Schönberg’s Library

At the time of its acquisition by the Arnold Schönberg Institute (University of Southern California Los Angeles), the legacy of Arnold Schönberg contained 728 monographic titles. Many of these books have annotations in the margins by Schönberg.

Schönberg himself prepared a catalog to his library. This catalog, which also included scores, lists about 600 hundred volumes (of a total today of approximately 2,000 volumes) and was compiled in 1918. Volumes acquired between 1918 and Schönberg’s death in 1951 were not listed anywhere by Schönberg. His catalog consisted of two parts: Numerical Accession Lists (about 38 pages long) and an alphabetical Author List (145 pages).


A more detailed description of these lists, with facsimiles of six pages and a transcription of the entire monograph list (including indications of annotations) may be found in “Schoenberg’s Library Catalog” published by Clara Steuermann in the Journal of the Arnold Schoenberg Institute (III/2).

The following list of all the books in Schönberg’s legacy is arranged alphabetically by author. Arnold Schönberg Center call numbers for each title are given at the end of each citation.


Verzeichnis der annotierten Bücher im Nachlaß Arnold Schönbergs (pdf)
Verzeichnis der annotierten Zeitschriften im Nachlaß Arnold Schönbergs (pdf)

Printed Music

A catalogue of all printed music from Arnold Schönberg's legacy is available as
pdf-File (166 pages, 800 KB). It is necessary to download Acrobat Reader first (free software):
Home >  Archive & Library > Schönberg’s Library