Mary Beth Harrell (TX-31)

Mary Beth Harrell

Mary Beth Harrell

Candidate for Congress

Texas (TX-31)

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Wes ClarkAs the wife of a retired military officer and mother of two active-duty soldiers – the oldest serving in Iraq, she is running to restore the kind of independence, accountability, and leadership that the citizens of Central Texas demand – and deserve.

“Mary Beth Harrell has taken a strong stand on the Iraq War and will never support any exit strategy that squanders her son’s service in Iraq nor dishonors her husband’s long service to our country. She will stand for crafting and implementing an exit strategy that protects our national interests and brings our soldiers home as soon as possible by setting achievable benchmarks for the Iraqi government. She will call for the building of a truly international peacekeeping coalition and the redeployment of our soldiers out of Iraq before it becomes full blown civil war. She will also ask the tough questions. The Bush Administration said that the Iraq War would be paid for by Iraqi oil. The newest budget presented to Congress calls for half a trillion dollars to pay for this war. Harrell will be a strong voice in Washington to clear up these discrepancies between rhetoric and reality.

“Sending Mary Beth Harrell to Washington, DC will guarantee that mainstream values are once again represented in Congress. Mary Beth Harrell represents the best of everything America is. She will make our country proud."

~ Wes Clark