Muzej novejše zgodovine Slovenije / National Museum of Contemporary History

Address: Celovška cesta 23, Ljubljana
Phone: +386 (0)1 300 96 10
Fax +386 (0)1 433 82 44
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Opening hours

Daily from 10:00-18:00. Mondays and public holidays closed.

Ljubljana Card

The holders of the Ljubljana Card tourist pass receive a 20 percent discount on admission fee.


The National Museum of Contemporary History is a state museum dedicated to the heritage of recent Slovenian history, from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. The Museum's collections cover World Wars I and II, the period between the two World Wars, the Socialist period and the establishment of an independent state. Exhibits include historical items, archive and library materials, fine art works and photographs.

Permanent exhibition:

Slovenians in the 20th Century
The exhibition presents the history of Slovenians living within the borders of the present Slovenia from the beginning of World War I in 1914 to the achievement of Slovenian independence in 1991.

United in Victory - Democratisation and Attainment of Slovenian Independence

The exhibition presents the historical turning points of the 1980s and the new political movements which considerably contributed to Slovenia's achievement of independence from the Federative Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia in 1991. The exhibition brings together both historical artefacts testifying to people's everyday life and exhibits related to the appearance and activity of new social movements and political parties, preparations for the military part of the process of secession, and the secession itself.

Location description

The National Museum of Contemporary History is housed in Cekin Mansion (Cekinov grad), a two-storey pavilion building located on the edge of the Tivoli park. It was built between the 1752 and 1755 on commission from Count Leopold Lamberg. The mansion's later owners notably included the family of Peter Kosler, a renowned cartographer who drew the famous Map of the Slovenian Land and Provinces (Zemljevid slovenske dežele in pokrajin) in 1863.

The exterior of the Mansion has a modest but refined late Baroque façade. Baroque wall paintings adorn an outstandingly beautiful hall on the first floor. In 1991, the interior was renovated by the architect Jurij Kobe, who took into consideration the building's original concept, but, on the grounds that the Baroque decoration was almost completely destroyed, decided on modern and functional design. The renovation also included the building of a communication tower in the courtyard and conversion of loft space.




  • €3.34 for adults
  • €2.50 for schoolchildren, secondary and university students, soldiers and seniors
  • free for groups of preschoolers and SMD, ICOM, Press, AICA, ITIC or ISTC cardholders

Free for everyone visiting the Museum's permanent exhibition Slovenians in the 20th Century on the first Sunday of the month.
Online booking
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