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me again

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Here I decided to share my ideas, impressions, views and news about my life and not only...

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Len here,

Friend - what should I call you?

We sing the same song, only different harmonies.

I believe that I can call myself passionate also. I am an illustrator, designer and film maker. I choose to use a visual medium to remind people, using beauty as my aid. There are many things worth preserving, worth fighting for - we need only to listen and see truthfully. Education is crucial here, which is my foremost motive.

Addressed to Valya: Correct me if I am wrong, but perhaps it is not really hating yourself, but rather not knowing why you are; why everything around you seems to have the wrong kind of suggestion. A writer, Jeremy Griffith - has spoken of such ideas. In his book "A Species in Denial" he speaks about resignation; when one gives into the society we know to be wrong - but feel we cannot change. I recommend this book, if not only the essay on resignation. Very insightful. Let me know if it is hard to obtain, and I'll see what I can do about it.

Life is always harsh I believe. Mastering love and happiness - is not what I a solution in removing harshness. Love and happiness can come even if we suffer, it is our actions and thoughts that change pain into joy. You know the great saying: "Die on your feet or live on your knees" ; I believe this to be one of the great underlying messages of truth. Truth reveals love, and like love - it is hard, never easy; but nothing good is ever easy. If we chase a wolf, capture it and tame it - is it still a wolf? Similarly for love and happiness - what happens if we try to capture and then master it?

I look forward to your further reflections - and to Valya: your thoughts on what is being discussed. Does it help you?



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