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Title: All Critters Great and Small
Fandom: The Sentinel
Pairing: Jim/Blair
Categories: AU
Length: Long (almost epic)
Warnings: n/a

Author on LJ: n/a?
Author Website: http://www.geocities.com/romslinger/enter.html

In this AU, Jim is on leave from MC (due to his rampaging senses, natch) and is working as a PI. His latest case? To track down one Blair Sandburg, who changed his name and went into hiding seven years ago. Jim gets a lead and heads off into the countryside, where he bumps into Dr. Blair Sanborn, a blue-eyed vet with long curly brown hair. Heh.

Romslinger is excellent with AUs, but few of them have the sweetness of All Critters Great and Small. The small, mundane tasks of a small-town vet and the drifter that Jim claims to be weave together to create a delicate, almost fairy tale like atmosphere that is sure to brighten your day.

All Critters Great and Small 


Epic Recs

Length Guidelines

Short: under 2,000 words
Medium: 2,000-15,000 words
Long: 15,000-40,000 words
Epic: 40,000-100,000 words
Super Epic: 100,000+ words



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