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  • Lindsay Lohan | Lindsay Lohan Lindsay will in den Irak
    Lindsay Lohan | Lindsay Lohan Lindsay will in den Irak
    10.08.2006 | 
    "Ich möchte das tun, was Marilyn Monroe getan hat: ganz allein auf eine Bühne steigen und für die Soldaten singen", sagte Lindsay Lohan der Elle. Gemeinsam mit Hillary Clinton habe sie vor, in den Irak zu reisen, um die dort stationierten Soldaten moralisch zu unterstützen. Angst habe sie keine: Gemeinsam mit ihrem Leibwächter wolle sie vorher Schießübungen machen. "Wenn ich dann in den Irak fliege, weiß ich wie man schießt."
  • Lindsay Lohan | Lindsay Lohan Die neue Monroe
    Lindsay Lohan | Lindsay Lohan Die neue Monroe
    20.07.2006 | 
    Lindsay ließ sich bereits in Marilyn-Posen und -Styling für die Vanity Fair ablichten. Nun habe eine Freundin der Monroe ihr zugeflüstert, dass sie Ähnlichkeit zwischen der verstorbenen Schauspielerin und der jungen Lohan verblüffend fände. Lindsay fühlt sich von diesem Vergleich mehr als geschmeichelt, weiß femalefirst.

    Doch Lindsay ist wandlungsfähig: Erst kürzlich sprach sie Sharon Stone an und sagte, dass sie ein Bild von Lohan entdeckt hätte, auf dem sich beide sehr ähneln. Wow!
  • Lindsay Lohan | Lindsay Lohan Neue Single + neues Album im März!!
    Lindsay Lohan | Lindsay Lohan Neue Single + neues Album im März!!
    18.01.2006 | 
    Sorry, für die verspätete Meldung zum geänderten VÖ Datum von Lindsay. Auf den März könnt Ihr Euch trotzdem doppelt freuen, denn in diesem Monat erscheint sowohl die neue Single von Lindsay Lohan "Confessions Of A Broken Heart (Daughter To Father)", als auch ihr neues Album "A Little More Personal (RAW)". Sobald es weitere Infos gibt, lassen wir es Euch natürlich sofort wissen.

    Single "Confessions Of A Broken Heart (Daughter To Father)" ab 10.3.
    Album "A Little More Personal (RAW)" ab 24.3.
  • Lindsay Lohan | Lindsay Lohan Lindsay Lohan Interview
    Lindsay Lohan | Lindsay Lohan Lindsay Lohan Interview
    04.03.2005 | 
    Why try music?
    I’ve always been singing since I was little. I’ve been taking voice lessons and stuff. So music was something that I always wanted to explore and try. I wanted to be try the triple threats thing , act, sing and dance. And I don’t know, I got lucky enough to finally be able to make an album, and just run for it.
    Real Audio

    How is music different than acting?
    Music is a lot different from acting because you king of do everything at once and you have a big break off, and then you start next album. But when you do movie, it takes, it’s bigger process. There’s more involved in whole situation so. And with music, I feel like it’s somewhat you can become known so much faster. With movies, it takes more films to get out there. With music, it jus happened over night.
    Real Audio

    Why name the album Speak?
    Well, on the album, I basically talk about love, hate, anger, just being young, and going through experiences. And I feel like it was most appropriate title because I speak about everything, and another time, it’s been and I thought its, we’ve just got revoking and everything and I thought it’s important for me to speak out and speak your mind. We are a lot of came from.
    Real Audio

    What is shooting a music video like?
    Well, my other experiences in from of camera was basically shooting movies on films. So shooting music videos, it’s similar in some ways but it’s different in more ways than one because it’s just kind of in and out you do everything a lot faster . You have less time to do everything. It’s more strenuous because you have longer day, and I mean the thing that’s more fun in a way is that you’re singing and dancing so that’s like you are out with you r friends but you are making video. So you can capture a lot more, capture much more in the video because you are having a lot of fun with it. When you are acting, you are completely different person. So you are king of putting whole front on in a way. So those are the differences that I mean that at least I went through.
    Real Audio

    Discusses the song “Over”
    My new single is called “Over,” and it was a song that I wrote with John C and Karla D. And it was just based on personal experience that I’ve been going through at the time. Stuff was about my family, boys, and all that kinds of things. It was just someday, I wrote stuff in a journal, and they were writing to it. And then I hand in to my journal over to them and just opened up and said “what can we do with this?,” and that’s basically how it came about. It’s great because its very emotional, and it’s true to the heart of the song.
    Real Audio

    Discussing the video for “Over”
    The video for “Over” does some more reflect the song. You know, it’s instead of just ending, you kind of when you break up with someone, something you feel like why is this over? You are going to, we can end this now, but don’t let me be the last and all. Like tell me first. So that I’m not just sitting here wondering and the video’s kind of like that because my character in the video really feels for the guy and I think they really both love each other at this mutual love and trust for each other. He just can’t stand himself so she gives his a chance, and he doesn’t take it. So it’s over.
    Real Audio

    Discusses most memorable experience recording Speak
    My most memorable experience from recording this album was that like six of the songs out of 12 were recorded on my trailer on the set of my movie that is coming out in June, “Herbie Love Bug.” (“Harbie: Fully Loaded”) I was working filming the movie and I was also recording my songs and writing and promoting. So I did it all in my trailer and some of the songs I did in my house.
    Real Audio

    How she recorded Speak in her trailer
    In the trailer, we basically had pro-tools computer, and a microphone. And you know, we hocked it up and we just did it. And it came out great in the trailer because the energy was there. I was running back and forth from set, and I was just running in and sing a lyric or two here and there., then I run back out. I would just do the whole song whenever I had breaks over lunch breaks and stuff. I really didn’t have any down time. I was recording the whole time.
    Real Audio

    Discusses other upcoming projects
    “Harbie Love Bug” comes out June 3rd of 2005, and I start shooting my next movie “Lady Luck” which will come out 2005 as well probably just a little bit later. Then hopefully more singles to come. I’ll e recording another album by then. Maybe touring in Japan and everywhere. That’ll be nice.
    Real Audio

    Discusses differences between acting and singing
    I don’t know. I think people give me an amazing rush in different ways. When you are doing a movie, it takes longer so you are very anxious to see what happens. You have to wait that much longer for it to come out and everything to happen for it. And when you are recording a song, you record sometimes three songs in one day if you have enough energy for it. And the album will come out soon after. Well, that’s how was for me. Because we were rushing to get album done. But you know what happens faster with recording, so the rush comes quicker. And with movies, you have to wait for it more. So they are both equally the feeling that comes from both of them are amazing because it’s something that you put a lot of effort into. And it’s very personal, close to your heart. So once it happens, it’s like I don’t know how it happens, it’s very shocking.
    Real Audio

    Discusses what she does in her free time
    In my free time, I really just churlish being able to hand around with my friends, my family, and just literally just getting in my car and driving or just sitting and doing nothing. Like, I mean I enjoy going out with my friends at night and hanging out with them just because it’s relief just be able to do that. Just have fun, kick back and not worry about anything, but at the same time, then you always have to think about what other people’s going to say. If you are out and then sees like you always have to be conscious. So I just like being with my friends and families wherever it is.
    Real Audio

    Discusses how she deals with fame
    You know I think that is kind of understanding that you have when you come into this business. You want the press and you want people to notice you and that’s what you strive for. You want to be, you want to be in the spot light. So when you come up there and you finally have it, it’s something that you shouldn’t take for grant it because it can go away that easily. So you kind of understand what’s gonna come with that. Sometimes it gets really tiring and you are exhausted and you don’t want to do stuff. You just have to go through it just be happy that you can have the experience of doing that, but in terms of having my private life, I think you kind of know that you don’t have one anymore. Like, I know anything I do and everything I do will get our there. So I do everything accordingly, and I know it’s going to come out of it and I know people’s going to find out and I accept that because I’m a normal girl and I do things anyone else can or should do or would want to do, and I’m growing up, too. I’m still learning. I’m going to make mistake, and people want to know that. Then they are going to have to deal with it and see it and accept it for what it is.
    Real Audio

    Discusses other ventures she’d like to pursue
    There are few films that I’m looking in and producing. So that’s interesting to me. I’ve always loved writing, but I don’t know what will come out of that. Actually, I’m getting together with someone to start writing a treatment for something, but no one really knows about that. So kind of have the first clue.
    Real Audio
  • Lindsay Lohan | Lindsay Lohan Jetzt Lindsy auf dein Handy holen!
    Lindsay Lohan | Lindsay Lohan Jetzt Lindsy auf dein Handy holen!
    Ringtones, Realtones und Frabilder 25.02.2005 | 
    Hole Dir jetzt Lindsay Lohan auf Dein Handy!
    Bei findest Du eine große Auswahl an Ringtones, Realtones und Farbilder.

    Hier geht es zu


Lindsay Lohan



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