
The amount of complex data is growing faster than our capabilities to analyze it. Large investments are put into collecting data and building data warehouses. How to get something out, and use the potential of the data collection often comes as an after thought only.
Looking through a keyholeLike one of our customers said: “With my previous tools I felt like looking through a keyhole, not being able to discover the essential business information”.
We develop interactive visualization solutions that let you see your data and turn it into knowledge you can act on.

Our software closes the gap between the data you collect and the knowledge you need to act in order to stay competitive. Users of different industries benefit from:
Our products and solutions range from visual components embedded in existing vertical applications, to stand-alone visualization systems.
January 1, 2009
We wish you a successful 2009!

November 6, 2008
TreeMap v. 1.6.3 is out! You can download it here. It features support for non-distorting zooming!

October 23, 2008
SurveyVisualizer v. 2.1.0 released. You can download it here. It has a nicer appearance and better performances.

October 22, 2008
New version of the Environmental Car Rating dataset.

February 25, 2008
InfoScope v. 3.2.1 released! You can download it here. It contains various improvements and bug fixes.

October 11, 2006
UBS published the 2006 edition of their Prices and Earnings report. The full dataset is now available for InfoScope to visually explore purchasing power around the world.
