proud genoese β€” I am very grateful for your Maghreb history posts,...

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toli-a asked:

I am very grateful for your Maghreb history posts, thank you! I'm trying to ascertain if there's a way that Yusuf could have been from the Maghreb but in Jerusalem as a soldier or for non-civilian reasons, but know absolutely nothing. Off the top of your head, do you happen to have any ideas?

Not off the top of my head, but fresh out of the tangled pile of yarn constantly being re-arranged by a very temperamental kitten that passes for my brain, a bullet point version of some North African history from the 7th to 11th centuries. This bridges the gap from part 2 of the Proud Citizen of the Zirid Dynasty posts up to Yusuf’s time period. (I’ll eventually make posts with maps and links):

• 647AD first Umayyad (Arabic and Islamic) invasion of North Africa

• 658 Kharjite Islamic sect rejected Umayyad caliphs and Shi’ism

• 665-689 second Umayyad invasion of North Africa

• 680ish the city of Kairouan (in Tunisia) was founded as an Umayyad military outpost

• 689 Amazigh resistance captured Kairouan

• 695 Byzantine Empire and allies forced the Umayyads back to Kairouan

• 695 Dihya / Al Kahina led an Imazighen victory at Nebessa and the Umayyads were pushed back to Egypt

• 698 Umayyad destruction of Carthage, end of Byzantine influence. Tunis founded next to Carthage

• Amazigh peoples started to genuinely convert and to superficially convert to Islam after 702. Pre-islamic religion: mixture of Christian and indigenous religions. People converted out of sincere belief, for lower taxes, to avoid discrimination, for higher government status. By 740 there was widespread adoption of Islam by Amazigh peoples in North Africa

• 703 Dihya / Al Kahina killed at the battle of Tabarka

• 708 Umayyad army had put down all Imazighen uprisings and reached the Atlantic coast. Three provinces: Egpyt, capital al-Fustat; Ifriqiya, capital Kairouan; the Maghreb, capital Tangiers

• [There was migration of Christians from North Africa during this period. There were also many Christians who remained. The Byzantine Empire had tried to enforce Greek Orthodox Christianity and many North African Christians welcomed the overthrow of the Byzantines. Non-Muslims citizens were subject to a special tax, this was an important source of tax revenue for the Umayyads.]

• 711-88 Umayyad conquest of Hispania, ended Visigoth rule

• 711 Governor of Tangier lead an Imazighen army across the Straits of Gibraltar to Spain

• 712 They defeated the Visigoths. With large Umayyad re-enforcements they took control of two thirds of the Iberian Peninsula

• 717 Combined Arab-Amazigh army crossed the Pyrenees (mountains on Spanish-French border)

• 718 Al-Andalus declared province of Umayyad Caliphate

• 730 Iberian Amazigh uprising. There were tensions between Islamized Imazighen and the Umayyads over taxes on Muslim Imazighen. Non-Arab Muslims were treated as lower class and subject to higher taxes than Arab Muslims. Lead to Amazigh rebellions throughout Al-Andalus

• 739-43 Moroccan Amazigh Kharjite rebellion. Captured Tangiers 740, then marched on Kairouan

• 742 Umayyads bring Amazigh rebellion in Al-Andalus to an end

• 744 North African provinces west of Egypt became autonomous dynasties

• 750 Abbasid’s overthrow Umayyad’s

• 756 Independent Emirate of Córdoba founded by former Umayyad Prince

• 800AD Aghlabid Dynasty firmly established local, North African, hereditary rule. Emirate of Ifriqiya, capital Kairouan. (Ifriqiya = Eastern Algeria, Tunisia, Western Libya)

• From the 9th-11th centuries Kairouan was one of the great centres of Islamic civilization. It was the fourth holiest city after Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem. Third city of the Abbasid Caliphate after Basra and Kufa

• 827-902 Aghlabid conquest of Sicily, end of Byzantine rule

• 893AD the Ismaili Shiite Fatimids were formed by Kutama Imazighen in Mahdia

• 909 Sunni Aghlabid Dynasty overthrown by the Fatimids. Mahdia became the new capital

• 929 Emirate of Córdoba declared itself a caliphate

• 969 Fatimids conquered Egypt

• 973 Fatimids founded Cairo and established it as capital of their caliphate, it was an important center of indigenous Arabised culture

• 973 Zirid Dynasty was founded by Sanhaja Imazighen, they governed from Kairouan. Controlled Central and Eastern Maghreb

• 1014 Hammadid Dynasty founded by Sanhaja Imazighen, controlled Northeast Algeria

• 1040 Almoravid Dynasty founded by Lamtuna and Gudala Sanhaja Imazighen, controlled Western Maghreb and Al-Andalus

• 1045 Zirids declared independence from the Fatimids, their conversion to Sunni Islam, and their allegiance to the Abbasid Caliphate in Baghdad

• 1057 Kairouan was destroyed by Banu Hilal and Banu Sulaym tribes. They were displaced from the Arabian Peninsula by the Fatimids then later sent onwards to Zirid lands in retaliation for Zirid independence. There was an influx of 150-300,000 people into the Maghreb. They had a permanent effect on established social structures and the local environment. Formerly stable agricultural lands became desertified and displaced people adopted nomadism

• Zirids maintained control of coastal regions, Mahdia became capital once again

• 1059 Khurasanid Dynasty founded by Sanhaja Imazighen, ruled an independent principality of Tunis. They were protected by the Hammadid Dynasty

• 1061 Start of Norman invasion of Sicily

• 1066 Yusuf al-Kaysani is born

• 1068 Zirid Dynasty officially lose control of Sicily to the Normans. Resulted in an influx of Zirids from Sicily to North Africa and Al-Andalus

• 1071 Normans establish the County of Sicily. The majority of the island population was still Muslim

• 1071 Macedonian Dynasty lose Battle of Manzikert to Seljuks

• 1070s the Turco-Persian Seljuks start to settle in Anatolia, encroaching on the Byzantine Empire

• 1085 Alfonso VI captured Toledo, Spain, and Almoravids retaliated

• 1086 Battle of Sagrajas. Almoravids defeated Castilians and halted Christian advance in Al-Andalus. Both sides took heavy losses

• 1087 Genova and Pisa raid Mahdia, burn Zirid fleet, in retaliation for Zirid raids. This was one of the key events that made the First Crusade possible.

• 1091 Normans complete conquest of Sicily. (Norman expansionism was a motivator in their participation in the crusades)

• 1095 Byzantine Emperor Alexis I Komnenos requests military support and Pope Urban calls for an armed pilgrimage to Jerusalem

• 1096 Prince’s Crusade gathered in Constantinople

• 1098 Fatimids take advantage of the Seljuks being weakened by two years of fighting against the Crusaders and re-took Jerusalem

• 1099 Yusuf and Nicolò met

Hopefully that translates to give some context for the turbulent sociopolitical climate that Yusuf would have been born into and grown up in. Displacement and war, and their consequences, would not have been abstract concepts to him. His movie canon characterisation and Marwan’s portrayal depict Yusuf as someone who is motivated to care for and protect others. You don’t see him actively participating in battles on Copley’s murder board, you mainly see him actively helping people affected by conflict. That was a narrative choice.

It’s movie canon that Yusuf al-Kaysani is Maghrebi. Marwan Kenzari is ethnically Tunisian. However, Comic!Yusuf was a Fatimid. The Fatimid Dynasty only took control of Jerusalem in 1098, for the majority of the campaign the Crusaders were fighting the Seljuks. In my opinion, Yusuf being a citizen / soldier of the Fatimid Dynasty doesn’t have anything going for it that justifies erasing movie canon Yusuf’s and Marwan’s ethnicity.

Two major historical events of the Crusades happened in Tunisia and they bookend the rise and fall of the Christian Levantine states. The burning of the Zirid fleet in 1087, which contributed to the realisation of the First Crusade by opening up easier east-west Mediterranean travel for the “Franks”, and the disastrous attempt of Louis IX of France to take Tunis in 1270, where they experienced such heavy losses that it contributed to the fall of Acre in 1291 (the losses came about mainly through disease and shipwreck). The fall of Acre marked the end of the Christian Levantine states. The Genoese fleet was also involved in both events. Plus the thousands of years of history directly between “Tunisia” and “Italy”. As Marwan said, the one on the opposite side becomes the other side of the heart that beats.

To finally answer the actual ask, some ways that I think Yusuf could have gotten to Jerusalem:

• The Kaysanites, the religious sect that the al-Kaysani family is named for, were active in Persia and Persian is one of Joe’s movie canon languages. If they had family connections in Persia Yusuf could have been sent there for his education and found his way into the Seljuk army.

• Kairouan was The City in the Maghreb. A Kaysanite merchant family establishing a branch of their trading empire there some time between 800 and 1050 seems perfectly plausible to me.

• Al-Kaysani is a Shiite name and the Zirid Dynasty officially converted to Sunnism in 1045. However, there were still many people who remained Shiite living within the dynasty. However, there was widespread retaliation against Zirid Shiites after the sack of Kairouan in 1057, the sack was orchestrated by the Shiite Fatimid Dynasty. Yusuf was born in 1066.

• His family could have emigrated from the Zirid Dynasty to the Fatimid Dynasty when he was young due to the hostile environment for Shiites. He could have grown up in Cairo and become a Fatimid soldier, much like comic canon, while maintaining his Maghrebi ethnicity.

• If his family were Shiite they could have sent him to Cairo at a young age for his education and to avoid the unrest at home. He could have gone with siblings. He could still end up in the Fatimid Army. And he would still be ethnically Maghrebi.

• He could have been exiled for something or could have left to avoid getting married. He could have ended up at the Fatimid court as a warrior poet in exile, putting him in the Fatimid army, and still maintaining his Maghrebi ethnicity.

• Merchant-artist is his movie canon occupation. If his family were noble / wealthy enough that might have been enough to protect them from the post-sack of Kairouan Shiite retaliation. They also could have converted to Sunnism, sincerely or superficially.

• He could have been in Jerusalem as a merchant before the siege in 1099 and stayed to protect the people of the city.

• As a merchant he would have been aware of world news and the progress of the Crusaders campaign through Anatolia and the Levant towards Jerusalem. Fighting against the Crusaders / the “Franks” could have been personal after the raid on Mahdia and burning of the fleet in 1087.

• As a merchant based out of Tunis or Mahdia he would have had an ideal occupation for spywork.

• This is a man that jumps off the side of skyscrapers and crashes through windows at 954 years of age, imagine what he was like when he was in his 20’s…

yusuf al kaysani the old guard tog history tog ref tog fic the old guard fic yusuf al kaysani is a poet and a scholar