NanoGeoScience – University of Copenhagen

Nano-Science Center at the Faculty of Science
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Nano-Science Center > Research > NanoGeoScience


The NanoGeoScience research group is an interdisciplinary, international team. The group is engaged in solving real world issues with the assistance of Nanotechnology. 

The goal of the NanoGeoScience research group is to collect new basic knowledge and understanding of the reactions between natural materials and fluids. This knowledge is useful for:

  • Development of nano particles to remove specific pollutants from ground water
  • Development of nano particles that binds and neutralizes toxic materials in waste
  • Increasing the recovery of oil from lime
  • Reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere by incorporation into solids
  • Solving the mystery about the formation of shells, bones, and teeth. This will give our medical colleagues new possibilities of developing better and efficient treatments of bone diseases.


NanoGeoScience Group Leader: Susan Stipp.

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