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Imagine That: Sly Stallone Auditioned for Han Solo

Filed under: Sci-Fi & Fantasy, Fandom, Newsstand, Stars in Rewind

Ever wonder what it might have been like if Sylvester Stallone had been the guy to pilot the Millennium Falcon? Yeah, me either, but apparently Sly did answer a casting call for the role. In a Q&A with readers over at AICN, Stallone reminisced about his almost opportunity to travel to a galaxy far, far away.

When asked if he'd turned out of the auditions, Stallone told fans "Yes as a matter of fact I did and it didn't meet with much approval since when I stood in front of George Lucas he didn't look at me once." He then goes on to say that "Well, obviously I'm not the right type. [It] all worked out for the best since I don't look good in spandex holding a ray gun." Love you Sly, but spandex does sound a bit frightening.

Stallone might have had more of a shot at being the guy who gets to hang out with Chewie if he'd been a little more famous when he auditioned. Rocky hadn't yet come out and the actor's biggest role was playing Machine Gun Joe in Roger Corman's Death Race 2000.

Harrison Ford eventually got the role -- despite not being in the running for it -- and beat out Christopher Walken (Good golly, can you imagine?), Kurt Russell, Nick Nolte, John Travolta, and even Robert De Niro for the iconic part. Can you even picture Stallone as Han? All I can see when I think of it is him standing on the Falcon yelling "Yo, Chewie!"

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