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The World Conservation

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All members are dedicated to promoting hippo conservation.  Listed members also have specific research interests.  

To contact an individual Hippo Group member with an unlisted email address, please list the member's name in the subject heading of an e-mail to Dr. Rebecca Lewison at:

Group Members

Dr. Rebecca Lewison, Chair
San Diego State University

Email: rlewison@sciences.sdsu.edu

Research interests: foraging behavior, social behaviors and population dynamics of common hippos
Field site: Tanzania, Katavi National Park

Glenn Feldhake
Website Manager

Dr. Christopher Field

Dr. William Karesh
Field Veterinary Program
Wildlife Conservation Society

Dr. Hans Klingel
Zoologisches Institut Universitaet Braunschweig D-38092
Braunschweig Germany

Email: H.Klingel@tu-bs.de
Research interests: social organization, behaviour, natural history, conservation of common hippos
Field sites: Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda

Mr. Stephen Krueger
Toledo Zoo

Dr. Ernst Lang

Dr. Andrew Laurie

Dr. Mike Lock
Royal Botanic Gardens

Dr. Alastair A. Macdonald
Preclinical Veterinary Sciences
The University of Edinburgh

Dr. William Oliver
Chair of the Pigs, Peccaries and Hippos IUCN/SSC Group
Flora and Fauna International

Dr. Phillip Robinson

Research interests: pygmy hippo conservation, development of wildlife and forest conservation areas in Liberia's portion of the Upper Guinea Forest
Field sites: West Africa, Liberia, Sierra Leone

Read: River Horses and Water Cows - Dr. Robinson's insightful look into everything you ever wanted to know about pygmy hippos

e-mail: ptrobinson@columbus.rr.com

Mr. Richard Taylor
KwaZulu-Natal Nature Conservation Service