Built on InfluxDB Awards 2021

Help us recognize the many amazing solutions built on InfluxDB and submit a nomination today!

Congratulations to all the 2021 winners! Nominations will re-open in January 2022.

2021 winners

  • Best Third-Party Integration: ThingWorx by PTC
  • Best Visualization: MoxieWORLD iOS app by MOXIE IoT
  • Best Application: Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time by the Vera C. Rubin Observatory

awards 2021

InfluxData is continually amazed and inspired by the solutions and applications built on the InfluxDB platform. To recognize these outstanding creations, InfluxData is excited to announce this year’s Built on InfluxDB Awards as part of the Built on InfluxDB program.

If you have built a solution on InfluxDB or have a favorite application that integrates with InfluxDB, we encourage you to submit it for consideration before May 3, 2021 using the short form provided.

Don’t forget to join us live at InfluxDays EMEA where winners will be announced before closing ceremonies on May 19th at 1:00 PM BST.

award categories

  • Best Application — Best application built on InfluxDB for commercial, hobby or social good.
  • Best 3rd Party Integration — This could be a contribution to a 3rd party repo for a solution that connects data to InfluxDB. Or it can be an integration work performed on behalf of a client.
  • Best Visualization — Best visualization that uses InfluxDB as the datasource. This can include using external tools, UIs, and third-party visualization libraries. Bonus points if it is part of a contributed InfluxDB Template.