Coffee of Benin

BeninCountry: Benin
Coffee Types: robusta
Bags Exported: 0
Robusta harvest: November - February

Location: Benin, a narrow, north-south strip of land in West Africa, lies between the Equator and the Tropic of Cancer.
Latitude: 6°28' S Longitude: 2°36' E
Area: 112,622 square kilometers
BeninCapital City: Porto Novo
Languages: French
Monetary Unit: CFA franc
Population: 8,439,000

Terrain: The geography of the land primarily consists of long coastal strips and swampy or forested plateaus. Stretched between the Niger River in the northeast and the Bight of Benin in the south, Benin's elevation is about the same for the entire country. Most of the population lives in the southern coastal plains, where Benin's largest cities are also located, including Porto Novo and Cotonou. The north of the country consists mostly of savanna and semi-arid highlands. Running southernly, down the middle of the country is the Oueme River.

Climate: The climate in Benin is hot and humid with relatively little rain compared to other West African countries, although there are two rainy seasons (April-July and September-November). In the winter the dust winds of the harmattan can make the nights rather cold.

Important Exports: cotton, crude oil, palm products, cocoa

Varietals: ambriz, amboin of robusta

Benin TerrainCoffee Flavor: The clean well-graded beans have good acidity and medium body.

About the Coffee: Never a large player in the world coffee market, Benin grows robusta coffee only in its southern most region. In the 2006/2007, coffee export in this tiny country dropped to zero.

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