Executive Committee:
Chair: Craig Fraser (Canada) cfraser @ chass.utoronto.ca
Vice-Chair: Jackie Stedall (UK) jackie.stedall @ queens.ox.ac.uk
Secretary: Elena Ausejo (Spain) ichs @ unizar.es
Treasurer: Henrik Kragh Sørensen (Denmark) hks @ ivs.au.dk
Interested in ICHM co-sponsorship of an event?
[Information on ICHM co-sponsorship]

The International Commission for the History of Mathematics (ICHM) is an inter-union commission joining the International Mathematical Union (IMU) and the Division of the History of Science (DHS) of the International Union for the History and Philosophy of Science (IUHPS). It is composed of representatives of some fifty-five nations, those nations internationally in which the history of mathematics is taught and/or actively researched. The ICHM has the following international aims:

  • to encourage the study of the history of mathematics; and
  • to promote a high level of historically and mathematically sophisticated scholar- ship in the field.

The ICHM works toward these goals first and foremost through its official journal, Historia Mathematica. Founded in 1974 by Kenneth O. May, Historia Mathematica is currently under the editorship of Benno van Dalen (Frankfurt, Germany) and June Barrow-Green (Open University, United Kingdom) and publishes original research on the history of the mathematics in all periods and in all cultural settings.

The ICHM also seeks to promote and encourage the history of mathematics through a variety of other activities, most notably:

  • sponsoring or co-sponsoring scientific symposia at the International Congresses of the History of Science and of Mathematics, at meetings of national history of science and mathematics societies, and at other conferences;
  • maintaining a World Directory of Historians of Mathematics; and
  • awarding, once every four years on the occasion of the International Congress of the History of Science, the Kenneth O. May Medal to historians of mathematics for outstanding contributions to the history of mathematics.

Elena Ausejo (ichs @ unizar.es)
Seminario de Historia de la Ciencia
Facultad de Ciencias Matemáticas), Ciudad Universitaria
E-50009 Zaragoza (Spain)
Tfno. 976 76 10 00 Ext. 3268;   976 76 11 19
FAX: 976 76 11 25
M il 652 91 39 50

Page design: Julie Riddleberger