Televangelist says he cheated on wife

Televangelist says he cheated on wife

A televangelist admitted in front of a television audience that he cheated on his wife, an announcement he made to thwart people he said were trying to extort millions of dollars from him.

The Rev. Marcus Lamb made the confession Tuesday night on his show "Celebration" with his wife Joni Lamb by his side.

The couple also displayed a special message about the incident on the website of Daystar Television Network, the couple's television network.

"At the top of the program, the Lambs shared a compelling, transparent account of a personal challenge in their marriage that occurred several years ago, involving an inappropriate relationship between Marcus and another woman," the message said.

The couple explained that there were three people who said they would expose the affair if the couple's ministry did not pay them $7.5 million.

Daystar Television Network is based in Texas and airs some of the most popular evangelists in the nation, including T.D. Jakes, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland and Joyce Meyer.

- CNN Belief Blog

Filed under: Christianity • Evangelical • Faith Now • Pastors • TV • United States

soundoff (1,127 Responses)
  1. bbowlin

    Sadly, this phony couple, are bilking the public, including elderly people on fixed incomes, out of precious hard-earned money. There oughta be a law! (Do you realize the tax breaks these people enjoy?!) Their situation is not too far removed from Robert and Marty Tilton (80's/90's) and we know what happened to them... As for that matter, avoid all the tele-evangelists, including Mike and Hazel Simons, Joel and Victoria O'Steen, et al! They all exploit people who are inclined to believe them!

    Come on people, don't send your money to these SCAM artists; instead give it to reputable charities that will make good honest use of your donations – Texas Food Bank, Salvation Army, Catholic Charities, St. Jude’s Hospital, etc.

    Joni Lamb has "publicly" forgiven Marcus Lamb in an effort to try to save her HUGE income from Daystar! The phony display of affection ("my sweetheart") after the affair just doesn't convince me she has forgiven him.

    While not all Catholic priests take a vow of poverty, the Church does not want her priests to live luxuriously. Canon 282.1 states clearly that the clergy are to follow a simple way of life, and are to avoid anything which suggests worldliness. Lavish vacations, expensive designer clothing, and luxury vehicles would probably fit into this category. Elsewhere the code asserts that the clergy are to shun everything that is unbecoming to their state in life (c. 285.1).

    January 10, 2011 at 4:34 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  2. terry

    What wasn't covered is the extortion efforts by some individuals – isn't that against the law?

    January 7, 2011 at 4:55 am | Report abuse | Reply
  3. Gene

    BFD...Love the creepy Todd Palin goatee...

    January 4, 2011 at 3:54 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  4. Cretia

    I would just like to know IF THEY PAID; HOW MUCH; AND HOW?

    December 26, 2010 at 2:23 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  5. bh

    Even if no one else believed in God I would and do. I can't look round me at everything in the world and think it all just happened. As for the man and his mistake, who has not made one? I have made my share, but each of us have been given the freedom from God to make the choice and what you're writting is your choice. What we forget is that God loves the world and he isn't making these wars that people speak of, people do it. Just because you say you do something in anothers name does not make it so. The most true thing I have ever heard is the non believer swearing there is no Hell and praying to heaven he is right. God Bless you and your families and before you condem all Christians please remember who have given more to the needy and hungry in the world, and if they want to send their money to some guy on TV I just say it is their money. I am no expert, but the problem is that too many people look at humans to represent God, start looking at God and maybe you will find what you are looking for.

    December 22, 2010 at 1:55 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  6. drinky

    My gosh I am SHOCKED...ok...not really

    December 22, 2010 at 9:16 am | Report abuse | Reply
  7. t-roy

    Why don't they come clean when there things happen instead of trying to conceal these failures?-–Is it because of the money or ministry? I could come nearer to forget these things if it was confessed before the sin was about to be displayed for all to see

    December 20, 2010 at 1:32 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  8. conservatives hate america

    another phony christian inbreed. nothing to see here move on and make sure you minions give half your paycheck to him while you collect welfare and complain how that's socialism. .

    December 19, 2010 at 9:14 am | Report abuse | Reply
  9. heston

    i think that if a minister or preacher of the word of God commits adultery, should step aside, for a fews years, and stop promoting that he commited this awful sin of adultery, he should be ashamed, and show some real remorse for his sin.

    December 17, 2010 at 10:47 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  10. DOfromMA

    Major Make Believe: I'd rather spend my whole life in expectation of living in an eternity with Christ, than to find out it is true and spend an eternity in hell.

    In regards to this story: I am glad that they are coming forward about their personal life to clear the air. Quite frankly – I don't need to know that they are not perfect, I know that no one is perfect and can expect that all relationships (rich, poor, religious or non-religious) go through different issues. Everyone fails at some things and does things that they said they never would – it's a part of life! (Anyone who says they have never gone against something that they said is lying). However we are all HUMAN and humans make mistakes!

    MAJOR: If people make mistakes and should be "shrugged off for it" then I feel sorry for you, I think it would be safe to assume that it must mean you have no friends! No one is perfect, people make mistakes, and moving past those imperfections, working together is a part of life.

    To other comments I read: If the wife stays with her husband how do you know it's not real love? Just because someone has money – it has to be about the money? Are you saying that if you love someone and they do something to hurt you, you will leave them with no effort? I wonder how many of your relationships have lasted!

    People – get a grip. You criticize the church for being so judgemental and imperfect, but then get upset when you feel that they do that to you. If people are so much better than the church – why stoop to that level yourself?

    December 16, 2010 at 12:51 pm | Report abuse | Reply
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