Encyclopedia Astronautica
Aerobee 150A MII

American sounding rocket.

Gross mass: 900 kg (1,980 lb).
Height: 9.30 m (30.50 ft).
Diameter: 0.38 m (1.24 ft).
Apogee: 270 km (160 mi).
First Launch: 1975.03.10.
Number: 1 .

Associated Countries
See also
  • Aerobee In late 1945 James Van Allen was assigned by John Hopkins University to survey sounding rocket requirements for upper atmosphere research. The V-2 was found to be too heavy and complex. In 1946 Van Allen decided that what was needed was a small rocket, derived from the Aerojet Wac Corporal and the Bumblebee missile developed under a US Navy program. This combination of an Aerojet booster and a Bumblebee second stage was dubbed the Aerobee. More...

Associated Manufacturers and Agencies
  • Aerojet American manufacturer of rockets, spacecraft, and rocket engines. Aerojet, Sacramento, CA, USA. More...

Associated Launch Sites
  • Fort Churchill Fort Churchill is an Arctic site on Hudson Bay with a rail link. It is near the point of maximum auroral activity. This combination of circumstances made it ideal for far-north sounding rocket launches. In 1954, the Canadian Army conducted the first series of rocket firings at Fort Churchill. Following a period of inactivity, construction of more elaborate facilities in support of the International Geophysical Year began in 1956. IGY firings began in July 1957. The range was closed again in December 1958 after the IGY program ended. It was reopened again in August 1959 by the US Army as part of its network of sounding rocket stations. This allowed use of the site by other groups over the years. More...

Associated Stages
  • Aerobee 150-2 Nitric acid/Aniline propellant rocket stage. Loaded/empty mass 700/133 kg. Thrust 17.80 kN. More...

Aerobee 150A MII Chronology

1975 March 10 - . 21:19 GMT - . Launch Site: Fort Churchill. LV Family: Aerobee. Launch Vehicle: Aerobee 150A MII. LV Configuration: Aerobee 150A MII NASA 04.334UA.
  • JHU Aurora 10 Aeronomy mission - . Nation: USA. Agency: NASA. Apogee: 172 km (106 mi).

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