  • Trzy zimy (Three Winters). Warsaw: Wladyslaw Mortkowicz, 1936.
  • Ocalenie (Rescue). Warsaw: Czytelnik, 1945.
  • Światlo dzienne (The Light of Day). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1954.
  • Traktat poetycki (A Poetical Treatise). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1957.
  • Krol Popiel i inne wiersze (King Popiel and Other Poems). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1962.
  • Gucio zaczarowany (Gucio Enchanted). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1965.
  • Miasto bez imienia (City Without a Name). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1969.
  • Gdzie slonce wschodzi i kedy zapada (Where the Sun Rises and Where it Sets). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1974.
  • Hymn o Perle (The Poem of the Pearl). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1982.
  • Nieobjeta ziemia (The Unencompassed Earth). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1984.
  • Kroniki (Chronicles). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1987.
  • Dalsze okolice (Farther Surroundings). Cracow: Znak, 1991.
  • Na brzegu rzeki (Facing the River). Cracow: Znak, 1994.
  • To (It). Cracow: Znak, 2000.
  • Druga przestrzen (The Second Space). Cracow: Znak, 2002.
  • Orfeusz i Eurydyka (Orpheus and Eurydice) Kraków: WL, 2003.
  • Wiersze ostatnie, Kraków: Znak, 2006.
  • Zdobycie wladzy (The Seizure of Power). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1955.
  • Dolina Issy (The Issa Valley). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1955.
  • Zniewolony umysl (The Captive Mind). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1953.
  • Rodzinna Europa (Native Realm). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1959.
  • The History of Polish Literature. London-New York: MacMillan, 1969.
  • Widzenia nad Zatoką San Francisco (A View of San Francisco Bay). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1969.
  • Prywatne obowiązki (Private Obligations). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1974.
  • Emperor of the Earth. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1976.
  • Ziemia Ulro (The Land of Ulro). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1977.
  • Ogrod Nauk (The Garden of Science). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1979.
  • Nobel Lecture. New York: Farrar, Strauss, Giroux, 1981
  • The Witness of Poetry. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1983.
  • Zaczynając od moich ulic (Starting from My Streets). Paris: Instytut Literacki, 1985.
  • Szukanie ojczyzny (In Search of a Homeland). Cracow: Znak, 1992.
  • Metafizyczna pauza (The Metaphysical Pause). Cracow: Znak, 1995.
  • Legendy nowoczesności (Modern Legends--War Essays). Cracow: WL, 1996.
  • Zycie na wyspach (Life on Islands). Cracow: Znak, 1997.
  • Piesek przydrozny (Roadside Dog). Cracow: Znak, 1997.
  • Abecadlo Milosza (Milosz's Alphabet). Cracow: WL, 1997.
  • Inne Abecadlo (A Further Alphabet). Cracow: WL, 1998.
  • Wyprawa w dwudziestolecie (An Excursion through the Twenties and Thirties). Cracow: WL, 1999.
  • Spiżarnia literacka (A Literary Larder) Kraków: WL, 2004.
  • Przygody młodego umysłu, Kraków: Znak, 2004.
  • O podróżach w czasie, Kraków: Znak, 2004.
Selected translations:

  • Piesek przydrożny, trans. Wera Dejanowa, Fakel Ekspres, 2002


  • Drugi prostor. Najnovije pjesme – izbor ("Druga przestrzeń. Wiersze najnowsze – wybór"), trans. Marina Trumić, Zagrzeb: ZORO


  • Pejsek u cesty (Piesek przydrożny), trans. Vaclav Burian, Praga:  Mlada Fronta, 2000
  • Saligia a jiné eseje (Ogród nauk; Zaczynając od moich ulic), trans. Josef Mlejnek, Brno:  Barrister and Principal, 2005
  • Svět (Świat), trans. Jiří Červenka, Opus, 2008
  • Poslední básně [Wiersze ostatnie]. Transl. Josef Mlejnek. Praha: Triada, 2011


  • Kort over tiden. Aarhus: Husets, 1994.


  • The Captive Mind, transl. Jane Zielonko, London: Secker and Warburg, 1953.
  • Selected poems, transl. by author and Peter Dale Scott, Richard Lourie, A. M., Jan Darowski, John Carpenter, Lawrence Davis; New York: Seabury Press, 1973; New York: The Ecco Press, 1981, 1982
  • Bells in winter [selected poems], transl. by author and Lillian Vallee, New York: The Ecco Press, 1978; Manchester: Carcanet New Press, 1980, 1982
  • The View [selected poems], transl. by author and Lilian Vallee, Robert Hass; New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1985
  • The collected poems: 1931-1987; New York: The Ecco Press, 1988; London: Penguin, 1988; London: Viking, 1988
  • Facing the river [new poems], transl. by author and Robert Hass, Manchester: Carcanet, 1995


  • Issan laakso. Juva: WSOY, 1981.
  • Vangittu mieli. Juva: WSOY, 1983.
  • Euroopan lapsi: runovalikoika. Porvoo: WSOY, 1985.


  • La Grande Tentation, le drame des intellectuels dans les démocraties populaires, Paris: Société des éditions des Amis de la Liberté, 1951   
  • La Pensée captive. Essai sur les logocraties populaires    (Zniewolony umysł), trans. A. Prudhommeaux, Paris: Gallimard 1953, 1980; Folio-essais, 1988   
  • La Prise du pouvoir (Zdobycie władzy), trans. Jeanne Hersch, Paris: Gallimard, 1953, 1980   
  • Sur les bords de l'Issa    (Dolina Issy), trans. Jeanne Hersch, paris: Gallimard, 1956, 1980, 1985   
  • Une Autre Europe (Rodzinna Europa), trans. Georges Sedir, Paris: Gallimard, 1964, 1980   
  • Enfant d'Europe et autres poèmes (Dziecko Europy i inne wiersze), trans. Monique Tschui, Jil Silberstein, Editions l'Age d'Homme, 1980   
  • Poèmes 1934-1982, Paris: Luneau Ascot, 1984   
  • La terre d'Ulro    (Ziemia Ulro), trans. Zofia Bobowicz, Albin Michel, 1985   
  • Vision de la baie de San Francisco (Widzenia z Zatoki San Francisco), trans. Marie Bouvard, Paris: Editions Fayard 1986   
  • Histoire de la Littérature Polonaise (The history of polish literature), trans. Andre Kozimor, Paris: Fayard, 1986   
  • Témoignage de la poésie (Świadectwo poezji), trans. Christophe Jezewski, Dominique Autrand, Presses Universitaires de France, 1987   
  • Empereur de la terre (Emperor of the earth), trans. Laurence Dyèvre, Paris: Fayard, 1987   
  • Immoralité de l'art (Ogród Nauk), trans. Marie Bouvard, Paris: Editions Fayard, 1988   
  • Terre inépuisable (Nieobjęta Ziemia), trans. Christophe Jezewski, François Xavier Jaujard, Paris; Fayard, 1988   
  • De la Baltique au Pacifique (Zaczynając od moich ulic), trans. Marie Bouvard, Paris: Fayard, 1990   
  • Chroniques (Kroniki), trans. François Piel, Paris: Fayard, 1990   
  • Traité de théologie (Traktat teologiczny), trans. Jacques Dongy, Michel Masłowski, Cheyne: Le Chambon-sur-Lignon, 2003   
  • Le Chien mandarin (Piesek przydrożny), trans. Laurence Dyèvre, Mille et une nuits, 2004
  • L'Abécédaire (Abecadło), trans. Laurence Dyèvre, Paris: Fayard, 2004
  • Tal der Issa. Köln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1957.
  • Geschichten der polnischen Literatur. Köln: Verlag Wissenschaft und Politik, 1981.
  • West- und Östliches Gelände. Köln-Berlin: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1961.
  • Das Gesicht der Zeit. Stuttgart: Europa, 1953.
  • Das Land Ulro. Köln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1982.
  • Verführtes Denken. Köln: Kiepenheuer & Witsch, 1980.
  • Gedichte. Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 1992.
  • Die Strassen von Wilna. München-Vien: Hanser, 1997.
  • Visionen an der Bucht von San Francisco (Widzenia nad zatoką San Francisco), trans. Sven Sellmer, Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp, 2008


  • A kétségbeesés tisztasága, Budapest: Osiris 1999.
  • Ahogy elkészül a világ, trans. Gömöri György, AB-ART, 2001


  • Pakeles sunytis (Piesek przydrożny), trans. Vyturys Jarutis, Wilno: Strofa, 2000
  • Tai (To), trans. Vyturys Jarutis, Wilno: Strofa, 2002
  • Jerzy Giedroyc - Czesław Miłosz. Laiškai 1952-1963 [Listy 1952-1963], transl. Kazys Uscila, Vilnius: Mintis, 2010


  • Ţinutul Ulro (Ziemia Ulro), trans. Constantin Geambaşu, Bukareszt: Allfa, 2002
  • Privind dinspre Golful San Francisco (Widzenia nad Zatoką San Francisco), trans. Constantin Geambaşu, Piteşti:  Paralela, 2007


  • Eto (To), trans. Anatol Rojtman, Moskwa: Ogi, 2003


  • O izgnanstvu (O wygnaniu), tłum. Ljubica Rosić, Belgrad, Danas, 1997
  • Verska država (Państwo wyznaniowe), tłum. Ljubica Rosić, Belgrad, Danas, 1997
  • Rođevičuvna (Rodziewiczówna), tłum. Ljubica Rosić, Zbornik Filološkog fakulteta Univerziteta u Prištini, Priština, nr 7, 1998
  • U potrezi za otadžbinom (Szukanie ojczyzny), tłum. Ljubica Rosić, Novi Sad: Matica Srpska, 1998
  • Sedam pisama Č. Miloša J. Brodskom (Siedem listów do J. Brodskiego), tłum. Ljubica Rosić, Beograd: Književne novine, nr 990/991, 1999
  • Fotografija. Izbor pesama (Fotografia. Wybór wierszy), tłum. Ljubica Rosić, Beograd, Poezija, nr 17, 2002
  • Godina lovca (Rok myśliwego), tłum. Ljubica Rosić, Beograd: Paideia, 2002
  • Milošev abecednik (Abecadło Miłosza), tłum. Ljubica Rosić, Beograd, Poezija, nr 17, 2002
  • Pas krajputaš (Piesek przydrożny), tłum. Ljubica Rosić, Belgrad, Paideia, 2004
  • Teološki traktat (Traktat teologiczny), tłum. Ljubica Rosić, Kovine, Vršac, nr 6, 2004
  • Zarobljeni um (Zniewolonny umysł), tłum. Ljubica Rosić, Belgrad, Paideia, 2005
  • Drugi prostor (To, Druga przestrzeń, Orfeusz i Eurydyka), tłum. Ljubica Rosić, Belgrad, Paideia, 2007


  • Zvonovi pozimi (Selected poems), trans. Jana Unuk, Katarina Šalamun Biedrzycka, Tone Pretnar, Rozka Štefan, Lojze Krakar, Primoz Čučnik, Agnieszka Będkowska Kopczyk, Ljublana: Beletrina, 2008


  • El poder cambia de manos. Barcelona: Destino, 1980.
  • Otra Europa. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1981.
  • El valle de Issa. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1981.
  • El pensamiento cautio. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1981.
  • Poemas. Barcelona: Tusquets, 1984.
  • Abecedario (Abecadło Miłosza), trans. Katarzyna Olszewska Sonnenberg, Sergio Trigán, Madryt: Turner/Fondo de Cultura Economica, 2003


  • Tutsak Edilmiş Akil (Zniewolony umysł), trans. Mariusz Greser, O. Firat Baş, Ankara:  Elips Kitap, 2006


  • Vybrani poezii (Poezje wybrane), trans. Stanisław Szewczenko, Lwów: Kameniar, 2000
  • Pridoroznyj piesik (Piesek przydrożny), trans. Jarina Senczyszyn, Lwów: Litopis, 2001
  • Rodinna Evropa (Rodzinna Europa), trans. Lidia Stefanowska, Jurij Izdryk, Lwów: Litopis, 2007
  • Vybrani twory (Utwory wybrane), Kijów: Universe, 2008
  • Abetka (Abecadło), trans. Natalka Śniadanko, Kharkiv: Treant 2010.


Miłosz Czesław

Born in Szetejnie, Lithuania in 1911, Milosz is a poet, novelist, essayist and translator. He won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1980 and won several other prestigious awards, including a 1976 Guggenheim Fellowship, the 1978 Neustadt Prize, and the 1989 National Medal for the Arts. His work has been translated into more than a dozen languages. He holded many honorary doctorates from American and Polish universities. He was an honorary citizen of Lithuania and of the city of Cracow. He spent his youth and studied law in Vilnius, where he also published his first poems. During the German Occupation he lived in Warsaw. After the war, he served in the Polish diplomatic service in the USA and France until 1951, when he sought political asylum in France. In 1960, he left France for California, where he spent more than twenty years as Professor of Slavic Languages and Literatures at the University of California Berkeley. Until 1989, most of his publications were in the Paris emigrée journal Kultura or in the underground press in Poland. He divided his time between Berkeley and Cracow since 1989. He died on August 14th of 2004.
Critics from many countries, as well as contemporary poets (like Joseph Brodsky, for instance), approach Milosz's literary output in superlatives. His poetry is rich in visual-symbolic metaphor. The idyllic and the apocalyptic go hand-in-hand. The verse sometimes suggests naked philosophical discourse of religious epiphany. Songs and theological treatises alternate, as in the "child-like rhymes" about the German Occupation of Warsaw in The World: Naive Poems (1943) or Six Lectures in Verse from the volume Chronicles (1987). Milosz transcends genre. As a poet and translator, he moves easily from contemporary American poets to the Bible (portions of which he has rendered anew into Polish). As a novelist, he won renown with The Seizure of Power (1953), about the installation of communism in Poland. Both Milosz and his readers have a particular liking for the semi-autobiographical The Issa Valley (1955), a tale of growing up and the loss of innocence that abounds in philosophical sub-texts. There are also many personal themes in Milosz's essays, as well as in The Captive Mind (1953), a classic of the literature of totalitarianism. Native Realm (1959) remains one of the best studies of the evolution of the Central European mentality. The Land of Ulro (1977) is a sort of intellectual and literary autobiography. It was followed by books like The Witness of Poetry (1982), The Metaphysical Pause (1995) and Life on Islands (1997) that penetrate to the central issues of life and literature today.




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