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We can make weed disappear right before your eyes.

July 18, 2003

"Saitou Hajime"

Best Morning Fuckever.

What makes Saitou Hajime so great anyway? I stole most of these from this place but don't click on it unless you like popups.

1.He uses his left hand to fight, which is almost as good as being left-handed!
2.He can light his cigarette under any weather condition on the first try without lighting his hair on fire.
3.He's hardcore and he's a bad guy.
4.He's not handsome but really gorgeous and he belongs to me. :)
5.He acts so cool even when there's something bad going on.
6.He is too sexy to resist.
7.He doesn't care what everybody thinks.
8.He is the ultimate chain smoker and doesn't have any symptoms of cancer.
9.He is the most masculine guy.
10.And the most tender.

Nobody makes me smile like you do.

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