Hey Crazy--Get a New Hat

47.jpg.jpgIntrepid researchers at MIT have released results of their study which threatens to shatter the serenity that is paranoid schizophrenia. Nothing says crazy like a tin foil hat. Admittedly, there are quite a few things that say crazy just as nimbly. The tin foil hat has become a sort of pop-culture icon representing someone who’s taken it a little too far in an attempt to thwart mind readers. Be it the Governments or Major League Baseball the Tin Foil Hat has stood for all things repellant when the brain-wave stealers came a knockin’.

ali2.jpg.jpgThe power of MIT computers and technology behind them a group of grad students published the results of their experiment online this past February. In an internet meme bouncing from the NBR, Fortean Times to BoingBoing the world has become more aware that the Tin Foil Hat may actually have been a ploy by the government in the first place. Those who thought they had a one-up on the Man suddenly find that the foil hats used in the MIT study (which, by the way, were your run of the mill Reynolds-type variety) actually increased the GHz waves assigned to GPS tracking signals. Hmm…maybe they won’t know quite what you’re thinking but they may be able to track you down. Bostonist is grabbing that last bottle of Focusin we’ve got in the medicine cabinet and watching our special edition DVD of Signs">special edition DVD of Signs.

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Are you going to write anything about the Hingham postal work who got abused by the crazy lady? It'

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