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Polar Bear Flocke (Photos: Ralf Schedlbauer)
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Polar Bear Flocke


One Polar Bear Twin Died

Flocke is well.

10 December 2008 – On 8 December 2008, in Nuremberg Zoo, one of the polar bear cubs died. The second cub looks healthy and is being well looked after by its mother, Vera.

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Christmas Angel visits Flocke Stall

1 December 2008 – Nuremberg Christmas Angel, Rebekka Volland, is one of many people following the development of the polar bear offspring in Nuremberg Zoo.

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Vera in the polar bear stable

26 November 2008 - Just short of one year after Flocke, polar bear Vera has again produced offspring for Nuremberg Zoo. On Friday, 21 November 2008, Vera gave birth to two cubs in her stable.

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Vera and Felix having a rendez-vous in February 2008

20 November 2008 – Nearly a year ago, polar bear Vera gave birth to Flocke in Nuremberg Zoo. In spring 2008, Vera was ready to conceive again. During this time, male polar bear Felix was given the opportunity of mating with Vera.

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News from Flocke

31 October 2008 – Flocke is taking giant steps towards her first birthday. She has become a strapping bear who weighs over 75 kilogrammes and can reach her keepers' shoulders when standing on her hind legs.

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Flocke's Lunch Break was abolished (Photo: Ralf Schedlbauer)

15 September 2008 – Right on time for the beginning of school on 16 September 2008, the serious side of life also starts for Flocke. She won't have any more naps in her stable at lunchtime.

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Flocke enjoys looking for food (Photo: Ralf Schedlbauer)

15 August 2008 – Flocke has a new hobby: Early in the morning, the caretakers place all over the compound small bits of food, e.g. of egg-plants or apples, and Flocke looks for them enthusiastically.

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Picture of the day
Flocke Onlineshops
Nuremberg Zoo
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