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Lavra today

Fourteen years ago, after almost thirty years of desolation linked with the persecution of the Orthodox faith, the Holy Dormition Kiev-Pechersk Lavra — the cradle of the Russian monasticism — has revived anew.

As the proverb says, it is easier to pull down than to build. And it is almost impossible to restore at once the ideal monastic life. So many years of persecution made our people spiritually weaker, many traditions of spiritual life, and monasticism in particular, were lost. Therefore, the establishment of the monastery’s inner spiritual life will require dozens of years. But the light of monastic life began to glow and people started to turn towards it: both, who yearned for monasticism, and pious laymen, who grew fond of the ancient monastery with its great sanctuaries.

Despite many years of hardships, the spiritual strings connecting our times with the times of «memorable acts and feats of the Holy Fathers» were not destroyed. Isn’t it a miracle that today the oasis of life full of faith and hope has been restored in the downtown of the modern metropolitan city that for decades struggled with its sacred history.

What the life of the monastery begins with? — It begins with the prayer. Without a prayer the monastery is just a dormitory. Therefore, the divine service occupies the central place in the monastic life and never ceasing prayer is the primary duty of the monk. In this respect, by the grace of God, the revival of the Lavra is connected not only with coming of new monks, but also with return of elderly monks experienced in prayer and having the knowledge of Lavra traditions.

From the times of the Venerable Theodosius of Pechersk the Lavra introduced an ancient coenobitic rule of the Studion Monastery. But years had brought some peculiarities that are called now the Lavra tradition.

The day in the monastery begins with the brethren gathering in the morning in the church for the midnight service. The brethren are also given the commemorations for living and dead Orthodox people. Upon completion of the midnight service, the Hours are read, and after them the Divine Liturgy is celebrated. Never ceasing Psaltery is read in the Lavra. In a small chapel on the Near Caves reading of the Holy Psalms continues day and night symbolising an unceasing spiritual icon-lamp.

Following feasts of the Church occupy a special place in the Lavra divine services: the Dormition of the Most-Holy Theotokos, the feasts of Lavra churches — Nativity of Christ (underground church in the Far Caves), Nativity of Theotokos, the Presentation of the Most-Holy Theotokos (underground church in the Near Caves), Annunciation (underground church in the Far Caves), Trinity, Elevation of the Cross, Conception by St. Anna, All Saints, Venerable Fathers Anthony and Theodosius and also Synaxis of All Saints of Pechersk, Synaxis of the Saints, whose relics repose in the Far and Near Caves, feasts in honour of the icon of the Mother of God «Life-Giving Spring», days in memory of the particular Pechersk Saints when polieley services are celebrated.

Public prayers (moleben) during which people are unctioned by the chrism from the chrism-running heads or when the hat of the Venerable Mark the Grave-Digger is put on are celebrated in the Caves.

On feasts after the Liturgy the ceremony of Panagia takes place. (The word «panagia» comes from Greek and means «all-holy» or «most-holy».) Panagia is the name of the communion bread, from which during the Liturgy the part is taken out in honour of the Most-Holy Theotokos. This communion bread is carried out solemnly from the church and is shared between the brethren after the meal appealing to the name of the Mother of God.

According to the Tradition of the Church this rite comes from the Apostolic times. After the receiving the Holy Spirit and before setting off to preach the Word of God to different countries, Apostles lived together for some time. During the meal they left one free place at the head of the table for Christ putting some bread before Him. After meal and hymns of thanks they raised this bread with the words: «Glory to Thee, our God, Glory to Thee! Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Mighty is the Name of the Holy Trinity! Lord Jesus Christ save us». They made this devotion and after parting. On the third day after the Dormition of the Most-Holy Theotokos they gathered for meal and having raised the bread, they saw in the air the Mother of God surrounded by Angels. She promised to the Apostles to always stay among them. Afterwards, the Apostles exclaimed: «The Most-Holy Theotokos, save us!» Following that, they went to the Sepulchre of the Mother of God and found only the grave wrappings. The Mother of God, like Her Son, bodily ascended to Heaven.

Monastic meal is a follow-up of the divine service, for it is connected with unanimous thanksgiving to God for His bounties. During the meal biographies of saints, various sermons or interpretations of the Holy Scripture are read.

Usually big coenobitic monasteries that look like small cities with their own streets are called Lavra. (The word «lavra» comes from Greek and means «street».) The life in these cities is governed by clearly defined laws and procedures, without which the full monastic life is impossible.

His Beatitude Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev and All Ukraine, is the Lavra’s Archimandrite and the Head of hierarchy. He began this service in 1992 immediately after being appointed Primate of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Since 1994 His Eminence Pavel, Archbishop of Vyshgorod, Vicar of Kiev Metropolia, is the Lavra’s Superior.

Ecclesiastical Superintendent supervises the order of divine services and duties.

The main issues of life in the monastery are discussed at the Lavra Ecclesiastical Synod.

Devotions and work have always been the basis of life in the Kiev-Pechersk Monastery. Biographies of the Pechersk Saints contain a lot of examples: laymen often could see the Venerable Anthony decently cultivating land with other brethren; the Venerable Theodosius had never been idle, he had always been occupied, even on feasts after the divine service he had undertaken to do any work; the Venerable Arsenius and Abraham had received nicknames of Lowers-of-Labour. The Venerable Nicolas Svyatosha had abandoned the prince’s riches and carried out difficult duties. There are many more such examples.

At present the Lavra has its own plumbers, metalworkers, carpenters, joiners, architects, tailors, gardeners, beekeepers, bakers, cooks, and a medical assistant. It also has a plot of land where crop is cultivated. There is an excursion bureau. Icon and sewing workshops produce wonderful pieces of the church art. Laymen help with pleasure the brethren in their duties.

Singing in a choir is the duty requiring many spiritual and physical efforts. The brethren strives to revive and preserve the traditions of Kiev Pechersk singing that exist for many centuries and add to divine services special solemnity and beauty.

The monastery’s choir many times was invited to sing at various spiritual celebrations. It also participated in the festivals of church singing. Several CD with Lavra psalms were produced.

The duties of churchmen, sextons and cavemen occupy a special place among the types of duties. They assume constant close stay near sacred places in churches, in the altar or near the relics of the Saints. Such duties apart of responsibility require special attention and reverence in order to maintain an appropriate mood and feelings towards sanctuaries.

1988 became the year of the monastery revival. This period coincided with the revolutionary changes in the society.

The Lavra’s printing house is reviving its activities.

Since 1992, following a sad schism in the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, the Lavra accommodates administrative buildings of Kiev Metropolia. The Kiev Theological Academy and Seminary, which revived their activity in 1989, also occupy several buildings.

The revival of the monastery has affected positively the Lavra architectural complex, churches and buildings were restored, and plantations of trees and shrubs were improved. After almost sixty years of ruins the Dormition Cathedral, the Lavra’s pearl, has been renovated. The municipal authorities were engaged in its renovation, but the Ukrainian Orthodox Church headed by His Beatitude Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine Vladimir (Sabodan) actively participated in the revival of the Cathedral helping with material resources and work force. What is the most important, the Church consecrated the commencement and completion of the Cathedral renovation.

But building and restoration of churches does not mean only construction of churches and cathedrals, it means building temples of the Living God in human souls of those who come to our worldly churches searching for God, healing and salvation.

Let us use the repentance time given to us by the prayers of the Pechersk Saints, holy new martyrs and hieromartyrs with thanksgiving and fear of God for comprehension of the past and present, for vigil and salvation. «Even so you too, when you see all these things, recognise that He is near, right at the door» (Mt.24,33) — the words of the Holy Gospel appeal to us. «For this reason you be ready too. For the Son of Man is coming at an hour when you do not think He will...»

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