5 Responses to “Examining video file metadata”

  1. You can use hachoir-metadata to get the bulk of this information, in bulk, cross-platform. ;-)


  2. Additionally, exiftool will also provide much of the same data for many, many file formats. http://www.sno.phy.queensu.ca/~phil/exiftool/

  3. cmiller says:

    Excellent Cory, thank you for the tips.

  4. Jason P Sage says:

    Good article. I’d like to do all the metadata extraction myself versus use utilities – especially with names like GSpot ( LOL )

    Seriously I need the info for an App I’m building that needs GPS info to see if the video is close enough to an event that has a GPS location as well as get the time stamps to know the precise time and date a video was made. This way I can view them cronologically. In my app – even millisecond differences in time are important.

    Thank You,

  5. FYI : If you are not aware of this exif based search engine : http://www.exif-search.com

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