is up by 50% over last year and with the work force unsafe to leave their homes, the nation’s economy seems in its final death throes. With gang turf wars raging, June saw El Salvador’s highest homicide rate since the civil war nearly a quarter century ago.

As a direct result of all this rampant instability and violent chaos, our treasonous president has burdened an over-strained US tax base with a huge influx of foreign nationals pouring into the US particularly from Central America while endangering American lives by permitting not just decent hardworking people desperately seeking a better life here but outright criminal and terrorist elements free access into the United States. Obama has simply done what he’s been told by his puppet master superiors – destroy America both from within and from outside sources by eroding and weakening the US as a sovereign independent nation. The globalists have orchestrated this same disastrous policy in Europe with an overflow of migrant refugees from North Africa and the Middle East. Meanwhile Obama’s failed policies in Latin America have only enabled Russia to gain a strong military foothold within a growing number of South American countries that to a great extent have boldly rejected US imperialism. Six and a half years of Obama’s so called incompetence by NWO design has set the stage for an imminent CIA-neocon planned ISIS invasion of America.

Just as the invented, made-in-the-USA’s new and improved bogey man splashed onto the headlines last year, right on cue ever since the very government insiders who in fact created and have been financing this latest enemy on steroids have been spewing out dire warnings of catastrophic proportions that lay ahead for America, as if to prep and condition Americans into readily swallowing the feds’ cover-up lies following the terrorist acts likely soon to be executed on US soil. The foreign invasion by ISIS, their attacks and murder of Americans, and likely war that will break out under Obama’s martial law in actuality is the globalist fast tracking their eugenics plan by hard kill methods to reduce the US and world population by 90%.

All these unfolding doom and gloom events have been pre-scripted and planned long in advance.

From 9/11 to London’s 7/7 attack to January’s Paris Charlie Hebdo attack, from Sandy Hook to the Boston Marathon bombing to the so called Charleston AME church massacre in June, right up to the most recent Chattanooga shooting last month, every one of these incidents have false flag fingerprints diabolically smudged all over them.

In their totality they concretely underscore how low the US federal government has degenerated, morally, ethically and criminally. All act as precursor events that are part of the sinister apparatus leading us to global governance according to a thinly veiled elitist plan that includes the end of the United States, war on American soil and an ultimate doomsday Armageddon endgame scenario for the world. With their underground cities, bunkers, highway and rail systems well in place, globalists believe they actually have the means and stockpiled reserves to outlast even the worst case scenario of nuclear war above ground. Hence, their grandiose sense of omnipotence is pathologically reflected by their reckless abandon and apparent willful calculation to potentially destroy the earth and all its life forms.

In addition to the old divide and conquer strategy, the Hegelian dialectic has also proven to be a successful formula repeatedly utilized by globalists to further their New World Order agenda. Once pumping incessant propaganda into a dumbed down masses that will believe anything when heard often enough, and the latest created target enemy is firmly etched in the public’s mind, traitors in the international crime cabal government in DC then resort to creating a series of false flag crises blaming the designated enemy that then justifies implementing an identified ready-made solution that most often manifests in the form of waging yet more war and violence. This predictable outcome in turn leads to a proliferation of yet more draconian measures deceitfully using their lame “national security” excuse to gain even more totalitarian control over the masses. This strategy has been their tried and true method of choice and in the coming months of upheaval and turmoil will only continue to be used against the human population for nefarious purposes.

The globalists have heavily invested military application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology for not only ultra-invasive surveillance but tactical military purposes on the battlefield as well. Enter Jade Helm as the beta tester for its PSYOPS and Jade Helm 2 AI software. Artificial intelligence through automated mechanization on the modern battlefield will take the human error out of war-making murder and mayhem and efficiently eliminate any human opposition attempting the now obsolete guerilla warfare. The ruling elite has harnessed incredible advances in electronic and weapons technology to exponentially increase its absolute power and control over the global population. The feds’ deployment of human personnel like ISIS is currently being augmented by AI and very soon human soldiers will largely be replaced by armies of militarized killing robots. The most egregious, most horrific science fiction scenarios are already developed and ready for deployment today in the here and now.

With unprecedented levels of war weapons, military vehicles including UN, tanks, and MRAP’s all moving around North America just in time for Jade Helm 15, the largest military operation on domestic soil in US history involving the military’s elite forces along with the DHS, NSA, FBI, CIA, DEA, Border Patrol and local law enforcement in nine states, and the countless contradictions and misrepresentations by inept military propagandists, what seems most apparent is the feds are withholding the truth from the American public. What the government is not disclosing is that it is most likely preparing for a major war on US soil, yet the evidence strongly suggests that is what awaits this nation. And with the false flags unfurling nearly every week this year, a foreign invasion and large scale acts of terrorism by ISIS combined with a cyberattack on the banking infrastructure that Homeland Security has spent years planning and preparing for, reinforced by outgoing DHS head Janet Napolitano’s  farewell warning to America, the recurring pattern of yet another exercise going live seems more than probable in the next month or two. Be it an ISIS invasion from Mexico or possibly one from Cuba after ISIS

The Manchurian candidate president has dutifully carried out his treasonous role as a globalist puppet to systematically undermine and destroy the United States. His fast tracked Trans Pacific Partnership despite a recent snag acts as the ultra-secret blueprint weapon for one world government to take form. Absolute global tyranny under the elite’s New World Order has been rapidly unfolding through disturbing events and developments virtually all year long. With Jade Helm scheduled to end next month and likely going live in response to the staging of yet more created false flag crises, accompanied by Pope Francis’ history-making address before a joint session of Congress on September 24th and the United Nations on the 25th, it appears that the stage has long been set for the fall of America timed with the New World Order’s official launch. The globalists will be in victory celebration in their mansions. Hope and pray for the best, be prepared for the worst.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing and has a blog site at http://empireexposed. blogspot. com/. He is also a regular contributor to Global Research.


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by Mac Slavo

Another small step for authoritarian bureaucracy, another massive leap forward in the destruction of Americans rights to due process and full protection under the law.

Increasingly, designations on watchlists, but official and unofficial, are replacing due process of suspicion, investigation, arrest, charge and trial, and skipping ahead to simply blacklist individuals and deny them equal rights.

This time, the legislation centers around passports, which would now be revoked upon any suspicion, whatsoever and despite a lack of evidence of wrongdoing, of links to foreign terrorists groups. But these links to ‘terrorism’ are not legally defined or limited, nor do they result as a penalty for criminal convictions, but from being added to a list. Gestapo, anyone?

Police State USA reports:

A bill passed by the U.S. House of Representatives would allow the government to restrict Americans’ travel through the revocation of passports based upon mere suspicions of unscrupulous activity. This bill represents another dangerous step forward in the war on terror and the disintegration of American due process.

H.R. 237, the “FTO (Foreign Terrorist Organization) Passport Revocation Act of 2015,” will allow the U.S. Secretary of State the unchecked authority to prohibit individuals from traveling internationally. According to the bill, the Secretary may unilaterally revoke (or refuse to issue) a passport from “any individual whom the Secretary has determined has aided, assisted, abetted, or otherwise helped an organization the Secretary has designated as a foreign terrorist organization pursuant to section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1189).”

The bill did not bother to define what the terms “aided, assisted, abetted, or otherwise helped” actually mean, in legal terms.
The power has been left open-ended so that it can mean whatever the secretary wants it to mean. Needless to say, a bill like this would be easily abused.

The travel restriction requires no presumption of innocence for the targeted individual; no explanation; no public presentation of evidence; no opportunity for a defense; no checks and balances on the power. The bill does not outline any appeals process for the targeted individual. The only stipulation is that the Secretary of State must issue a report to the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations and the House Committee on Foreign Affairs — “classified or unclassified.” The bill does not state that either committee can reverse the secretary’s decisions.

In over the top language, the bill’s sponsor Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) vows to go after “turned Americans” and subjecting them to a legal status backwards enough to predate the Magna Carta:

“The House has now acted to locate and contain these traitors,” Rep. Poe said in a press release. “These Benedict Arnold traitors who have turned against America and joined the ranks of foreign radical terrorist armies should lose all rights afforded to our citizens.”

Poe’s statement about “losing all rights” is rather startling, considering that about half of the Bill of Rights is explicitly written to protect people suspected of crimes from being abused by overzealous government! The dangers of a government wantonly revoking the rights of citizens just because the a bureaucrat puts them on a list would be severe indeed; fitting of a police state. Recall that these individuals can be targeted without even facing official charges of wrongdoing.

If trying to defend”freedom”, he has missed the point.

If owing allegiance to the fascist oligarchy, then be warned. Anyone deemed an “enemy” of the state, rightly or wrongly, has been targeted, while the entire population has been designated a potential enemy, monitored for suspicion and “examples.”

Poe’s bill is in close keeping with Sen. Lindsay Graham’s stunning endorsement of the NDAA, adamantly stating that “enemy combatants” do not get American rights, and do not get a lawyer, regardless of birthplace.

Consider what this could mean in cases where the person of interest is not a suspected member of ISIS, but a suspected patriot/militia/Constitutionalist/sovereign citizen. Can you be stripped of your rights for criticizing your leaders or speaking out about issues?

Already, millions of Americans have been placed on watchlists; many have found themselves denied the right to travel or participate in other activities, and unable to get off the watchlist, even if they were placed on the list by mistake, or if they were placed there without any legal charge of wrongdoing.

These concepts, even if cheered on in the context of fighting a terrorist enemy, are poorly defined and inviting abuse, and speeding up the destruction of our rights.

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By: Arjun Walia

Apart from documents that have outlined supposed terrorist threats, like Al-Qaeda, and their connection to US intelligence agencies, like the CIA, there are a number of whistleblowers that have come out adding more fuel to the fire. Because not many are even aware of these documents, letting people know about a truth that can be hard for people to accept, let alone ponder the possibility is very important. It’s just one aspect of the veil that’s been blinding the masses for quite some time now.

The latest whistleblower is David Steele, a 20-year Marine Corps intelligence officer, and the second-highest-ranking civilian in the U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence. He is a former CIA clandestine services case officer, and this is what he had to say:

“Most terrorists are false flag terrorists, or are created by our own security services. In the United States, every single terrorist incident we have had has been a false flag, or has been an informant pushed on by the FBI. In fact, we now have citizens taking out restraining orders against FBI informants that are trying to incite terrorism. We’ve become a lunatic asylum.”

What Is A “False Flag Attack?”

A great example of a false flag attack is 9/11, something that many people believe to be a creation of US intelligence agencies, or some entity above the government (one that controls what Eisenhower called “the military industrial complex”). The idea is that these so called terrorist attacks are created by this group, in order to justify the infiltration of other countries, and to justify a heightened state of “national security.” As a result, in the eyes of the citizenry, war and mass murder are justified, when the intentions behind these actions are something the citizenry has no idea about.

This is why we see a false sense of patriotism programmed into many people, especially in the United States. Men and women join this massive military machine with good hearts, thinking that they are serving their country and fighting terrorism, when they are doing the complete opposite. They are only participating in a fabricated war based on lies and misinformation.

“The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al-Qaeda, and any informed intelligence officer knows this. But, there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an intensified entity representing the ‘devil’ only in order to drive TV watchers to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the United States.” – Former British Foreign Secretary, Robin Cook

Today, we might be seeing the same thing with ISIS. Although there are no verified documents like there are when it comes to Al-Qaeda, given what that information shows us, combined with Wikileaks documents and statements from insiders, we could be looking at the same thing.

Not long ago, FBI whistleblower stated that:

“The US is reviving terror scare with ISIS to promote the terror war industry.”

You can read more about that story here:

FBI Whistleblower: “U.S Is Reviving Terror Scare With ISIS To Promote The Terror War Industry”

Again, 9/11 is a great example and you can find out more information about that HERE.


TLB recommends you visit Collective Evolution for more pertinent articles and information.

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By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges

The United States is the equivalent of a four letter word in the Middle East. Many people in that region of the world detest and loathe our very existence. Why? Because our government, on behalf of the bankers and the oil companies, have plundered their resources, manipulated their governments, killed millions of Muslims without justification as the U.S. has invaded the region three times in recent history. The CIA may be responsible for funding most terrorism in the Middle East, but there is no shortage of willing participants to join such organizations as al-Qaeda, the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas and now the latest threat, ISIS.

In short, the people in the Middle East hate America’s guts, yet the Obama administration is placing hundreds of communities at risk by transplanting the victims of United States tyranny right into American backyards without a thought or care to the welfare for the citizens of this country. This article addresses the insanity and/or the treasonous nature of this issue.

Obama’s Policy of Suicide by Immigration

Presently, there is a tsunami of unscreened Muslims into 190+ American communities from war-torn areas filled with the victims of American imperialism who believe that the only good American, is a dead American. The most striking aspect of this silent invasion is that the Federal government has admitted under oath that they have no idea who these people are and what their intentions consist of.

When we juxtapose Obama’s position to the multiple scenarios of Christian persecution and genocide in some areas of the Middle East, Obama has not lifted a finger to help Christians who are being slaughtered at the hands of Muslim extremist groups such as ISIS. Obama plays golf…

golf obama

Meanwhile, our self-created enemies are engaged in getting even with innocent Christians.

isis ethopia

Paul Sperry’s “Infiltration” How Muslim Spies and Subversives have Penetrated Washington

Researcher, Paul Sperry, the author of Infiltration has detailed the type of immigrants that we are importing from the Middle East. Here, Paul Sperry, details the threat to our communities while appearing on C-SPAN2.

Sperry cites how we know from the testimony offered from the FBI officials who are in charge of that type of vetting  immigrants are not being allowed to perform their duties of protecting American communities from would-be unscreened terrorists as expressed in a recent radio interview in which FBI agents have admitted, under oath, that they have no idea who and what they are letting into the country.

The United Nations and the State Department Are Behind This Invasion of America

The following is one of the most stunning videos I have seen in sometime with regard to the radical unscreened, extremist Muslim invasion of America. The program has its roots with the United Nations and the State Department is its willing accomplice.

The man’s name is Antonio Guterres and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees. His job is the deculturalization of European nations and the United States. Leo Hohmann, from World Net Daily, has another in what is turning into a series on Obama’s plan to change America by changing the people. This invasion has impacted 190 American communities and it is growing by the day. There are over  10,000 anti-American Somali refugees in ten years who have settled in Minnesota, alone. In the first 4 months of this year, we have admitted 4,425 Somalis to America.

ABC News reported the following: 

A mysterious ISIS recruiter known online as “Miski” was in close and repeated social media contact with Elton Simpson for months before the Sunday attack in Garland, Texas, an ABC News investigation has found”. “Miski is well known to FBI officials who say his real name is Muhammed Hassan, a fugitive since 2009 when he fled Minneapolis as a teenager to join terror groups in Africa”. This begs the question: Who are we keeping out?


Antonio Guterres is the head of the UNHCR and he is responsible for sending 9,000 Muslims from anti-America Syria to Boise and Twin Falls, Idaho. This man and his organization is your enemy!


Secretary of State, John Kerry and Anne C. Richards are the UN’s accomplices in these devastating immigration policies.

Is this why we are seeing with ever-greater frequency these kinds of scenes inside of the United States?

How long will it be until this picture is commonplace inside of the United States?

How long will it be until this picture is commonplace inside of the United States?

  ....and this?

… and this?

Fifth Column Watch

We have already had an ISIS attack on American soil in Garland, Texas. The FBI Director has admitted to the fact that the FBI has open ISIS in all 50 states. Last summer, I documented the flow of MS-13 gang members into the United States. For 30 months, I have detailed a Russian troop presence in our country, complete with pictures, eye witnesses, government documents and videos. The UN’s Refugee/Resettlement is merely the latest in the implantation of 5th column forces inside of the United States. However, this invasion has reached 190 American cities and towns.  In a future article, these groups will be tied together with regard to their common purpose as well as detailing how Jade Helm will factor into this scenario.


TLB recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent articles and information.

See featured article and read comments HERE


By Joachim Hagopian

As the globalists’ vision for a one world totalitarian government unfolds in rapid sequence of their long plotted New World Order, a parallel process is also quietly unfurling in the covert formation of a globalized international military fighting force. The US Joint Special Operations Command Forces have built a notorious reputation as death squads known for conducting middle of the night raids, murdering entire families in the process along with detaining targeted suspects in both Iraq and Afghanistan and now all over the world.

Because Special Forces by their very nature are highly secretive and virtually unaccountable to everyone, including our own government, we never hear much about this global elite killer machine. The only exceptions are the contradictory renditions of how the Navy Seals took out Osama bin Laden, or glossy film renditions glorifying Special Forces exploits as recruitment propaganda commercials, now all closely monitored, controlled and censored by the US military. In fact, the FBI, the CIA and Pentagon all have liaison handlers assigned to Hollywood just to make sure the shady truth about them never gets to the big screen audience. Sadly the film industry has degenerated into joining the lowly ranks of mainstream media as mere gov.whore-corp propagandists. Truth is now the enemy.

Though more often covered only by alternative media, the big story headlines today involve the buildup of NATO forces and heavy arms shipments in Ukraine and all along the Russian border for what could turn out to be a World War III deployment.

Joint NATO-US exercises are busily prepping for future faceoff against the Russian military vying for glacier-free Arctic oil reserves while the US Navy conducts unprecedented drills this month wreaking ecosystem havoc along the Alaskan coastline. Similarly in the South China Sea a growing US naval presence is ratcheting to heat up regional tensions with China in the Pacific theatre of Cold War II. And then of course June 15th marked the US Special Forces kickoff of yet the most unprecedented military exercise of them all with the controversial Jade Helm 15 operation conducted over the next three months as the largest military operation on US soil since America’s deadliest first Civil War.

Underneath the sabre rattling surface of all this worldwide martial activity and bypassing detection from even independent media’s radar focusing exclusively these days on Jade Helm is a one world military elite fighting machine being developed largely in secret led by US Special Operations Command (US SOCOM) in conjunction with the United Nations. Perhaps more than any other journalist Nick Turse has forged a highly reputable investigative career attempting to uncover this top secret, hidden world of US SOCOM. Over this last decade black ops deployment around the globe has increased exponentially.

In January this year Turse reported that as of the end of the fiscal year on September 30th, 2014, Special Operations Forces (SOF) engaged in strategic operations in 133 countries on the planet covering over 70% of the earth’s nations. And that high number is likely a lowball assessment of where the SOCOM public affairs officer is willing to admit US Special Forces may actually be operating. The latest tally is up to 150 countries. Just to demonstrate how Special Forces missions are in such increasingly high demand, barely two months into the new fiscal year last December after the second botched rescue raid resulting in American photojournalist Luke Somers and scheduled to be released the next day South African teacher Pierre Korkie’s deaths, SOCOM already was actively engaged in at least 105 nations, in two months already 80% of the previous year’s total number.

Washington war makers learned but one lesson from Vietnam – to conceal the brutality and sheer insanity of war from the American public’s eyes and consciousness after the first and last televised war had rapidly turned the nation against that debacle. So several decades later in Iraq and Afghanistan US wartime atrocities were deliberately hidden in collusion with MSM pressitute, “in-bed,” inbred journalism, where gov.corp war became sanitized, blood and gore spotless, completely absent of body bags for an “out of sight, out of mind” America whose volunteer army comprised less than 1% of its total population.

Leave it to courageous whistleblower Private Manning presently serving his 35-year prison sentence and Wikileaks to boldly expose a myopic glimpse of the always ongoing US war crimes against humanity. By concealment design this sterilized version of two history-making, decade-long wars could simultaneously rage on year after year, minus any tangible antiwar movement, while bleeding the middle class dry in a stagnant, recession-racked economy, sending combat fatigued troops back into harm’s way a fourth and fifth time for another elitist blood-for-oil motherlode bonanza exclusively set up for filthy rich criminal war profiteers to get only filthier richer. But despite these sinister “out of sight, out of mind” machinations and the continental divide between civilians and military, the American populace eventually grew war-weary.

So the elite had to come up with yet a new and improved enemy threat called ISIS along with their new and improved kind of war. After two costly war defeats – six trillion dollars squandered and still rising, a half dozen MENA failed states, nearly 7000 dead American soldiers and millions of murdered Iraqis, Afghanis and other hapless Muslims – arose the bright idea of a new way to wage war in the 21st century using elite Special Forces in a personnel-downsized armed services waging dozens of dirty little secret wars in every corner of the globe.

The rationale for this new, low intensity form of modern warfare consisting of countless undeclared wars around the world all at once proved cost effective and no one but family relatives of dead victims’ corpses strewn about on far-off foreign soil would ever be aware of the murderous worldwide scale of these dirty little secret operations. With absolutely no accountability or oversight even from US Congress, these deadly imperialistic wars nobody knows about are assured to continue unabated for decades to come. After all, the feds’ fake “war on terror” must go on.

A Department of Defense news article two years ago featured then Special Operations Commander Admiral William McRaven’s SOF 2020 vision calling “for a globally networked force of special operations forces, interagency representatives, allies and partners, with aligned structures, processes and authorities to enable its operations.” This is the blueprint for a globalized international black ops killing machine readily able to engage in strategic and tactical covert operations around the globe acting at the behest of a one world government as the globalist elite’s private security force.

The extensive plan for multiple nations’ black ops forces coming together to train regularly in joint exercises and deployments is facilitating lightning strike assaults and tactical missions of highly unconventional warfare to typically take out enemy command and control centers as well as extraction and assassination of targeted enemy combatants. In recent years this global elite force is designed to provide ready made to act on intelligence (far more effective than the CIA) as well as engage in asymmetrical warfare tactics of guerilla-type activity in rapid deployment missions anywhere on the planet as critical pre-step strategy to launching larger scale military campaigns involving conventional force invasions and occupations against targeted hostile nations and forces.

The forever war on terror in the Middle East and Africa as well as Europe and Asia fortified by a massive global infrastructure supporting over a thousand US military posts around the world guarantees black ops deployment everywhere on the planet. And that next targeted hostile nation could very well be America under martial law once Jade Helm goes live this summer.

The scenario just outlined above fits the Jade Helm itinerary perfectly with massive military armaments and equipment movement and stockpiling along with an influx of state National Guard units deployed in multiple “civil unrest” training exercises seen nationwide all year long, extraction drills observed on March 27th in Fort Lauderdale, large scale movement of troops from Fort Carson now deployed in staging exercises in southern Colorado, a plan for deployment of the 82nd Airborne Division as part of Jade Helm operation and plans announced three months ago by the JH15 designer-PR man Thomas Meade that the Navy Seals will be deployed in Louisiana and Mississippi (supposed non-designated JH states) as part of Jade Helm along with the 1200 Special Forces maneuvering throughout “hostile territories” Texas, Utah and drug cartel dominated borderland of Southern California along with the other Jade Helm border states New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada.

Combine all this torrid activity with multi-federal agency involvement that includes local law enforcement operating over such a widespread area of the US working hand-in-hand with all the intel forces from the FBI and CIA to the DEA, Border Patrol and Homeland Security and this summer into fall is shaping up into not just a simple military exercise for practicing skills to be utilized later on foreign soil as the PR propagandists have claimed… not when an Obama forced into retirement general anonymously revealed that Obama back in 2012 ordered the Pentagon to determine how much of the US armed forces would be willing to kill their fellow Americans and warned us of coming false flag attacks and a prolonged bloody US civil war. Or a retired Homeland Security employee disclosing that in recent years the department’s been planning a likely cyber-attack on the banking infrastructure along with other emergency false flag scenarios leading to martial law.

Or the militarization of police forces across the nation now looking identical to armed military forces acting with complete impunity killing American citizens (over 500 already this year) as a bona fide police state. Or the dozens of non-military, non-law enforcement federal agencies like the US Postal Service, Department of Game and Wildlife, IRS, FDA, EPA all buying up two and a half billion hollow point bullets. Take all of these very real, undeniable dots and connect them together and it appears more than probable that planned crises will become the ready-made excuse for Jade Helm to go live and martial law declared.

The Project for a New American Century (PNAC) whose architects include all the Bush inside job 9/11 neocons called for a transformation of the US military this century. As part of that transformation a popular current military tactical modality has employed the Human Terrain System. It was heavily pushed by General David Petraeus in both Iraq and Afghanistan and is still widely deployed today despite its proven failures. The Human Terrain System employs personnel teams comprised of social scientists primarily trained and educated in anthropology and psychology. Their purpose is to gather key information as a means to learn about and understand the enemy, utilizing that data to win over, manipulate and influence targeted adversarial populations through PSYOPS methods using propaganda and brainwashing techniques through pamphlets, MSM and internet social media disinformation.

Transformation of America was promised by Obama as he only continued the neocon PNAC blueprint to change how America would fight its wars. Last September the United States Army Special Forces Command published the Cognitive Joint Force Entry White Paper. “The decline of the regulated nation state order and the increased prominence of Violent Extremist Organizations (VEO’s)” present the newly deemed asymmetrical enemy that are the so called “terrorists.” This document outlines how asymmetrical warfare both currently and in the future will be fought. SOCOM Admiral McRaven in March 2014 described the Human Domain:

Our SOF engagement takes place in the Human Domain – the totality of the physical, cultural, and social environments that influence human behavior in a population-centric conflict. The Domain is about developing an understanding of, and nurturing influence among, critical populaces. SOF is uniquely suited for operations that win population-centric conflicts, oftentimes, and preferably, before they start.

Cognitive Joint Force Entry now brings an exclusive focus on fighting a thinking man’s war, getting inside the enemy’s head to the thinking processes, hence cognitive depth, cognitive strategy and cognitive resilience become operative keyword buzzwords.

The shift to defeating the enemy psychologically before a shot is even fired takes its cue from the ancient Chinese philosopher Sun Tzu’s Art of War: “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Shaping prewar interventions has become the Special Operations trademark. Its buzzword is Phase Zero referring to an unending propaganda blitz to shape public opinion. Peacetime becomes just another phase in the forever state of war that the Pentagon and the Bush-Obama regime has incessantly been conditioning Americans to ultimately accept.

The demonization of Putin during this last year over Ukraine is but one recent example. Enemies range from “aggressors” like Putin who defends his nation against US Empire-NATO agenda to offensively surround and isolate the Russian Federation. Of course US created al Qaeda/ISIS are the twenty-first century public enemy number one on the one hand as the 9/11 scapegoats and perpetual war on terror opponents, and on the other hand the neocon proxy war mercenary ally wreaking havoc and terror wherever US-Israeli-Saudi axis of evil unleashes them. The Orwellian double speak of lies never ends.

Announcing the Jade Helm operation to the US public a full four months in advance is a PSYOPS to get inside the head of the domestic enemy – Americans who criticize the federal government for its increasing tyranny. The JH15 Special Operations exercise includes participants acting in the role as infiltrators to “blend in” wearing civilian clothes driving civilian vehicles in local civilian communities. They will be acting as spies who will encourage people to turn in their fellow citizens for subversive, anti-government activities, reminiscent of the civilian national security force that Obama as a 2008 presidential candidate touted just like Hitler’s prewar Nazi Germany youth groups.

Department of Homeland Security and state and municipal fusion centers work closely with local and federal law enforcement agencies and the US domestic intelligence community to ostensibly ferret out dissidents deemed enemies of the state, enemy combatants or belligerents, otherwise labeled homegrown terrorists. That said, for all their collective efforts they have absolutely nothing to show for themselves to even justify their existence much less the tax dollars wasted, not uncovering or finding even one domestic terrorist plot. Jade Helm is practicing asymmetrical warfare against American citizens who have become the enemy to the diabolical oppressors who as traitors are the true enemy of the entire world for what’s happening here in the US is happening throughout Western nations.

DOD 3025.18 is a document directive dated December 2010 about Defense Support of Civilian Authorities. Essentially this federal directive authorizes lethal military force by both active duty personnel as well as state National Guard units and reservist forces in support of police to be used against US citizens in civil matters involving emergencies and civil unrest, in effect overturning the Posse Comitatus law of 1878 that expressly prohibits use of US military in civil matters. Obama’s 2012 NDAA also violates Comitatus law.

To further cause concern, the proliferation of the United Nations security “peacekeeping” forces in recent years and President Obama signing a series of secret contractual agreements authorizing militarized UN forces, Homeland Security, and FEMA along with both US and foreign troops for active deployment on US soil against American citizens during times of civil unrest facilitating martial law conditions is also documented on public record.

On September 25th, 2013 Obama signed the UN Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) along with 121 other nations that went into effect on Christmas Eve that year banning private citizens from owning guns, obviously in direct violation of the Second Amendment of the Constitution. Though Congress never ratified ATT knowing it would cause an uproar amongst the voting public, it hasn’t stopped dictatorial Obama from repeatedly violating rule of law by signing 23 executive orders on gun control as further attempt to undermine and usurp constitutional rights.

There exists a long, well documented history of human rights violations that accompany nations’ efforts to outlaw and confiscate guns from private citizens. Especially where police state totalitarianism prevails, where both law enforcement agencies and government forces are the violent perpetrators, enforcing bans on gun ownership precipitates justifiable and predictable counter-resistance from citizens that in effect cause civil unrest and violence. With police murdering so many Americans nowadays, seemingly intentionally provoking widespread civil protest and unrest in cities across the US, it’s a logical deduction to conclude that such an extreme show of force as Jade Helm to potentially incite violence is more than probable.

A 2008 study examined UN supported gun confiscation programs in alliance with governments in Uganda, Kenya and South Africa and the subsequent levels of increased violence, death and severe human rights abuses associated with enforced gun control bans. The stage may be set for the same disastrous outcome to be triggered here in the US with Jade Helm this summer, especially if its mission includes private gun confiscation.

Further evidence illustrating the devastating consequences that ruthlessly violent government regimes have inflicted on humans comes from democide statistics. For years scholar RJ Rummel has been meticulously studying and compiling numbers of victims murdered by their own governments through history, concluding from his findings that, “Concentrated political power is the most dangerous thing on earth.” He determined that in the last century alone 262 million people were brutally murdered by their own governments, six times more than those killed directly by war.

Moreover, in all nine of the worst cases of genocide committed during the 20th century, a systematic effort by the guilty despots in power disarmed their victims prior to their murderous onslaught exterminating them. These facts alone offer dire warnings to citizens around the world compelling them to actively resist the UN and the 122 nations that comprise most countries on earth that signed the UN Arms Trade Treaty. The globalist objective of a one world government is predicated on disarming the global population in order to minimize opposition to both their tyranny as well as their murderous final solution eugenics. A militarized multi-agency global task force consisting of the UN “war” keepers and black ops will be the globalists’ personal army to enforce their draconian New World Order laws, executing those unwilling to accept their demonic lethal reign of terror. But in the end, they will fail.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing and has a blog site at http://empireexposed. blogspot. com/He is also a regular contributor to Global Research and a syndicated columnist at Veterans Today.


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TLB recommends you visit Global Research for more great/pertinent articles.


By TLB Contributor: Dave Hodges

The following is one of the most lucid accounts of FM 3-39.4 and FEMA camp detention. It is worthy of viewing and will help legitimize the question: Will beheadings ever become part of the FEMA camp experience?

The guillotine has never been used inside of the United States. The United States has executed people by firing squad, hanging, the electric chair and lethal injection. Claims that the guillotine will be used on American soil against Americans, seem ludicrous on its face. However, several dots are connecting which casts serious doubt on that assumption.

Ted Gunderson

Former FBI agent, the late Ted Gunderson, has a very mixed level of credibility among the Patriot community. However, nobody can accuse Gunderson as being incorrect when it came to assessing the depth and depravity of child sex trafficking. Gunderson is quite clear when he says that Guillotines will be used against political dissidents.

Gunderson’s guillotine claims are historically bolstered by Representative Doug Teper, of the Georgia Legislative Assembly (Democrat) introduced a bill which will supplant the method of execution, the electric chair, with the guillotine back in 1995-6? The referenced bill was Georgia State House Bill (1995-6) HB 1274– Death penalty; guillotine provisions. Certainly, Teper would have never thought that this was possible is there were not already guillotines inside of the United States.

The Bible

If your cognitive bias does not permit you to take Gunderson and Teper seriously when it comes to guillotines, how about the Bible? Does the Bible have credibility in your eyes?

The Bible reveals in Revelation 20:4 that Christians worldwide will be beheaded for their faith and refusal to participate in a satanic world government under the spirit of antichrist as outlined in Revelation 13.

As you read the following two paragraphs, there is a collision between two cultures and two religions which is already underway and religious dogma is serving to perpetuate and exacerbate the conflict.

4 “Then I saw thrones, and they sat on them, and judgment was given to them. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand; and they came to life and reigned with Christ for a thousand years”.

And who will behead these Christians? Take a look at Sura (chapter) 47 contains the ayah (verse): “When you encounter the unbelievers …. [26] He and his followers beheaded opponents, Christian and Muslim alike… Sura 8 [al-Anfal]:12 states “I will cast dread into the hearts of the … caliphs beheaded tens of thousands of Christians (admittedly many of them …  This is the justification for ISIS to be performing these heinous acts against Christians. 

It is clear that both Christianity and Islam foretells a time when non-believing infidels (i.e. Christians) will be beheaded by radical Muslim extremists (i.e. ISIS). It is also clear that this prophecy is being fulfilled in our time.

Will these acts be carried out on American soil and against American Christians and Jews? The following does not specifically speak to the intended persecution of Christian and Jews, but the playing field to do such a thing has clearly been established. Every American should be outraged by the following references to FM 39.40 which provides the means to carry out such heinous acts.

The Fast and Furious Component of Guillotines

Today, my sources tell me that guillotines are manufactured by front companies in China which are controlled by the Chinese military. The component parts are subsequently shipped to the Muslim Brotherhood and they are reshipped to Peru where the world’s biggest drug dealers, the Sanchez-Paredes cartel assembles the guillotines and ships them to various locations controlled by ISIS.

A month ago, I interviewed former Army Special Operations officer, Scott Bennett, the author of many ARSOF psyops programs, about the funding of the CIA through Swiss banks accounts. Along the lines of the Bennett revelations, I have learned that exotic weaponry, such as guillotines, are funded in the same manner.

Has anyone else ever noted that since the Mexican drug cartels became involved with Middle Eastern terrorist groups, that beheadings have become the modus operandi for the cartels?

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

I get understandably nervous, at the prospect of guillotines on American soil, as I watch the endless series of beheadings of Christians in the Middle East by the radical ISIS. The following represents a small sample size of what is happening to Christians and their subsequent mass beheadings at the hands of ISIS.

Islamic State terrorists in Iraq beheaded four Christian kids who refused to renounce their faith and become Muslim.

More than 250000 Christians have fled Northern Iraq amidst ISIS … to Islam or death bybeheading, the children chose to follow Jesus

National spokesman for Iraqi Christians and Chaldean-American … out by ISIS militants in Iraq now includes shocking beheadings of children, …

A British female who did convert to Islam recently threatened to behead Christians “with a blunt knife,” according to the Daily Mail. Even Christians who convert to Islam get beheaded. 

Notice that Christians are the victims?

Organ Harvesting

Have you ever heard the allegations which accuse some doctors, primarily in China, of killing patients in order to sell their organs on the black market?

After you read the following paragraphs, you may conclude that those rumors are true. When Representative Teper was asked about his motivation to exclusively use the guillotine to execute death row inmates, he said, it would allow for death-row inmates as organ donors. The very spooky Teper further reasoned that the “Blade makes a clean cut and leaves vital organs intact.”  I will be happy to let this statement speak for itself. Below is a draft of the legislation.

HB 1274 – Death penalty; guillotine provisions


1- 8  The General Assembly finds that while prisoners condemned to
  1- 9  death may wish to donate one or more of their organs for
  1-10  transplant, any such desire is thwarted by the fact that
  1-11  electrocution makes all such organs unsuitable for
  1-12  transplant. The intent of the General Assembly in enacting
  1-13  this legislation is to provide for a method of execution
  1-14  which is compatible with the donation of organs by a
  1-15  condemned prisoner.


We have precedent for the beheading of Christians by radical Muslim forces, we have religious doctrine calling for the beheading of non-Islamic believers, we now have the “camps” where these acts could be perpetrated against American Christians and we have pastors hired to calm the people but they cannot mention Jesus or the Bible. We should all be connecting the dots. 

People should be able to practice their religion without infringing on the rights of nonbelievers. However, when one doctrine demands beheadings for nonbelievers, then we have  a problem. And when the United Nations is mandating that the U.S. must accept 70,000 Muslim immigrants, maybe we should all be paying closer attention to the nature of the people being admitted to the country. Inexecusably, the FBI has said that they do not have the resources to properly screen these immigrants, under the Refugee/Resettlement UN program. Idaho was the most recent site for relocation as 9,000 Syrians were recently deposited in the state. Many are viewing this program as a ticking time bomb.

As ISIS incursions increase in number and intensity, such as the one we recently witnessed in Garland, TX., we should consider the fact that we are going to see beheadings of American citizens on American soil. We know that Muslim terror groups traffick in guns, drugs and children. Is trafficking in organs that far fetched? Therefore, many are asking the question if beheadings will become a part of official doctrine and policy at FEMA camps under FM 3-39.4? Well, the document does provide that foreign troops will be trained to work in the camps and that these foreign troops will be training more foreign troops to work in the camps.

Will ISIS personnel be recruited to work in the camps as the executioners? Well, is ISIS funded by the CIA? Did Eric Holder oversee Fast and Furious? Do the guillotines represent a new flavor of Fast and Furious? Will this be the fate of political dissidents extracted by Jade Helm.

In my estimation, there is no question that guillotines represent a form of Fast and Furious and the American people will be the intended targets. Will the elite also make money in the Black Market organ trading business? Will they team up with these terrorists? There are lot of dots that are connecting for there not to be some real substance to these events!


TLB recommends you visit Dave at The Common Sense Show for more pertinent articles and information.

See featured article and read comments HERE




Internet traffic is buzzing about Jade Helm, a U.S. military exercise scheduled to begin July 15 (but according to latest reports in June) and end on September 15. It is to take place across a number of states, especially in the Southwest, and involves several branches of the military, including the 82nd Airborne, Navy Seals, Green Berets, and other Special Ops.

There is broad concern that the drill will transition into the onset of martial law. Some factors fueling the alarm: (1) No drill this extensive has ever occurred before; (2) it includes nighttime activities, air drops near towns, and attempts to infiltrate and “blend in” with civilian populations; (3) the exercise is unlawful as it violates the Posse Comitatus Act, which prohibits domestic deployment of federal troops in civilian areas (section 4 of the Constitution allows it in cases of “domestic violence,” but that is clearly not the situation here); (4) the operation’s field map has labeled Texas, Utah, and certain Southern California counties as “hostile” territory – troubling, since these areas also happen to contain populations especially known as constitutionalist, religious, and/or patriotic.


Nor does the caption on the Jade Helm logo, “Master the Human Domain,” inspire confidence.


Unsurprisingly, mainstream media dismisses concerns about Jade Helm as ravings of “conspiracy nuts.” This is unedifying, since mainstream media, owned and controlled by the same oligarchy that constitutes America’s shadow government, also says this of those who critically analyze 9/11, the Federal Reserve, GMOs, chemtrails, and any other blight that serves the global elite’s interests.

However, there is also a split over Jade Helm within alterative media, in particular at Veterans Today. Editor Kevin Barrett, whom I greatly respect as a fellow Truther, and whose radio show I have guested on several times, had this to say in a May 2 post, from which I repeat a few extracts:

Recently I have been seeing a whole lot of fear-addled responses to the Jade Helm exercises. While we should always be suspicious of military drills and exercises, which are sometimes used to launch false flags, suspicion is one thing and rampant delusional paranoia is another. . . .

The whole JADE HELM panic is based on one document describing the exercises. Nothing in that document suggests that exercises involving 1200 people are going to impose martial law on a nation of 300 million. . . .

Here at VT we have seen certain people go completely off the deep end about JADE HELM. They have gone from “sane paranoia” (realistic assessment of actual plots and threats) to “crazy paranoia” (egocentric delusional thinking, minus fact-checking and common sense). . . .

So my sane-paranoid assessment of Jade Helm is as follows: Yes, there may very well be a devious plot at work, but it isn’t what you think. They aren’t going to use 1200 game-playing troops in a handful of southwestern states to impose martial law on the whole country. They aren’t going to lock us up in Wal-Mart. They aren’t going to lock down the borders.

Instead, Jade Helm is being used (and may have been designed) to inject fear into the populace. The tangible benefits of this manufactured fear epidemic include:

*Burning the alternative media. Already VT has been damaged by a schism provoked by fear and attendant ego-bloating. And it isn’t just VT. Average Joe Citizen sees all the JADE HELM hysteria and says, “Jeez, these kooks who imagine they’re going to be interned in Wal-Mart must be the same crazies who think 9/11 was an inside job, Boston and Sandy Hook and Charlie Hebdo were false flags, the Zionist bankster freemasons run everything. . . what a bunch of loons.”. . .

I understand where Kevin is coming from, especially regarding the last paragraph. In late August 2013, I saw several Internet alerts suggesting that, in order to create a pretext for Obama’s desired air strikes against Assad in Syria, a deadly false flag attack on American soil appeared imminent (these posts can still be viewed, here, here, and here – scroll down on the last one).

Concerned by these warnings about a chemical weapons attack and FEMA preparations, I sent a general alert to people on my email list. Of course, nothing came of the predictions, which was good for America, and might have indicated plans were cancelled, but it also left me looking like a gullible alarmist. In future months, more “imminent false flag” predictions appeared on the Web, such as an anonymous “insider” letter claiming a major false flag would be staged at the 2014 Super Bowl. However, I resolved I would no longer go into “alarm mode” on such warnings; we were clearly being played, either by pranksters or intelligence-agency trolls.

One of the best-known children’s tales is “the little boy who cried wolf.” Cry wolf enough times, no one believes you when the real wolf arrives. In the geopolitical world, there are real wolves: 9/11 was a huge one. Most of us in the truth Movement believe that, sooner or later, the Zionist-Luciferian plotters of 9/11 will try hitting us with another false flag, one big enough to take the police state to the next level and perhaps usher in their ultimate goal of world government. In the meantime, they’ve been trolling is us with “cry wolf” warnings of nonexistent false flags, hoping all the decoys will lull us to sleep until the authentic moment arrives.

The question on the table: is Jade Helm wolf or merely cry wolf? With greatly due respect for my friend Kevin Barrett, I’m calling it wolf. Since trying to predict future geopolitical events is as risky as trying to forecast the stock market, I do this with full acknowledgement and disclaimer that I may be wrong.

Let’s start with what may appear to be Kevin’s strongest argument: How in the world are 1,200 men going to impose martial law on 300 million Americans? Sounds absurd, doesn’t it?

I consider this argument flawed. First, it assumes the government is telling the truth about the numbers. But the government often lies about numbers – for example, after years of tweaking the way it figures the Consumer Price Index, it tells us the rate of inflation is 1.5 to 2 percent, whereas the true rate is around 9 percent. It claims we have a rather healthy unemployment rate of 5.5 percent, while the true rate is over 20 percent. It’s reminiscent of Orwell’s 1984, in which the Ministry of Plenty spewed out falsified statistics:

The fabulous statistics continued to pour out of the telescreen. As compared with last year there was more food, more clothes, more houses, more furniture . . . . 1

Would the government also lie about military figures? Yes. In 2012, mainstream media reported that 22 Russian Spetsnaz soldiers were training with the U.S. Air Force. However, I have recently been a guest on Restore the Republic, a blog show hosted by Air Force veteran Kevin Blake, as upright a young Christian patriot as you’ll ever meet. Blake’s contacts reported to him that the actual number of Spetsnaz soldiers inside Fort Carson were between five and six hundred – more than twenty times the figure the government publically admitted.

Let’s just say, hypothetically, that the troops participating in Jade Helm were to be more than twenty times the announced number – i.e, not 1,200, but 30,000. Would the government come clean about that? Probably not, just as it minimizes other numbers to allay public concerns.

But have we evidence that Jade Helm will exceed what the government says? I invite my readers to watch these YouTube clips of massive convoys of military equipment moving through America over the past three years (not bound for the Iraq war, which technically “ended” in 2011).

From 2012:

From 2013 (24 minutes long, but worth watching for the variety of information about what is happening in the military):

From 2015:

More from 2015:

Some comments on the above. I realize some footage may be “unprofessional,” but I prefer the honest American amateur to mercenaries of the corporately controlled media. I also realize that in a couple of clips, photographers might have overreacted to a relatively routine exercise or movement of equipment. But I don’t believe all the clips can be dismissed that way. Clearly, an unprecedented domestic military buildup is occurring.

Two segments referenced nighttime helicopter activity. In that regard, a personal account: I live west of Boston, and was recently awoken during the middle of the night by regular (about hourly) helicopter noise above our home. This is unprecedented where I live. In past years, the only helicopters we’d normally seen had been commercial choppers doing traffic reporting during rush hour (which this was clearly not), and – very rarely – a helicopter used for an emergency medi-evac.

Here’s a recent clip from Texas residents who report the same:

Here are Blackhawk helicopters and Chinooks buzzing Long Island (you can find lots more clips like these on YouTube):

The Army “in Transition”

Those familiar with my book The Shadows of Power know that the Council on Foreign Relations (the American oligarchy’s chief instrument of policy control) has a flagship journal Foreign Affairs, whose articles have, for decades, foretold policy changes. (Some of these articles have been ghost-written.)

In the May/June 2012 Foreign Affairs, Raymond T. Odierno, the new U.S. Army Chief of Staff, published an article entitled “The U.S. Army in a Time of Transition: Building a Flexible Force.” Here are some key selected quotes:

After six months as chief of staff, I can see clearly that the coming decade will be a vital period of transition for the U.S. Army.

The need for U.S. armed forces, and the army in particular, to provide planning, logistical, command-and-control, and equipment support to civil authorities in the event of natural disasters continues to be demonstrated regularly and is unlikely to diminish.

The final major transition the army must manage is that from a force focused on counterinsurgency, counterterrorism, and advising and assisting to one that actively prepares to effectively conduct a fuller range of potential missions.

In the future, it will be increasingly common for the army to operate in environments with both regular military and irregular paramilitary or civilian adversaries, with the potential for terrorism, criminality, and other complications.

In addition to combat of all kinds, possible operations in the next several years will include everything from helping victims of a flood to restoring order in a collapsed state with large-scale criminal activity, violence, and perhaps even unconventional weaponry.2

While most of Odierno’s readers probably understood these remarks as applying to foreign countries, a re-contexting of “civilian adversaries” and “a collapsed state” to America would have significant implications. In 2011, the Iraq War had “ended,” and most American troops came home. Was this to re-focus their mission into a domestic one?

Control of criminal activity has traditionally been a function of local police. There is evidently a plan to supplant police with the military, who answer to the federal government. Allow me to suggest that the recent anti-police rioting in Ferguson and Baltimore, egged on by the mainstream media and to a large extent funded by CFR billionaire George Soros, were designed to produce this change. Local police, excessively portrayed as racist by the MSM, become unpopular in the public mind, and get overwhelmed by the orchestrated riots, necessitating military intervention.

Here is footage of U.S. marines practicing internment of citizens:

There are several other troubling features to Jade Helm.

• A Jade Helm press release stated that “The diverse terrain in these states replicates areas Special Operations Soldiers regularly find themselves operating in overseas.” This explanation seems disingenuous. The U.S. army has been operating in the Middle East continuously for the past 13 years. It has had plenty of experience in foreign desert terrains. Why does it suddenly need the American Southwest’s desert to “replicate” what it already has had at hand in places like Afghanistan?

• The May 21 Houston Chronicle reports:

Among the planned exercises, soldiers will try to operate undetected amongst civilian populations. . . “They’re going to set up cells of people and test how well they’re able to move around without getting too noticed in the community,” said Roy Boyd, chief deputy with the Victoria County Sheriff’s Office. “They’re testing their abilities to basically blend in with the local environment and not stand out and blow their cover.”

There’s a serious issue with this. If Jade Helm is, as advertised, meant to train soldiers for overseas operations, why are they “blending in” with Americans? How will that help them blend in with foreigners? There’s a literal world of difference between Red’s Bar and Grill and a Syrian mosque.

• Further affirming this self-contradiction is the army’s building in Virginia of a $96 million replica of, not a foreign town, but an American town, to conduct martial law exercises. Here is Infowars’ expose:

• According to Nobel Prize nominee Dr. Jim Garrow, Obama has a new litmus test for retaining military commanders: whether or not they will fire on American citizens. This “litmus test” has been confirmed by former Navy Seal Benjamin Smith. Blog show host Kevin Blake told me that while in the Air Force in 2012, he received a Defense Department survey asking if he was willing to fire upon American citizens. Blake says the men in his unit were sickened by the survey question, to which they resoundingly answered “No!” He theorizes that the military may be using the answers to this question to determine the disposition of certain soldiers.

Here another former Navy Seal tells Infowars that he and his comrades were threatened with losing their positions if they refused to sign papers pledging, if so ordered, to disarm American citizens:

• Jade Helm was initially to be confined to the Southwest. Now, Mississisipi and Florida have been officially added. Combined with the heightened convoys and helicopter activity throughout the country, this raises the question if the military is “boiling the frog” (turning the heat up so gradually that the frog doesn’t know he’s being boiled).

Here is a new news report that Colorado will see the state’s largest convoy since World II: more than 4,000 troops and 300 vehicles will be coming out of Fort Carson. (Whatever happened to “it’s only 1,200 men”?)

The Wal-Marts

Mainstream media is heaping derision on anyone connecting dots between Jade Helm and the mysterious Wal-Mart closings. I will not belabor this issue, but any critical thinker can see that multiple Wal-Marts should not suddenly and simultaneously close due to “plumbing problems,” which, we are supposed to believe, will take six months to repair. A business is inherently interested in maintaining its profits. It cannot do so by prolonged closure. Clearly Wal-Mart has sufficient funds to hire plumbers to promptly resolve any alleged issues. The closings and “plumbing problems” were a complete surprise to its thousands of laid-off workers. Researchers have stated that the closed Wal-Marts are strategically located close to entrances for the government’s Deep Underground Military Bases (DUMBS). CNN Money reported in 2004 that Wal-Mart had received about $1 billion in government subsidies, so there is a definite kinship.

I think it logical that, in a martial law state, these Wal-Marts would make ideal army supply depots (the military would need resupply at locations outside the limitations of its current bases). We already linked to a video showing massive numbers of military vehicles parked next to a Wal-Mart. Here’s another relevant clip:

How Citizens May Be Targeted

It has been reported that, in martial law, some citizens would be prioritized for assassination (thus the need for Special Ops to initially infiltrate communities unnoticed), while lower-priority citizens would eventually be rounded up and placed in FEMA camps. On the Alex Jones Show, Steve Quayle talks about the “red, blue and green lists” (and other significant Jade Helm information):

Dave Hodges of the Common Sense Show gives a slightly different take on the prioritization of targets: that the “red list” will be veterans with the ability to counter-attack militarily against a takeover. Reinforcing Hodges’s view is the revelation that COUNTER Jade Helm operations are already being organized by patriotic veterans.

What Will Be Used to Justify Martial Law?

Obviously, President Obama cannot simply declare martial law without an excuse. Otherwise, even average, under-informed Americans would resist it. Ideally, he needs a situation where citizens beg for martial law, and thus he can claim he’s only responding to the will of the people. So what will the pretext be? In the above clip, Steve Quayle stressed economic collapse. That will unquestionably be part of it, but I believe two other elements should be watched for.

Scenario No. 1: ISIS

The truth is, there is no Islamic army or terrorist group called Al Qaida. And any informed intelligence officer knows this. But there is a propaganda campaign to make the public believe in the presence of an identified entity representing the “devil” only in order to drive the “TV watcher” to accept a unified international leadership for a war against terrorism. The country behind this propaganda is the US. . . . – Pierre-Henry Bunel, former French military intelligence agent.3

After the alleged “killing” of Osama Bin Laden in 2011 (right after polls had shown the President’s popularity at an all-time low), Americans no longer perceived Al Qaeda as a substantial threat. Then, in March 2013, Rand Paul filibustered against domestic drone strikes, and a Gallup Poll showed Americans overwhelmingly supported him. That same month came outcry over reports that the DHS was planning to purchase 1.6 billion ammunition rounds (enough to kill every American five times over) as well as over 2,700 armored vehicles.

With Americans stubbornly resisting further expansion of police-state powers, the cartel reverted to the threat that had been so successfully utilized to justify initial establishment of those powers: Islamic terrorism. What had worked on 9/11 would work again. Patriotic Americans opposed unconstitutional demolition of their own freedoms, but could be counted on to “rally round the flag” if they believed America was again under foreign attack. And so the following month – April 2013 – came the Boston Marathon bombing.

But with the Obama administration already having played its “kill Osama Bin Laden” card, it needed a new bogeyman to replace him. Certainly, it is not my intention to understate the reality of ISIS, but do not Bunel’s revelations about Al Qaida apply equally to ISIS? Like Al Qaida, ISIS received U.S. financing and military training, allegedly to help overthrow Assad in Syria. Ron Paul made new revelations about this in his May 25 Liberty Report:

The viral beheading videos proved a great button-pusher for public opinion. I invite my listeners to view one minute from the following interview with Robert David Steele – a 20-year Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer, once the second-ranking civilian in U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence, and former CIA clandestine services case officer. Steele explains that every recent terrorist incident in the U.S. has been a false flag or government-induced, and that “Jihadi John” is most likely a joint Saudi-CIA production and “theater.” Watch from about 15:55 to 16:45.

Several ISIS false-flag events have been staged around the world to usher in a global police state, including Ottawa, Paris (Charlie Hebdo), Copenhagen, and Garland, Texas. Not one shooter in any of these incidents lived to go on trial; in Garland, the alleged shooters were dead just 15 seconds after the incident began.

Given the huge investment that has been made in conditioning the American public to fear ISIS, it seems likely that ISIS might be used to usher in martial law by staging multiple false-flags attacks, probably simultaneously, across America. It would be claimed that ISIS had gradually infiltrated America from Mexico (which would be credible given our lax border and immigration policies). And believe it or not, the DHS is bussing at least 100,000 Muslims into America annually (I’m not making this up):

Once “ISIS” launched nationwide terror attacks, the country could become a full-scale police state. Many Americans would be persuaded to accept it under the illusion that it was “for their own protection.” But the focus would quickly switch from ISIS to American patriots who resisted martial law. A few of those Jade Helm Specials Ops who “infiltrated” and “blended in” with the locals might even lead militias into deadly traps.

Scenario No. 2: Natural Disasters

There is, however, another possibility. Today, weather events are being geo-engineered. Weather as a Force Multiplier: Owning the Weather in 2025 (published in 1996) laid out the military’s plan to weaponize the weather. The following year (1997), William S. Cohen, U.S. Secretary of Defense, stated at a Defense Department briefing:

Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves. So there are plenty of ingenious minds out there at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations. It’s real.4

This had already been foreseen in 1970 by top CFR insider Zbigniew Brzezinski in his book Between Two Ages:

Techniques of weather modification could be employed to produce prolonged periods of drought or storms, thereby weakening a nation’s capacity and forcing it to accept the demands of the competitor.5

Geo-engineering is why we have seen a massive increase in the frequency and ferocity of weather disasters. The Illuminati know if they level a town with a bomb, people will ask “Who dropped the bomb?” But if they level it with a hyper-energized, directed tornado, people will call it “Mother Nature” or “an act of God.”

Tornado damage

Because many of my readers are familiar with geo-engineering, I will not elaborate the subject in general further, but those wanting additional introductory information may employ search engines like, using the terms “HAARP” and “weather modification.”

How could weather disasters figure in Jade Helm and martial law? First, let’s remember General Odierno’s comments on “the need for U.S. armed forces, and the army in particular, to provide planning, logistical, command-and-control, and equipment support to civil authorities in the event of natural disasters” and “possible operations in the next several years will include everything from helping victims of a flood to restoring order in a collapsed state.”

Weather disasters have increasingly become the federal government’s province. During Hurricane Sandy, I was initially stunned watching a news briefing at which local authorities turned the matter over to a Homeland Security spokesperson. I said, “Homeland Security? I thought their role was fighting terrorists.” But FEMA is now under Homeland Security.

People would not normally abandon their homes due to government orders, but we are increasingly seeing mandatory evacuations under weather-event pretexts. It is not hard to foresee a massive national disaster forcing large-scale transfer of populations into FEMA camps.

Before staging a major false flag, the Black Ops of the Illuminati usually practice. It has become increasingly clear to researchers that the 9/11 planes were electronically hijacked (just like MH370). Career flight attendant Rebekah Roth, in her bestseller Methodical Illusion, has pretty well put the final nails in that one. But was there practice for the electronic hijackings of 9/11? Yes: Egypt Flight 990, which inexplicably crashed into the ocean in 1999, killing all 217 aboard, the incident publicly blamed on “suicide by the copilot,” the exact same claim made about Germanwings 9525.

I personally believe the 2010 HAARP-induced earthquake that devastated Haiti (the Western Hemisphere’s poorest nation, and thus “expendable”) was practice for a higher priority target: the independent people of Japan and the 2011 earthquake targeting Fukushima.

We have just seen Nepal ravaged by earthquakes. I believe this may have been a rehearsal for America in the near term. How convenient if HAARP targeted either the San Andreas or New Madrid faults right in the middle of Jade Helm. The public would then be told “how fortuitous” that the military was already deployed throughout the land to assist with “relocation” and “disaster relief.”

On May 29, Hollywood – ever reliable for programming public opinion – will release the new movie San Andreas, about a massive earthquake on that fault. Watch the trailer, and note the 9/11-like building collapses and special emphasis on heroics of helicopter pilots.

When disasters of this magnitude strike, it is usual to see international relief efforts. Is that why we now have United Nations vehicles being hauled down our roads?

UN vehicles

The Obama administration has an agreement with Russia to use their troops to assist FEMA during disasters. Some have speculated that the reason for using foreign troops in martial law is that they can be counted on to be far more ruthless toward Americans than our own troops would be.

Let’s remember that when President George H. W. Bush announced “the new world order,” he said it would be “ushered in” by the United Nations:

Bush’s mention of the “UN’s founders” is a reference to the elitist Council on Foreign Relations, whose goal since its 1921 inception has been a single world government controlling the planet.

Scenario X

Other Jade Helm scenarios have been proposed, of course, such as a World War III “Red Dawn” invasion by foreign armies, an orchestrated Ebola outbreak, or invasion (or faked invasion) by “aliens.” But I believe the pattern of recent events most likely point to ISIS false flags, geo-engineered catastrophes, or both.

The collapse of the dollar and economy, which has been threatening for years, will probably occur after one of these other events. That way, the bankers and their media whores can blame the economic collapse entirely on the “war” or “terror attack” or “earthquake,” rather than the decades of debt and Federal Reserve-induced inflation that have brought America’s economy to the precipice. You would probably even see Janet Yellen and Alan Greenspan on CNN as “experts,” telling us how to fix the whole thing (hint: they’ll say we need a single global currency).

Fear-mongering or Reality?

Perhaps the concerns expressed in this article are, as my friend Kevin Barrett might phrase it, “rampant delusional paranoia.” As I acknowledged from the top, I may be wrong. Some believe Jade Helm is simply an incremental step toward martial law, designed to probe how the nation will respond.

But the massive convoys of equipment are concrete evidence of concrete intentions. Information about these convoys, helicopter deployments, etc., is coming from concerned patriotic citizens. If the oligarchy was simply trying to gauge public reaction, they should be publicly reporting these activities via mainstream media.

I believe America is on the Illuminati “hit list” because it has more Truthers and constitutional activists than anywhere else in the world. And the Illuminati are getting nervous, because through the Internet and social media, more people than ever are awakening to their plan for the world. The oligarchy fears the awakened masses, and knows its time may be short. The solution? As Zbigniew Brzezinski told the Royal Institute of International Affairs (the CFR’s British counterpart): “In earlier times it was easier to control a million people, literally, than physically to kill a million people. Today it is infinitely easier to kill a million people than to control a million people”:

Remember, it was Brzezinski who wrote of weather weaponization more than 40 years ago.

What Should We Do?

First, I think we should be sounding alarms. Contacting legislative representatives and local MSM broadcasters – as unresponsive as they may be – could at least force a more public discussion of Jade Helm’s risks.

I also believe families who have loved ones in the military should share their concerns with them. Let me be clear: Nothing in this article should be construed as antipathy toward the rank-and-file men and women serving in our armed forces. It is the planners at the top who want martial law, and it is conceivable that heightened public awareness and protests may make them think twice about their plans.

Second, I believe we should err on the side of caution and be prepared for the worst. I am not a survivalist expert, but I think everyone would be prudent to try to be ready for: shortages of food and fuel; a government-engineered EMP (falsely blamed on ISIS, or perhaps even on Iran or North Korea), with its attendant crises: the electrical grid down; loss of cell phone and Internet access; ATMs not working, etc. If you haven’t already done so, please do some research and be prepared for an emergency scenario. And if catastrophe strikes, that includes our spiritual outlook and relationship with God.

Continuous updates on Jade Helm developments can currently be found at:

Thank you.


  1. George Orwell, 1984 (1949; reprint, New York: Harcourt Brace, 1983), 52.
  2. Raymond T. Odierno, “The U.S. Army in a Time of Transition: Building a Flexible Force,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2012),
  3. Pierre-Henry Bunel, “The Origins of al-Qaeda,” World Affairs, April-Jun. 2004, as quoted at
  4. William Cohen, Department of Defense Briefing, April 28, 1997,
  5. Zbigniew Brzezinski, Between Two Ages: America’s Role in the Technetronic Era (New York: Viking Press, 1970), 57.

See featured article here

The Last Whistleblowers

By Joachim Hagopian

A growing segment of the American population is waking up to the implications of the Jade Helm 15 military operation to be conducted by Special Forces in conjunction with local law enforcement, the FBI, DHS, the DEA and Border Patrol across the entire Southwest. This massive unprecedented exercise will also commence in June sooner than first announced and last for 10 weeks through the summer till September 15.

The risk of it triggering civil unrest or that it may coincide with a potential false flag scenario followed by another possibly timed crisis situation is both feasible and real, despite mainstream media’s ridicule dismissing any such possibilities as pure paranoid conspiracy theory. What we do know for sure is this nation has turned into a militarized police state and that both the military and the government lie all the time.

We also are aware of the globalists’ long planned agenda of a national crisis that would induce Obama to quash civil unrest by declaring martial law. A recent poll of Americans found that near half (45%) see Jade Helm as imposing more control over the states. If martial law doesn’t actually come to pass this time around, it certainly sets the stage for next time in this incrementally increasing militarization of America.

We also know that a specific Department of Defense manual FM 3-39.40 has existed since 2010 delineating how the federal government in cooperation with the UN will respond to civil disturbance that includes FEMA camp roundups to fill waiting empty Haliburton-refurbished prison camps after a $385 million no bid contract during the former CEO Cheney’s vice presidency. We also know that each prison camp includes a tribunal section and a mortuary section along with psychological officers responsible for reprogramming US detainees. Despite this layout presented so matter-of-fact and by-the-book, Americans will be killed. During the upheaval of a national crisis, a lethal outcome is also most probable. Meanwhile, countdown to global war appears to be ticking away as troops from virtually every nation are busily training in preparation for a likely West versus East endgame scenario of World War III.

President Kennedy spoke of subversive forces operating inside the shadow government several months prior to those same forces killing him. And those demonic forces posing as our international crime syndicate government boldly went on unconsequenced by the JFK assassination to stage the worst false flag in history on 9/11 giving birth to the neocons’ war on terror. And it’s been all downhill ever since with nonstop wars, a runaway deficit (over $18 trillion), a fragile and broken global economy, and within a few years after 9/11 a militarized totalitarian police state. Long gone is America’s once democratic republic, replaced by a fascist oligarchy controlled by a military-security-prison complex. As Obama’s personal army, Homeland Security has grown gluttonously evil bringing tyranny and oppression to the United States of America as never before.

But to those of us aware enough to study and learn from history, there are no accidents and no surprises here. Armed with the latest technology, the global elitists in control have done their homework, long in advance manipulating everything in its Orwellian place for these shuttering events and developments to unfold. From the overreaching CIA grooming their Manchurian Candidate president to his unqualified meteoric rise to puppet power, Obama was the perfect made man for the job. Obscured by a shadowy, made over past that includes a fake birth certificate, he was steeped in Communist ideology and socialist collectivism by his deep connection with ex-terrorist Bill Ayers (who also was the Common Core architect responsible largely for dumbing down public education) and fellow mentor Saul Alinsky. Obama displayed dazzle as an early orator on the big stage of big politics, wore the right skin color to prey on people’s hope for change and progress, appearing as a different kind of leader who many thought would represent the common people, a unifier and uplifter for the downtrodden. Boy were they dead wrong!

Once elected, Obama became the Manchurian Trojan Horse presidential imposter occupying the White House. This is the same man as presidential candidate who bragged and promised as a former constitutional law professor for over 10 years that he’d be the most open and transparent president in US history after the criminal Bush regime. Then once Obama became president, he only demonstrated that he is the most secretive and closed off president in history. Even worse, in the same speech he denounced Bush and Cheney for violating America’s rule of law, he proposed to develop “an appropriate legal regime for indefinite prolonged detention of American citizens” prior to ever breaking the law based purely on the government’s suspicion that they may become a future threat to national security. This statement uttered early in his first term ominously spelled out his sinister agenda to lock up and throw away the key to any citizen that he and his minions believe might become a future threat.

Based on Obama and his administration’s subsequent actions, their definition of “future threat to national security” is simply anyone who disagrees with his treasonous policies, DHS declaring them a greater threat than even ISIS, which is really quite telling. Those citizens honest and brave enough to expose the criminal truth about his evil agenda betraying our Constitution, nation and people have been singled out and targeted on dissident watch lists.

Americans believing in our Constitution who object to the feds’ criminality of constantly violating the nation’s rule of law that used to protect citizens with privacy rights over unlawfully invasive surveillance and search and seizure, the right to peaceful assembly to public protest, the right to own a gun, the right to freedom of speech and religion, the right to due process, the right to habeas corpus dating back to the 1066 Magna Carta, all these previously guaranteed civil liberties under Bush-Obama were usurped and denied Americans. The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act was a traitorous package deal depriving us of all these rights, as well as violating and repealing the 1878 Posse Comitatus law prohibiting US military from involvement in civil matters that fall under state National Guard and law enforcement jurisdiction.

This president and his DHS in one fell swoop have equated US patriots who are returning veterans from warfronts(regardless of war) as potential home grown terrorists. So after placing their life on the line for their nation in combat, risking and often incurring serious life threatening injuries while experiencing the trauma of witnessing their comrades die sacrificing their lives for their nation, upon return home from US Empire’s blood for oil wars, their nation turns on them in betrayal, calling them terrorist threats and developing a criminally subversive plan to remove not only their private weapons violating their Second Amendment right, but physically removing them from society by locking them away in prison or worse killing them under false suspicion they might become homegrown terrorists. This is how our diabolically treasonous and insane government led by our current commander-in-chief repays our veterans. It’s unbelievably despicable that America’s come to this.

On to another targeted population, Obama has harassed, threatened, accused and locked up more journalists and whistleblowers than any previous administration ever. Moreover, he has charged more whistleblowers with violating an antiquated 1917 espionage act for treason than all past presidencies combined, sentencing them to jail time 25 more times than all previous combined. The least transparent president in history also denied more Freedom of Information Act requests in 2014 than all previous administrations, only proving himself to be the most vindictive, revengeful, secretive despot president in history.

When Obama came to power everything was in place for the globalist war machine to continue uninterrupted, unleashing the same imperialistic US Empire aggression launched by the war criminal invaders and occupiers Bush and Cheney. Following his globalist marching orders, Obama seamlessly maintained the Empire’s role as world policeman and murderous bully around the globe. He prolonged the war in Iraq for another three years in time to claim credit for ending the Iraq War during his reelection campaign. In the other decade-long war he ensured the fighting in Afghanistan would continue unabated for another half dozen years. Then with the help of Israel and Saudi Arabia, he created ISIS, which conveniently provided the fine print disclaimer ensuring the US-NATO military presence in both war ravaged nations would be on an as needed, permanent basis.

In the meantime hidden from public view, Obama guaranteed the proliferation of new, sneakier kind of lower intensity, out of sight, out of mind wars around the world fought by none other than the killer elite Special Forces. Now Americans cannot even tell you who the US is at war with because it’s all a deep state secret. Did I mention Obama’s the most secretive prez in history? Investigative reporter and author Nick Turse has determined the exponential growth of US Special Operations at last count over a year ago is deployed in more than 134 nationsaround the globe with the highest concentration throughout most of Africa and much of Central and East Asia. That’s most nations on earth along with a thousand US military posts around the world.

Expanding the presence of US proxy wars, Obama refined a new and improved formula for churning out the most barbaric, savage, seemingly unstoppable monster enemy of them all – the Islamic State (IS). Pretending IS jihadists are the most evil enemy since Russian Communists, complicit in showcasing their staged youtube beheadings to horrify the world for effect, Obama secretly engineered their expanding global dominance in Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and possibly just eight miles from the US border near El Paso in Mexico where reports from Judicial Watch recently claimed a high ranking Mexican police and a military officer stated ISIS is currently undergoing joint training operations with the drug cartel ostensibly to potentially terrorize Americans on US soil during Jade Helm. Of course the US government vehemently denies the presence of Islamic State in Mexico yet speculation still lingers based on US FBI and DHS meetings with Mexican authorities. In any event, the bottom line if the US really wanted to destroy ISIS, as the most lethal killing force on earth, it could eliminate Islamic State forces within a month.

Apparently it was two homegrown ISIS fighters from Arizona that showed up in Dallas bent on a shooting spree at a cartoon contest lampooning Islam earlier this month in what seemed a staged event, the same state deemed “hostile” by the Jade Helm game plan. Then came the bizarre mass biker gang shootout killing 9 in Waco, Texas a week ago. Evidence is coming to light that hidden ISIS recruiters are presently embedded in US, UK and Canada college campuses around those Western nations attempting to entice non-Muslims to join their cause. Based on a recent UN report almost two months ago, more than 25,000 new recruits did join from most countries in the world just since June last year. Whether ISIS is really here in North America amongst us or not, Washington’s been hyping the eminent dangers posed by right wing domestic terrorists lurking to kill government authorities like police, almost as if to prep us for an upcoming false flag that could occur during Jade Helm.

As the US-created hired gun, after training, arming and financing Obama’s secret ally that holds a calling card reading “Terrorism-R-Us-Will-Travel,” Obama and his globalist puppet masters have been increasingly outed with incontrovertible evidence of newly declassified documents that the so called ISIS enemy is actually a mere extension and creation of the US, its Western allies and their oligarch masters. It was just released that the Pentagon had devised a plan back in August 2012 for the rise of ISIS (that we never even knew existed then) to later take over two key Iraqi cities Mosul and Ramadi. Is it any wonder that Iraqi security forces simply cut and ran without a fight from both cities?

The latest disturbing revelations surfacing are disclosures from whistleblowers inside the military high command and a recently retired Homeland Security officer. One recently purged lieutenant general among the 270 high ranking military officers Obama has forced out of the service has just revealed in an email that this summer’s Jade Helm will in fact bring not only dissident extraction but the start of “a ground war, city by city, street by street” to America. The anonymous retired three star general went on to write:

     Additionally what is coming will be unlike any civil war in history, it will be very personal, the government will call the Patriots forces terrorists and traitors, they will arrest, intern, torture and murder suspected terrorists families, this will result in bloody reprisals which will start a vicious cycle lasting for years.

Lending credibility to his dire prediction was the general’s assignment in 2012 to be part of a Pentagon study assessing the rank and file personnel in all the US armed forces on whether they would be willing or not to fire upon and kill US citizens in a civil war scenario. He revealed that 80% of the National Guard would side with the American people, 90% of the Marines also, 60% of the Army would, the Navy would remain on active patrol in defense to interdict any possible foreign intervention and only the Air Force will side with Obama’s government at 75%. So from his email he believes the majority of US military would fight right alongside Americans against the government oppressors. It was alluded that a number of veterans up and down the ranks would also be armed as patriots actively resisting the government attack on its own citizens, which would far outnumber the treasonous government forces. But the bottom line according to this high ranking flag officer, an all-out civil war is fast approaching where many US citizens are likely to die and be imprisoned.

Another anonymous career insider from Homeland Security just admitted:

Preparations have been finalized to respond to a crisis of unprecedented magnitude within the United States. The response will include the use of lethal force against US citizens under the instructions of Barack Obama.

The whistleblower described the atmosphere inside the DHS mega-bureaucracy as forebodingly paranoid where no one trusts anyone and workers are leaving in droves. Afraid of information leaks, conditions have become so oppressive to create an ultra-hostile, toxic work environment. The DHS retiree maintains that the upcoming crisis will be “rooted in an economic collapse.” He said a key precursor just before the crash to look for will be falling gold and silver prices. The orchestrators behind it are the Wall Street bankers who of course like with every fixed crash in the past will be busily buying up all the precious metals for untold illegal profiteering. The insider maintains that America’s already sliding into crash mode though most people don’t realize it yet, adding:

The ‘big bang’ comes at the end, when people wake up one morning and can’t log in to their bank accounts, can’t use their ATM cards, and find out that their private pension funds and other assets have been confiscated.

He states that the above scenario of a cyberattack on the US banking system is but one possible plan he was privy to. Though the whistleblower admitted that DHS, the NSA and IRS are all militant, totalitarian arms of the White House, he doubly emphasized that it’s not Obama pulling all the strings:

[Obama] is a creation of the globalists who have no allegiance to any political party. He is the product of decades of planning, made for this very time in our history. He was selected to oversee the events I just disclosed. Who has that ability? He’s a product of our own intelligence agencies working with the globalists. He should be exhibit ‘A’ to illustrate the need to enforce the Logan Act.

Unlike the whistleblowing general, the former Homeland Security employee said he did not know the exact timing of when he foresees the plan being executed with high probability of two near simultaneous false flags triggering martial law and the violence directed against US citizens. But the general did, feeling certain that Jade Helm would go live in response to government induced crises. Because we live in an interconnected global economy, the disaster that will soon afflict the US will reverberate with ripple effects around the globe. And though many Americans will refuse to believe any such malevolent harm can possibly come to the United States that relative to most of the world has had it so good for so long, the globalists responsible are heartless evildoers who have no compassion or guilt for the atrocities and suffering they directly inflict on humankind. Bringing down America puts them one huge step closer to one world government. It will be up to us patriots like the revolutionaries of our War of Independence to fight for our liberty and life for a rebirth of a new nation fashioned after what originally was our Founding Fathers’ lasting legacy.

Joachim Hagopian is a West Point graduate and former US Army officer. He has written a manuscript based on his unique military experience entitled “Don’t Let The Bastards Getcha Down.” It examines and focuses on US international relations, leadership and national security issues. After the military, Joachim earned a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology and worked as a licensed therapist in the mental health field for more than a quarter century. He now concentrates on his writing and has a blog site at http://empireexposed. blogspot. com/He is also a regular contributor to Global Research and a syndicated columnist at Veterans Today.


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By Steve Chovanec

The US-led coalition now attempting to appear as though they are fighting ISIS knowingly aided the rise of the Islamic State for the purpose of isolating Assad and combating expanding Iranian influence. 

At least as far back as August of 2012 the very same anti-IS coalition knew full well that the precursors to ISIS, al-Qaeda in Iraq (AQI) and Islamic State in Iraq (ISI), dominated the Syrian opposition along with other al-Qaeda affiliated groups. 

They knew that AQI was declining during 2009-10, yet was resurrected due to the insurgency in Syria.  In spite of this, the US and her allies continued to provide aid, funding, weaponry, and training to these same extremist groups, specifically seeing their rise (and the horrendous crimes against humanity that they partook in) as a strategic asset for their geopolitical aims. 

The rise of the Islamic State was not only predicted, it was the expressed aim of the powers sponsoring the sectarian Syrian opposition for the purpose of opposing Assad and containing Iran.  Despite the fact that the rise of an Islamic State was predicted to have dire consequences for Iraq, including the fall of Mosul and Ramadi, support from the US-coalition to the Syrian opposition continued to manifest, leading to the conclusion that this was either the expressed intent, or an accepted byproduct of these policy decisions. 

A 7-page Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) document dated to August of 2012, recently released under a Freedom Of Information Act, request specifically states that the Syrian opposition was by that time “taking a clear sectarian direction,” and that “the Salafist, the Muslim Brotherhood, and AQI are the major forces driving the insurgency in Syria.”

AQI, the precursor to the Islamic State, as well “supported the Syrian opposition from the beginning,” and had “a regression… during the years of 2009 and 2010; however, after the rise of the insurgency in Syria, the religious and tribal powers in the regions began to sympathize with the sectarian uprising.”  Despite these facts, it was “the West, Gulf countries, and Turkey [who] support[ed] the opposition,” while “Russia, China, and Iran support[ed] the regime.”

Furthermore, it was predicted by the DIA that “ISI (Islamic State in Iraq) could also declare an Islamic State through its union with other terrorist organization in Iraq and Syria” and that “there is a possibility of establishing a declared or undeclared Salafist principality in eastern Syria.”  This is exactly what transpired in the years after 2012 with the declaration of the Islamic State.  Yet not only was this a possibility, this was instead “exactly what the supporting powers to the opposition want, in order to isolate the Syrian regime, which is considered the strategic depth of the Shia expansion” with Iran and Iraq being labelled as integral parts of this expansion.  The supporting powers are said to be “the West, Gulf countries, and Turkey.”

The report goes on to state that “the future assumptions of the crisis” are that “the regime will survive” and that the current events are developing “into a proxy war” between Iran-Russia-China and the West, Gulf, and Turkey.  Further, the report accurately predicts the fall of Mosul and Ramadi, stating that

“the deterioration of the situation has dire consequences on the Iraqi situation… This creates the ideal atmosphere for AQI to return to its old pockets in Mosul and Ramadi, and will provide a renewed momentum under the presumption of unifying the jihad among Sunni Iraq and Syria, and the rest of the Sunnis in the Arab world against what it considers one enemy, the dissenters.”

This could as well “create grave danger in regards to unifying Iraq and the protection of its territory.”

This document was classified as “secret” and distributed to the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of State, the DIA, FBI, CIA, the Secretary of Defense, the Secretary of State, Central Command, and other agencies.  It is an Intelligence Information Report, not a “finally evaluated intelligence” assessment, yet its information was vetted before distribution.

Therefore the US-led coalition that is now “fighting” ISIS continually supported an opposition it knew to be dominated by sectarian extremists, lying to the public while describing them instead as “moderates,” and predictably knew that this support would result in the establishment of an “Islamic State” and further continued to aid in such an establishment in order to weaken and oppose Assad and combat Iranian expansion.  It is a tenant of law that the “doer of an act must be taken to have intended its natural and foreseeable consequences.”(1)  Therefore, even absent the documents own admission of complicity of intent given that the rise of ISIS was a “natural and foreseeable consequence” of continually aiding the sectarian opposition the US and her allies must therefore be taken to have intended this outcome.

Furthermore, the document specifically demarcating Iraq as a center for unwanted Iranian “Shia”expansion while accurately predicting the fall of both Mosul and Ramadi to Sunni extremists, thereby assuring against such an expansion, all lead to the conclusion that the recent ISIS gains in both of these cities was not something that the US opposed, but instead something that it desired.  Given that the fall of Mosul and Ramadi too were “natural and foreseeable consequences”, given as well the severely questionable ways in which each city fell and the fact that although these outcomes were predictable the US-coalition still continued the policies that were known to lead to them, the US and her allies must therefore be taken to have intended these outcomes as well, either directly or indirectly.

The fall of Mosul in June of 2014 it must be remembered was, as described by Noam Chomsky,

“pretty remarkable.  In fact, western military analysts were astonished.  Remember what happened, Iraq has an army, and the Iraqi army knows how to fight.  During the Iran-Iraq war that army fought hard and viciously, and in fact ultimately won the war, with US support.  There was an Iraqi army of 350,000 men, armed to the teeth with all kinds of advanced weapons.  They had been trained by the United States for over a decade.  They were faced by a couple of thousand lightly armed jihadi’s.  First thing that happened was all the generals ran away. Then all the troops ran away, leaving their weapons behind them.  And then the jihadi forces just marched into Mosul and then into large parts of Iraq.  It was a pretty amazing phenomenon, it tells you a lot if you think about it.”

Furthermore “the Iraqi security forces disintegrated and fled, the rout led by their commanding officers,” one Iraqi army soldier describing that

“on the morning of June 10 his commanding officer told the men to stop shooting, hand over their rifles to the insurgents, take off their uniforms, and get out of the city.”(2)

Mosul was simply given away to by a battle-hardened army of 350,000 men to a lightly armed brigade of roughly 1,300 Islamists(3), the commanding military officers specifically ordering their subordinates to leave their weapons for the jihadi’s and to flee.  Had this “remarkable” fall been desired by the US-coalition in order to “isolate” the “strategic depth of Shia expansion” in Iraq?  Or rather “Had the senior Iraqi commanders been instructed by their Western military advisers to hand over the city to the ISIS terrorists? Were they co-opted?” as Professor Michel Chossudovsky had asked when this occurred?

Similarly, the more recent fall of Ramadi is equally as dubious.  The US-led coalition, which had promised to defend Iraq against the Islamic State, basically allowed Ramadi to fall, conducting only 7 airstrikes during the battle, which is such a low number as to be completely irrelevant.  The remarkably weak excuse was that a great sandstorm had prevented them from conducting regular attacks.  This despite the fact that the next day ISIS was holding victory parades among perfectly clear skies, the militants assembling in massive rows down the wide open street.With no “sandstorm” excuse, airstrikes could have easily wiped out entire factions of the extremists the US is supposedly fighting, yet none occurred.  Why?  Had this too been desired by the US-coalition in order to “isolate” the “strategic depth of Shia expansion” in Iraq?

Wahda Al-Jumaili, an advisor to Iraq’s parliamentary speaker, speaking of the city’s fall the day after stated “Whether this was the result of treason, neglect, or conspiracy, or a regional or international plot… Even the international coalition has played a bad role.  People saw the international coalition dropping weapons for ISIS.  They dropped heavy weaponry to the forces of terrorism in Ramadi.  This is an act of treason by the international coalition forces.”

This, however, is not the first time an Iraqi politician has accused the US-coalition of dropping weapons and aid to ISIS, this is instead a phenomenon that has been going on for some time now, in one incident two British planes were even shot down by the Iraqi’s under charges that they were dropping weapons to ISIS.  Photographic evidence was taken of the downed planes.  Iraqi parliamentarian Jome Divan stated that “The international coalition is only an excuse for protecting the ISIL and helping the terrorist group with equipment and weapons.  The coalition has not targeted ISIL’s main positions in Iraq.”  This being only one of a plethora of Iraqi politicians who have consistently been making these claims for some time now.

In any event the spillover to Iraq and the fall of Mosul and Ramadi were predictable consequences of the Wests’ Syria policy, and in some instances it appears as though the West aided in their fall, so at the very least they were an accepted consequence in the strategy against Syria and Iran, and at the worst they were an intended partition of Iraq.

Given this, and the fact that the US-coalition continuously aided the sectarian Syrian opposition knowing full well that this would then lead to an “Islamic State”, the consequence of which was the predictable fall of Mosul and Ramadi, coupled with the unbelievable manner in which both fell, it would be wise to consider the numerous Iraqi politicians claims very seriously, and to seriously question whether or not the fall of these cities really does have a more believable, albeit much more sinister, explanation behind them.


1.)   International Court of Justice, Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons (1996), “Dissenting Opinion of Judge Weeramantry,” Chapter III, “Humanitarian Law,” section 10, “Specific rules of the humanitarian laws,” (a) “The prohibition against causing unnecessary suffering” (emphasis in original).

2.)   Cockburn, Patrick. “The Rise of ISIS.” The Rise of Islamic State: ISIS and the New Sunni Revolution. Brooklyn, NY: Verso, 2015. 15. Print.

3.)   Ibid, 11.


Steven Chovanec is an independent geopolitical analyst and writer based in Chicago, IL.  He is a student of International Studies and Sociology at Roosevelt University and conducts independent, open-source research into geopolitics and social issues.  His writings can be found at, find him on Twitter @stevechovanec.


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