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Burden of Disease statistics

(related to WHO's burden of disease activities)

Statistical measures relating to the burden of disease. Includes: Healthy Life Expectancy (HALE); Life Expectancy; Discussion Papers. Also, this is where to find manuals, resources and software for carrying out national burden of disease studies.

Burden of Disease Project
The Global Burden of Disease project: results for 1990 and 2000 to 2002, methods and documentation. Manuals, resources and software for carrying out national burden of disease studies.

Global Burden of Disease Estimates
Incidence, prevalence, mortality, YLL, YLD and DALYs by sex, cause and region, estimates for 2002 as reported in the World Health Reports 2003 and 2004.

Healthy Life Expectancy
Healthy life expectancy (HALE) is based on life expectancy (LEX), but includes an adjustment for time spent in poor health. This indicator measures the equivalent number of years in full health that a newborn child can expect to live based on the current mortality rates and prevalence distribution of health states in the population.

Discussion papers
Global Programme on Evidence for Health Policy - Discussion Papers

Life tables and methods

Life Tables for 191 Countries
Beginning with the year 1999, WHO began making annual life tables for all Member States. These life tables have several uses and form the basis of all WHO's estimates about mortality patterns and levels world-wide. A key use of these life tables is in the construction of healthy life expectancy (HALE) which is the basic indicator of population health levels used by WHO and published each year in the World Health Report.

Modified Logit Life Table System

The Modified Logit model life table system is a 2-parameter system based on the Brass logit model and using a global standard. The system is indexed on l(5) and l(60) rather than alpha and beta as in the original Brass system. The model was developed in order to address systematic deviations in mortality patterns observed as levels of child and adult mortality deviate from the standard, and has been used extensively by WHO to produce life tables for areas with poor vital registration.

Modified Logit Life Table System: Principles, Empirical Validation and Application [pdf 4.45Mb]
Link to the GPE Discussion Paper (#39) providing full details on the development and validation of the model.
ModMatch Version 1.1 [zip 5kb]
Experimental software developed for the Stata statistical software package which can be used to generate Modified Logit system life tables based on certain inputs such as 5q0, 45q15, and e0.
ModMatch User Notes [pdf 7kb]
A brief overview of the software with contact details for further information.