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    These incredible people...where to begin?? Today they packed 518 Snack Packs - double what they've done all year...

  2. Free emergency planning training offered through the Department of Education. A great resource for schools!

  3. Mentoring Matters...

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    In NC, makes sure all kids have toothbrushes and jeans, so they can focus. That's !:

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    Increased well-being = increased productivity. Life happens to our kids too.

  6. "The Power of Trajectory" on

    • @PedroANoguera

      Professor of Education and Executive Director of Metropolitan Center at, NYU. Primary interests: urban education, race and public policy, changing the world.

    • @BroaderBolder

      National campaign for evidence-based policies to improve schools and remedy conditions that limit children’s readiness to learn.

  7. Operation College Bound...a great Joplin Schools project supported by our amazing Bright Futures community partners!

  8. Retweeted

    Halftime: JHS 21 Glendale 18.

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    We are thrilled to introduce Miss Katie Hargrove with Neighborhood Life House Inc. as our July Partner of the...

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    Calling our littlest Eagles!

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    Calling all high school band members! Here is the schedule for your upcoming band camp: July 20-24 ALL drum...

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    Join us in welcoming Dr. Norm Ridder to Joplin Schools! Learn more about Dr. Ridder:...

  13. Retweeted

    US Dept. of Educations releases Parent Checklist to ensure children receive quality education.

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  14. Retweeted

    Why do we know so much about athletes, but not about kids? 's John Gomperts quoted in story

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    No significant occurs without/significant -James Comer

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    The first 5 yrs of a child’s life are critical for development: |

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  17. Retweeted

    kids dropout for many reasons, few of them academic — 

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