IMDb > Adriana La Cerva (Character)
Adriana La Cerva
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Adriana La Cerva (Character)
from "The Sopranos" (1999)

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The Sopranos: :  -- Modern day morality tale about New Jersey mob boss Tony Soprano, as he deals with personal and professional issues in his home and business life.
The Sopranos: :  -- Modern day morality tale about New Jersey mob boss Tony Soprano, as he deals with personal and professional issues in his home and business life.
The Sopranos: :  -- Modern day morality tale about New Jersey mob boss Tony Soprano, as he deals with personal and professional issues in his home and business life.
The Sopranos: :  -- Modern day morality tale about New Jersey mob boss Tony Soprano, as he deals with personal and professional issues in his home and business life.
The Sopranos: :  -- Modern day morality tale about New Jersey mob boss Tony Soprano, as he deals with personal and professional issues in his home and business life.

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Alternate Names:
Adrriana La Cerva


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Jump to filmography: Archive Footage
  1. "The Sopranos"
        - Cold Stones (2006) TV episode, Played by Drea de Matteo
        - Members Only (2006) TV episode, Played by Drea de Matteo
        - All Due Respect (2004) TV episode, Played by Drea de Matteo
        - Long Term Parking (2004) TV episode, Played by Drea de Matteo
        - The Test Dream (2004) TV episode, Played by Drea de Matteo
          (53 more)
Archive Footage:
  1. Making 'Cleaver' (2007) (TV) Played by Drea de Matteo

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Fun Stuff

From "The Sopranos: Pie-o-My (#4.5)" (2002)
Adriana La Cerva: I'm just worried about you, Christopher. I love you so much.
Christopher Moltisanti: So if you love me, stir my eggs, okay?
Christopher Moltisanti: Oh, we're having Sunday dinner at Tony's, and you're coming. I don't care if your mother's dying!
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