J C Lawrence
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"I don't think we're PC any more Toto!"
Email me!
J C Lawrence
Master of this Domain

Professional activities

I make my living as a contract software engineer. What that exactly means is a subject for considerable debate, and whether the term "software engineer" is really just one big gut wrenching (and not very funny) joke is another. Me? I just like solving problems in ways that keep them solved, permanently. If that means I get called a "software engineer" on my resume (HTML / pdf / txt), so be it.

Aside: And before anybody complains about the length of this page, It is intended as a reference and a starting point, not as general reading material.

Kanga.Nu stuff
Things I find useful
Professional interests

Note:The professional interests section of this page is slowly growing as I transfer my bookmarks over. The programming section of the Library at Kanga.Nu already contains most of my (more or less) useful programming links.

Security is a question of intelligent assessment.

Linux filesystems
Intrustion detection & related systems
Crypto, anonymity and privacy
Places to buy books
Documents of interest

There are other, better sorted documents listed in the sections above. These are just things that are useful, or had no other better place.

Open source commentary
  • The obligatory family pictures.
Go Linux!
