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The MagicalTheory admins would like to apologize for not publishing more letters from Draco. He's been on holiday with his family and refused to answer our owls, which was rather rude if you ask us. When we told him this he merely snipped, "I'm rude," and went on with his day.


Gorgeous Draco,

Millions of people read Ginny/Draco Love FanFics, so all I wanna know is this:


If not, give me a call!


Sigh. It appears as though 50% of the letters I recieve are about the littlest Weasel. Let me make this clear: If something is going on in my personal life, you Muggles will not be the first I tell about it. I was told this column would be where I could give advice to you poor sods in desperate need of it. It's not where I share my darkest secrets, discuss girls, fashion and plait hair.

Also those MagicalTheory birds are breathing down my neck and if I say I am dating Ginny they'll do foolish dances and pump me for details. If I say I'm not, they'll shut down this column, which may not, upon further thought, be a bad idea.



You are an idiot. Mudbloods and muggles are sooo better than you stupid, inconsiderant, purebloods! I don't need advice from you because you wouldn't be smart enough to answer.



Filthy Mudblood -

Yes, but at least I am smart enough to spell "inconsiderate" correctly. And I don't call myself foul names.



Got a question for Draco? Send it to him, he may or may not reply.