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Patrick West

Patrick West is a freelance writer based in the UK and Ireland. He is the author of Conspicuous Compassion (Civitas, 2004), The Poverty of Multiculturalism (Civitas, 2005) and Beating Them At Their Own Game: How The Irish Conquered English Soccer (Liberties Press, 2006). He writes weekly about television for

Why the Left hates Michael Moore

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Michael Moore as portrayed by Team America

Most people on the Right agree about Michael Moore: he’s a poseur and egomaniac whose “anti-capitalist” documentaries blend fact and invention. This is not surprising. However, with the release of his new film, Capitalism: A Love Story, it’s worth noting that many of his critics come from the liberal Left. And with good reason, for Moore exposes their infantilism and narcissism.

One of his most trenchant detractors is Christopher Hitchens, who wrote of his movie Fahrenheit 9/11: “To describe this film as dishonest and demagogic would almost be to promote those terms to the level of respectability. To describe this film as a piece of crap would be to run the risk of a discourse that would never again rise above the excremental. To describe it as an exercise in facile crowd-pleasing would be too obvious. Fahrenheit 9/11 is a sinister exercise in moral frivolity, crudely disguised as an exercise in seriousness. It is also a spectacle of abject political cowardice masking itself as a demonstration of ‘dissenting’ bravery.”

The anti-Bush campaigner Jesse Larner was even more disparaging in his 2006 book Forgive Us Our Spins: Michael Moore and the Future of the Left. In it, he despairs of Moore’s gesture politics and misleading use of montage, his reluctance to comprehend nuance and emphasis on “emotional appeal over factual content”. Reviewing the book in The Guardian, even George Monbiot concluded that it was “well written, witty, and wise … helping us understand where the Left has been going for the last few years, and where it might end up.” In The Independent, Sholto Byrnes asked: “Why does Moore twist the truth when his arguments are strong enough to be presented without manipulation? Is he merely a monstrous egotist whose head has been swollen further by international success?”

The film-maker’s weakness for misleading audiences was well illustrated by Mike Wilson’s 2004 documentary Michael Moore Hates America, which explains the dishonest aspects of Roger & Me (1989) and Bowling for Columbine (2002). Wilson is a conservative, but many on the Left are equally alarmed. Andrew Anthony asked in The Observer in 2004 why the director “has only ever established a partial relationship with the truth”, or why his public persona does not match his private one. This “champion of the working-class” insisted that Channel 4 house him in the Ritz when he was in England working on the television show The Awful Truth. This anti-capitalist sent his daughter to a private school. This self-appointed spokesman of the workers is also a notoriously demanding boss himself. “He’s a jerk and a hypocrite and didn’t treat us right and he was false in all of his dealings,” said one former worker. His former manager, Douglas Urbanski, has said that Moore “was the most difficult man I’ve ever met… he’s money-obsessed”.

The Left and Right can unite in accusing Michael Moore of double standards, but many on the Left are more dismayed because he represents a deeper delinquency in radical politics. He is an idol to a generation that chanted the childish, self-regarding slogan “Not in my name” and admire loudmouth cretins such as Hugo Chavez. It was fitting that a marionette of Michael Moore appeared in the 2004 film Team America: World Police, alongside representations of Susan Sarandon, Alec Baldwin and Sean Penn. The film’s makers, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, are disaffected Democrats, unhappy at how Hollywood egotists adopt trendy political causes to make themselves appear virtuous; Moore is one of the worst offenders.

The secularist Left will probably turn on Michael Moore further, as in Capitalism: A Love Story, he speaks most unfashionably of his continued devotion to the Catholic church. Strangely, this may cause many on the religious Right to have a re-think, too.



  • Well said.

    Fernandez on Mar 4th, 2010 at 1:46 am
  • There is another director that is taking the whole Michael Moore genre to a new level. Sandra Mohr put out “Stock Shock” and it’s worth a view. DVD is pretty much everywhere. The trailer is at DVD is cheaper there.

    stockshock on Mar 4th, 2010 at 1:46 am
  • I don’t like Michael Moore because he is unspeakably dull. Is that not enough.

    johnthebearcub on Mar 4th, 2010 at 8:51 am
  • Michael Moore is a ‘gatekeeper’ for the powers that run America. He is there to present a view designed to blindside people and to get them to accept the wishes of the liberal left.

    Oliver Stone is another gatekeeper. The movies JFK and ‘W’ were both designed to present totally inaccurate representations of the facts.

    The biopic of Bush was dire. The JFK movie was even worse. The real reason for JFK’s assassination was because he challanaged the ‘money power’ by issuing Executive Order 11110. This gave the US Treasury the power to issue silver backed money. This was a direct challange to the monetary hegemony held by the Federal Reserve. The liberal media in the US has done everything in its power to hide the facts from the people. The same applies to 9-11. The official version of events is a fairy tale.

    Moore’s movies are just as repellant. His anti-firearm position is nothing to do with any genuine concern for gun crime. The American oligarchy is determined to disarm America just as Bliar took away our right to bear arms here. It’s the oldest socialist trick in the book, to play on peoples’ fears in order to armtwist them into accepting legislation that will not serve the better interests of the people.

    The fact that gun ownership is still allowed in the USA is the only obstacle in the way of the global socialist movement destroying every last remaining vestige of the Constitutional Republic.


    UK Debt Slave on Mar 4th, 2010 at 9:26 am
  • Huh? Is there some point to all this? There is no real explanation, as promised, of “why the left hates Michael Moore”. Presuming for the moment that is true. But it isn’t. First of all, in the USA, where Moore operates, there is no “left” left to be doing the hating. There’s a weak center, at most. Moore doesn’t, and has never, represented any large political segment of the population. He’s always been off on his own, and anyone paying attention knows that. Yes, some of his interests overlap some of the traditional interests of the non-right, but so what? Overlaps of that sort exist all over the place (e.g., some of the ACLU’s cases). It’s not as if Moore was ever in danger of becoming for the non-right what Limbaugh is for his crew.

    fingers on Mar 5th, 2010 at 10:29 am


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