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Query Activity
1 Address Stamps
2 Hair Clips
3 Etsy Jewelry
4 Handmade Jewelry
5 Gift Guide
6 Apron
7 Keep Calm And Carry On
8 Steampunk Jewelry
9 Handmade
10 Yudu Reviews 

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Statistics Summary for

Alexa Traffic Rank Reputation
Global 203
Global Rank Alexa Traffic Rank
A measure of's popularity.

The rank is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to and pageviews on over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1.

Updated Daily
United States Flag 53
Rank in US Traffic Rank in Country
A measure of's popularity in a specific country. The complete list of's ranks by country is on the 'Traffic Stats' tab below.

The rank by country is calculated using a combination of average daily visitors to and pageviews on from users from that country over the past 3 months. The site with the highest combination of visitors and pageviews is ranked #1 in that country.

Updated Daily
Sites Linking In Sites Linking In
A measure of's reputation.

The number of links to from sites visited by users in the Alexa traffic panel. Links that were not seen by users in the Alexa traffic panel are not counted. Multiple links from the same site are only counted once.

Updated Monthly
3.5 Stars
12 Reviews Average Review
The average review of based on user ratings.

Traffic rank for

  Traffic Rank Change
Yesterday 206 -4 Change in Traffic Rank over the trailing 1 day period (A negative change means the site is getting more popular)
7 day 207 -2 Change in Traffic Rank over the trailing 7 day period (A negative change means the site is getting more popular)
1 month 203 +1 Change in Traffic Rank over the trailing 1 month period (A positive change means the site is getting less popular)
3 month 203 -31 Change in Traffic Rank over the trailing 3 month period (A negative change means the site is getting more popular)

Estimated percentage of global pageviews on

  Pageviews Change
Yesterday 0.05920 -2.4% Change in Pageviews over the trailing 1 day period
7 day 0.05604 -0.4% Change in Pageviews over the trailing 7 day period
1 month 0.05544 +3.4% Change in Pageviews over the trailing 1 month period
3 month 0.05518 +10.79% Change in Pageviews over the trailing 3 month period

Estimated percentage of global internet users who visit

  Reach Change
Yesterday 0.37400 -2% Change in Reach over the trailing 1 day period
7 day 0.38800 +0.5% Change in Reach over the trailing 7 day period
1 month 0.39700 -2.5% Change in Reach over the trailing 1 month period
3 month 0.40170 +15.3% Change in Reach over the trailing 3 month period

Estimated percentage of visits to that consist of a single pageview:

  Bounce % Change
Yesterday 26.50000 -1% Change in Bounce % over the trailing 1 day period
7 day 27.60000 -1% Change in Bounce % over the trailing 7 day period
1 month 29.30000 -4% Change in Bounce % over the trailing 1 month period
3 month 29.90000 -4% Change in Bounce % over the trailing 3 month period

Estimated daily unique pageviews per user for

  Pageviews/User Change
Yesterday 17.20000 -0.2% Change in Pageviews/User over the trailing 1 day period
7 day 16.50000 -0.9% Change in Pageviews/User over the trailing 7 day period
1 month 15.92000 +6.1% Change in Pageviews/User over the trailing 1 month period
3 month 15.69000 -3.9% Change in Pageviews/User over the trailing 3 month period

Estimated daily time on site (minutes) for

  Time on Site Change
Yesterday 10.27167 -8% Change in Time on Site over the trailing 1 day period
7 day 10.76667 0%
1 month 10.41500 +4% Change in Time on Site over the trailing 1 month period
3 month 10.32500 -1% Change in Time on Site over the trailing 3 month period
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Average (1.477 Seconds), 52% of sites are faster.

Note: Slow sites may be penalized by search engines.

Where Visitors Go on


Percent of Site Traffic








Audience Snapshot

Top Search Queries for

Based on internet averages, is visited more frequently by females who are in the age range 25-34 and are college educated.
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Query Percent of Search Traffic
1 etsy 12.36%
2 0.66%
3 esty 0.63%
4 feather hair extensions 0.35%
5 handmade jewelry 0.22%
6 vintage 0.13%
7 feather extensions 0.13%


Search Traffic

The percentage of site visits from search engines.

Period Percent of Site Traffic
Last 30 days 10.9%
Last 7 days 10.9%
Yesterday 10.4%
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Search Traffic on the Rise and Decline

The top queries from search engines driving relatively more/less traffic to in the current month than the previous month. Updated monthly.

Search Query 1 Month Increase The change in percentage of search traffic to for each query.
1 feather hair extensions 0.24%
2 terrarium 0.08%
3 steampunk jewelry 0.04%
4 keep calm and carry on 0.04%
5 handmade jewelry 0.03%
6 stained glass 0.03%
7 handmade earrings 0.03%
8 vintage 0.03%
9 hair feathers 0.03%
10 fascinator 0.03%
Search Query 1 Month Decline The change in percentage of search traffic to for each query.
1 etsy 0.43%
2 0.13%
3 easter baskets 0.06%
4 ballet bags 0.05%
5 soy candles 0.05%
6 jewelry 0.04%
7 etsy coupon code 0.04%
8 vintage clothing 0.03%
9 feather earrings 0.02%
10 sun dress 0.02%

Search Advertising Metrics Highlights

Data provided by iSpionage. Visit iSpionage to discover additional information metrics for

Last Month Stats (Estimated)
PPC Budget
Last Month Clicks
Avg. Ad Position
Google PPC Keywords
Yahoo PPC Keywords

High Impact Search Queries for

Popular queries that are relevant to this site and are actively targeted by competitors advertising on search engines. Click on queries below to discover who is advertising for these queries.

Query Query
A phrase that drives traffic to “” from search engines. This list also includes sub-phrases that account for a high percentage of this site's search traffic broken out separately. For example, if the site receives traffic for 'buy diamond ring', 'diamond necklace', and 'diamond bracelet', the word 'diamond' might also appear in the list.
Impact Factor Impact Factor
A high value indicates that “” is getting significant organic search traffic for queries containing these phrases, despite high advertising competition for these phrases.

Impact Factor is a combined measurement of the importance of a particular phrase to the site's search traffic and the level of search engine advertising competition (QCI). The index is on a scale of 0 to 100.

Updated Monthly
Query Popularity Query Popularity
An estimate of how frequently users search for these keywords, on a scale from 0 to 100. Higher numbers indicate higher frequencies.

Updated Monthly
QCI The Query Competition Index
QCI indicates the typical number of ads displayed for keyword searches on major search engines. A large number of ads indicates strong advertising competition for a query. The index is on a scale from 0 to 100.

Updated Monthly
etsy 28.36 61 15
handmade jewelry 3.45 37 64
feather hair extensions 3.38 39 42
feather hair 3.36 16 90 1.52 44 20
esty 1.44 44 16
terrarium 1.37 42 50
hair accessories 1.21 34 60
soy candles 1.06 40 69
handmade 0.90 38 35
handmade earrings 0.89 30 60
wall decals 0.89 41 66
jewelry 0.89 51 58
steampunk jewelry 0.64 27 42
feather extensions 0.62 34 21
vintage 0.60 50 31
easter baskets 0.57 28 77
vintage clothing 0.53 42 54
shabby chic 0.52 38 55
stained glass 0.52 35 60
cupcake liners 0.48 25 66
unique handmade jewelry 0.46 24 63
steampunk 0.44 49 30
tutu 0.43 41 53
tiffany demichele 0.43 23 100
baby headbands 0.43 32 69
vintage furniture 0.43 26 56
hair feathers 0.41 28 54
keep calm and carry on 0.40 41 29
handmade soap 0.38 30 69

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Activity by

Ads for have appeared on major search engines when people performed the queries below. Click on the queries below to discover more information.

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Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Opportunities for

Queries that provide opportunities for this site to advertise through Search Engine Marketing (SEM) to get more traffic. They are popular queries that are relevant to the site, and have low competition in search engine marketing. Learn More Many sites are actively advertising in search engines for the most valuable search queries. This high level of competition tends to result in high advertising costs, which makes it difficult to find attractive advertising opportunities. These opportunities may still exist, however, by looking at the "long tail". The long tail contains search queries with lower Query Popularity, but such queries also tend to have lower QCI. By advertising for many of these queries, sites may still be able to manage an effective search engine marketing campaign. Note that not all queries on the long tail may be very relevant to this site, but this list may contain a number of strong advertising candidates.

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Brooklyn, NY 11217
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Employees:25 - 100
Revenue:$10 - 50M
Ownership:Privately Held

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About (in its own words) Quoted from's About Us and similar pages.

Etsy is an online marketplace for buying & selling all things handmade. Our mission is to enable people to make a living making things, and to reconnect makers with buyers. Our vision is to build a new economy and present a better choice: ... Since our launch in June, 2005, over 100,000 sellers from around the world have opened up Etsy shops. ... Etsy :: About

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Review Summary for

3.5 Stars
(based on 12 reviews)
4 out of 6 people would recommend this site to a friend.

5 stars (7)
4 stars (0)
3 stars (1)
2 stars (2)
1 stars (2)
Good content3
Good deals2
Good customer support1
Active community4
Site is fast and responsive2
Easy to navigate1
Hard to navigate3
Poor customer support4
Site is slow and unresponsive1

Reviews for

I would recommend
this site to a friend
crhansen78 (Enthusiast)

The best use of this site is Other.

  • Active community
  • Easy to navigate
  • Good content
  • Good deals
  • Other
  • Site is fast and responsive

Comments: I personally love Etsy! I started using Etsy as a buyer and then opened my own shop, but still frequently buy items/gifts/supplies from other sellers. I love it, both as a buyer and seller. Most of the gifts that I give are purchased on Etsy.

I would recommend
this site to a friend
drmatilda (Enthusiast)

The best use of this site is Shopping.

  • Good content

Comments: I use multiple sites for buying and selling. Etsy is wonderful. If you like Etsy, try BigValueDepot. Com . It is free to list items there and they get a fair amount of traffic (not as much as Etsy). I find that it is good to diversify my listings etc. Try BigValueDepot. Com also :-)

I would not recommend
this site to a friend
Facebook User (Power Visitor)
  • Poor customer support

Comments: You have no freedom of speech at Etsy... Google the words coralgate and you'll see why. Hurry up before they shut this one down too!
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  • 1 out of 1 person found this review useful.

I would recommend
this site to a friend
hiraru (Power Visitor)

The best use of this site is Shopping.

  • Active community
  • Other
  • Hard to navigate
  • Poor customer support

Comments: As a buyer and handmade enthusiast, Esty initially seemed heaven-sent. However, over time, the complicated and unintuitive search function, vague categories, and mistagging/no curating made searching and browsing overly frustrating and time consuming. Unannounced/poorly announced and irrelevant site updates (heralded as something wonderful) cause confusion, while important tools, like coupon codes, are untouched. Resellers go unregulated, and despite repeated flagging, the resellers go unblocked because somehow Etsy cannot block individual IP addresses. This means that the buyer of handmade must wade through page after page of garbage listings to find good, quality, handmade items. For the time being, if you can manage to slog through the irrelevant and miscategorized items, you can still find those sellers still holding forth the light of handmade. Etsy stills receives the most traffic and still has the most authentic handmade sellers, so I would still recommend it (with reservation), but act quickly, as many sellers are leaving for other venues or for personal websites.
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  • 1 out of 1 person found this review useful.

I would recommend
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Facebook User (Power Visitor)

The best use of this site is Other.

  • Active community
  • Hard to navigate
  • Poor customer support
  • Site is slow and unresponsive

Comments: Since I have a shop on Etsy (which used to be successful) I guess I qualify as a power visitor. I used to spend 4 to 5 hours each day communicating with customers, uploading new items, rearranging the pages and checking the forums for Admin posts regarding critical site changes. Now, since the reinterpretation of rules, there is a huge influx of huge mass produced goods that we can't compete with or even get our own truly hand made products seen because the search works so badly. I completely agree with everything ocean56 said so I won't repeat those observations. Esty seems to have abandoned all the original "dreams" and has a policy of muting people who criticize and bring up these issues in the forums. It has become an uncomfortable and unprofitable site for many of the "oldtimers" that Etsy built it's reputation on. Many are opening up new shops on other venues or working on establishing websites. It's sad because I enjoyed my first year there so much. I would say to friends, try to find and support the shops there that aren't the big mass producers of outsourced goods. Try to keep the integrity alive.
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  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

I would not recommend
this site to a friend
oceans56 (Power Visitor)
  • Poor customer support

Comments: As both a seller and buyer for over 4 years on Etsy, I have to say that I am very disappointed in the overall decline of the site. It is overrun with sellers of mass produced overseas products labeled as hand made and vintage. As a seller, it's difficult to compete with Wal-Mart pricing, and as a buyer my confidence in the integrity of the site has declined immeasurably. Customer service is very slow and often not responsive at all. Generic messages are sent in reply to complaints and concerns that often do not address the problems. Administration can be very selective in their process of administering site policy, giving the appearance of favoritism and often displaying immature and knee-jerk reactions to complaints or criticisms. Communication is very poor overall. Often, changes made within the site are only announced when the membership comes to the forums to find out why something is different. There is a distinct lack of clarification and an unwillingness for administration to draw distinct lines as to what specifically is and isn't allowed in a given circumstance. This has created loopholes to be used, and the inability to know with any certainty if someone is breaking the rules or not, creating discord amongst sellers as the rules are unevenly applied. Site features are rolled out without adequate testing, resulting in numerous problems for site users. There is little, if any, long term vision into what the ripple effect of those changes might be. Categories are illogical and not suited to an intuitive shopping experience. Categories and tags are so misused and cause frustration for both buyers and sellers. The hype about Etsy does not match the reality. One would think that after 6 years, venture capital investments and a ten-fold increase in staffing in all areas that Etsy would be much further along than it is.
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  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

I would recommend
this site to a friend
americaneagle9 (Power Visitor)

The best use of this site is Other.

  • Active community
  • Good content
  • Good customer support
  • Good deals
  • Site is fast and responsive
  • Hard to navigate
  • Other

Comments: Its a very good place for buyers but for a seller it can and is a daunting task to get your product noticed, Google feeds are not up to standards and it takes a very long time for your product to come up in google search and longer in google products, while the site is everything it claims to be, it is a bit overcrowded with sellers, which is a good thing for a buyer and the site but not so for a seller. I made this review in the eyes of a seller's prospective, other seller's will have a more positive view and others will not. I do encourage the buyer to visit Etsy and buy, because these are hard working people and it takes skill and time to make these products which are unique and not a massed machined product.
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  • 1 out of 1 person found this review useful.

I recommend
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altissima says: I have been mostly a buyer on etsy for a couple of years. I did open a shop nearly a year ago, but I haven't made any sales (I didn't invest very much time in my shop and had only four items listed). I started buying inexpensive original art and some hand crafted items there. I also have been buying a few art supplies (usually custom mats to fit the artwork). More recently, I have begun to buy vintage clothing/jewelry items and vintage housewares. If you like original artwork, handmade or custom items, then etsy is a great destination. There are items at all price points - ranging from a few dollars to thousands of dollars. I am so happy that there has been a big increase in vintage items for sale. I used to buy vintage things from ebay, but quality items are becoming harder to find on ebay and easier to find on etsy. What I think is most interesting about etsy is how many of my favorite bloggers have shops there. Artists, stylists and designers who blog regularly and get even a little buzz going about their work, can do okay on etsy. As a buyer, I have purchased so many lovely items from the artists on etsy that I am glad the site exists!
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  • 0 out of 1 person found this review useful.

I recommend
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thatsgreat says: I love this place for unique handmade items. I buy craft supplies too. I spend hours just looking around. Its a wonderful place to shop and sell. I sell sometimes my handmade items too.
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  • 0 out of 2 people found this review useful.

I recommend
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Facebook User says: Etsy is a fabulous site, full of marvelous surprises. Here you will find thousands of skilled artisans with their own shops of handmade wonders. You can buy handmade almost anything; soap, jewelry, greetings cards, clothing, art, candles, needlecraft, crochet, Vintage items, supplies, toys and glass items, to name a few. Handmade items are unique, special and made with care; handmade is thrilling; try for yourself!
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  • 0 out of 1 person found this review useful.

Audience Demographics for

Relative to the general internet population how popular is with each audience below?


The audience for among 18-24 year olds is
similar to the general internet population.

Confidence: high
Relative to the general internet population, 25-34 year olds are over-represented at

Confidence: high
The audience for among 35-44 year olds is
similar to the general internet population.

Confidence: high
Relative to the general internet population, 45-54 year olds are under-represented at

Confidence: high
Relative to the general internet population, 55-64 year olds are under-represented at

Confidence: high
Relative to the general internet population, people over 65 years old are greatly under-represented at

Confidence: high

No College
Relative to the general internet population, people who did not go to college are under-represented at

Confidence: high
Some College
Relative to the general internet population, people some college education are over-represented at

Confidence: high
Relative to the general internet population, people who went to college are over-represented at

Confidence: high
Graduate School
Relative to the general internet population, people who went to graduate school are under-represented at

Confidence: high

Relative to the general internet population, Males are greatly under-represented at

Confidence: high
Relative to the general internet population, Females are greatly over-represented at

Confidence: high
Has Children

The audience for among people with children is
similar to the general internet population.

Confidence: high
The audience for among people without children is
similar to the general internet population.

Confidence: high
Browsing Location

Relative to the general internet population, people browsing from home are over-represented at

Confidence: high
Relative to the general internet population, people browsing from school are under-represented at

Confidence: high
Relative to the general internet population, people browsing from work are under-represented at

Confidence: high

Advanced Demographics for

Audience breakdown by income, ethnicity, age, education, gender, children and browsing location.

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High Impact Search Queries for

Query Impact
1 etsy High
2 handmade jewelry Medium
3 feather hair extensions Medium
4 feather hair Medium
5 Low
6 esty Low
7 terrarium Low

Top Search Queries for

Query Percent of Search Traffic
1 etsy 12.36%
2 0.66%
3 esty 0.63%
4 feather hair extensions 0.35%
5 handmade jewelry 0.22%
6 vintage 0.13%
7 feather extensions 0.13%

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