New Beginnings...

Tuesday 20th June 2006 @ 12:27 gmt

Infinite Loop

Over the past few months, I've been in meeting with Apple discussing the prospect of going to work for them full time in Cupertino, CA. As of next month, I'm off to California, joining the iWorks group to work for the company full time as a visual designer and icon artist. I'd like to extend my eternal gratitude to all of the subscribers, visitors, sponspors, clients and community peers that have made widgetwidget such a fantastic place to work over the past five years. Without your support and feedback, the site would not have become what it is today - and for that, I am forever grateful. I've got one final gift for all you guys that you can download on the right. Till next time...

- Alexander

New Desktop Thursday

Thursday 18th May 2006 @ 18:00 gmt


Taking our inspiration from all around (and perhaps more obvious sources) we're proud to present the new desktop 'Blackbook'. Use it to adorn your Cinema Display or add a bit of texture to the svelte and glossy lines of your new notebook.

Speaking of notebooks, we've updated our ever popular Magnum Opus with the new MacBooks, the iPod Hi-fi, Apple IR remote and some other new hardware releases. Magnum Opus is a huge icon set covering the breadth and depth of Apple's product history. It contains no fewer than 280 icons and 4 million pixels. Haven't downloaded it yet? Not a subscriber? Why not subscribe for only $9.99 a year!

New Desktop Thursday

Thursday 20th April 2006 @ 10:27 gmt

Grassy Wool

We love Photoshop - its the most versatile graphics workhorse available. And we also love taking macro shots of anything we can get our hands on. So we took an old woolen sweater, fired up Photoshop and had fun - adding subtle textures, lighting effects and different brush strokes to create a surreal grassy landscape that's not quite wool and not quite grass. Its 'Grassy Wool' - and you can grab your copy from the Desktops page.

Not yet a subscriber? Why not subscribe for only $9.99 a year!

    the lumberjack is back

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    photos with a twist

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    going full circle