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Median Wage in Australia

Also see: ../average-wages-in-australia

The most commonly shown average wage or salary figure shown in Australia is the normal average, but there are some figures that are shown using the Median wage, although they tend to be a few years out of date.

  • The median is the mid value which divides a population distribution into two, with half of the observations falling below it and half above it.
  • The normal average is the sum of all figures dived by the number of figures.

The last Median figures for wages in Australia, that I have found, are for the 2002-03 financial year, based on tax records.

2002-2003 Median Annual Wage and Salary Income for Australia

  • All Australian Median wage, for all employees 15 years of age or over, was $32,697
  • Age 15-24 $16,501 = 50.5% of National Median Wage
  • Age 25-34 $35,605 = 108.9% of National Median Wage
  • Age 35-44 $37,991 = 116.2% of National Median Wage
  • Age 45-54 $38,616 = 118.1% of National Median Wage
  • Age 55+ $34,410 = 105.2% of National Median Wage

The above %’s were also very similar in the previous years that were checked, giving confidence to use them for further calculations.

From my comparisons of these Medians, and the ABS issued Averages, I have seen that the overall individuals Median Income has been about 87%-90% of the average, for the full seven years between 1996 and 2003.

The following actual and calculated/estimated Median wage and salary figures for May 2009 have their full calculations shown at the end of this page.

Based on the above, the May 2009 Median wages for these age groups would be:

All Median wages for May 2009

  • Australian Median wage for all employees, Full time or Part time, 15 years of age or over, would be  $40,775
  • Age 15-24 All workers median wage would be $20,577
  • Age 25-34 All workers median wage would be $44,401
  • Age 35-44 All workers median wage would be $47,376
  • Age 45-54 All workers median wage would be $48,156
  • Age 55+ All workers median wage would be $42,911

Male Full Time Median wage for May 2009

  • Male median wage, for all FULL TIME employees, 15 years of age or over, would be  $59,532
  • Age 15-24 Male median wage would be $30,044
  • Age 25-34 Male median wage would be $64,827
  • Age 35-44 Male median wage would be $69,171
  • Age 45-54 Male median wage would be $70,309
  • Age 55+ Male median wage would be $62,651

Female Full Time Median wage for May 2009

  • Female median wage, for all FULL TIME employees 15 years of age or over, would be  $47,479
  • Age 15-24 Female median wage would be $23,961
  • Age 25-34 Female median wage would be $51,702
  • Age 35-44 Female median wage would be $55,167
  • Age 45-54 Female median wage would be $56,074
  • Age 55+ Female median wage would be $49,967


My calculations for the above are based on these actual figures for 1996 to 2003:

  • In 1996-1997 the median Australian wage was $26,919 and the average Australian wage was $30,077. This calculates the median at about 90% of the average wage.
  • In 1997-1998 the median Australian wage was $27,775 and the average Australian wage was $31,008. This calculates the median at about 90% of the average wage.
  • In 1998-1999 the median Australian wage was $28,705 and the average Australian wage was $31,772 . This calculates the median at about 90% of the average wage
  • In 1999-2000 the median Australian wage was $29,509 and the average Australian wage was $32,978 . This calculates the median at about 89% of the average wage
  • In 2000-2001 the median Australian wage was $30,470 and the average Australian wage was $34,414 . This calculates the median at about 89% of the average wage
  • In 2001-2002 the median Australian wage was $31,483 and the average Australian wage was $35,667 . This calculates the median at about 88% of the average wage
  • In 2002-2003 the median Australian wage was $32,698 and the average Australian wage was $37,632 . This calculates the median at about 87% of the average wage

Followed by these calculations, using the conservative estimated median wage as 85% of the average, ie a little bit lower than the above suggests, to  produce the following figures for the years between 2003 and 2009:

  • In 2003-2004 the median Australian wage would be $32,911 if we took the average Australian wage of $38,719 and estimated that 85% of this was the median
  • In 2004-2005 the median Australian wage would be $34,812 if we took the average Australian wage of $40,955 and estimated that 85% of this was the median
  • In 2005-2006 the median Australian wage would be $36,377 if we took the average Australian wage of $42,796 and estimated that 85% of this was the median
  • In 2006-2007 the median Australian wage would be $38,096 if we took the average Australian wage of $44,819 and estimated that 85% of this was the median
  • In 2007-2008 the median Australian wage would be $39,281 if we took the average Australian wage of $46,212 and estimated that 85% of this was the median
  • In 2008-2009 the median Australian wage would be $40,775 if we took the average Australian wage of $47,970 and estimated that 85% of this was the median

Using the same calculations we can then calculate the following median wages for 2009, based on known Average wages.

  • Full Time Male median Australian wage would be $59,532 based on 85% of the average wage for this group of $70,038
  • Full Time Female median Australian wage would be $47,479 based on 85% of the average wage for this group of $55,858

The same calculations used on the August average wages, released 19th November 2009, would show the following:

Australian Median wages for August 2009

Australian Median wage for all employees, Full time or Part time, 15 years of age or over, would be  $42,380

  • Age 15-24 All Full Time and part time over 15 $21,387
  • Age 25-34 All Full Time and part time over 15 $46,149
  • Age 35-44 All Full Time and part time over 15 $49,241
  • Age 45-54 All Full Time and part time over 15 $50,051
  • Age 55 + All Full Time and part time over 15 $44,600

Australian Median wage for all Full time workers age 15 years of age or over, would be  $56,394

  • Age 15-24 All Full time workers $28,460
  • Age 25-34 All Full time workers $61,410
  • Age 35-44 All Full time workers $65,525
  • Age 45-54 All Full time workers $66,603
  • Age 55 + All Full time workers $59,349

Australian Median wage for all Male Full time workers age 15 years of age or over, would be  $60,990

  • Age 15-24 All Male Full Time workers $30,779
  • Age 25-34 All Male Full Time workers $66,414
  • Age 35-44 All Male Full Time workers $70,864
  • Age 45-54 All Male Full Time workers $72,030
  • Age 55 + All Male Full Time workers $64,185

Australian Median wage for all Female Full time workers age 15 years of age or over, would be  $48,560

  • Age 15-24 All Female Full Time workers $24,507
  • Age 25-34 All Female Full Time workers $52,879
  • Age 35-44 All Female Full Time workers $56,423
  • Age 45-54 All Female Full Time workers $57,351
  • Age 55 + All Female Full Time workers $51,104


Actual Median wages have been obtained from

Actual Average wages have been obtained from

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13 comments to Median Wage in Australia

  • Alisha

    I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I don’t know what to say except that I have enjoyed reading. Nice blog. I will keep visiting this blog very often.


  • James

    Can you calculate the median Australian wage prior to 1996 ?

    The only other data point I have is the median Australian family income in 1983 was $23,088 ($444 X 52), and in 1984 was $24,960 ($480 X 52).

    My source is from the Age (28 May 1985):

  • In 1986 the ‘average’ weekly wages were:
    Full time
    $423.70 Male
    $333.50 Female
    $398.10 All

    All Employees, Full and Part time average
    $389.50 Male
    $255.10 Female
    $335.40 All

    Source: ABS

    If we assumed that a “family” consisted of one full time male and one part time female at 50%, then the average household income would be $551.250 per week.

    If we then take my 85%, to calculate the median, we get $468.56 per week median household income.
    Which is actually very close to the actual 1984 median figure of $480 from the 1985 newspaper.

    At one male full time, plus one female part time working at 55% of full time, the figures would be equal at $480 per week.

  • Jessica

    how about this year ? like average wage in 2010

  • Nothing yet available for 2010, but the latest official information is for November 2009, issued on 25th February 2010.

    The Trend Estimates of ‘average’ Adult wages are:

    $63,611 ($1,223 per week) Full-time ordinary time earnings
    $66,071 ($1,271 per week) Full-time total earnings
    $71,656 ($1,378 per week) Male Full Time Total Earnings
    $56,992 ($1,096 per week) Female Full Time Total Earnings

    (These figures are before the addition of the 9% Super)

    I would estimate the median Adult wages to be about:

    $54,069 ($1,040 per week) Full-time ordinary time earnings
    $56,160 ($1,080 per week) Full-time total earnings
    $60,908 ($1,171 per week) Male Full Time Total Earnings
    $48,443 ($ 932 per week) Female Full Time Total Earnings

  • Shmorky

    Hi. Thanks for this. Average incomes are quoted a lot lately in relation to housing affordability, and I was wondering if the median might give a better picture of how the average Australian is really going, but couldn’t locate any stats.

  • Dave

    Do you have a household Income number (Median Household Incomes 200 V’s 2009 /10?)
    Like Shmorky it had been difficult to find a conversion from Avg – Median.
    They say you should not pay more than 4 times income for a house but then people just add 2 average wages & think the house hold income is that ($50K x 2 =$100K household income) but I know this is not right & would appreciate it if you had these numbers?

    Great data though helped me win many a argument about wages keep it up!!

  • Median Household Income from Australian Median Household Income

    1995 $57,405
    1996 $56,647
    1997 $58,177
    1998 $59,934
    2000 $63,239
    2001 $61,676
    2003 $63,508
    2004 $67,934
    2006 $73,842
    2008 $85,761

  • Gloopy

    And what percentage of Australians are employed full time V part time/casual?

  • Gloopy.

    Current figures show:

    83.8% of Male Workers are Full time employed
    54.7% of Female Workers are Full time employed

    December 2010 actual numbers:

    Total employed
    6,321,900 Males
    5,233,300 Females

    Full-time employment
    5,295,100 Males
    2,863,500 Females

    You may find the information at Full Time v Part Time Employment in Australia provides you with more data on this subject.

  • Sagasu

    Great post and great work with all the figures. Gives a much better perspective on income in Australia than the oft quoted ‘average’ wage.

  • “Average Male” wage in 1971 is quoted at $88.50 pw, for the June quarter seasonally adjusted.

    That works out at $4,062 per year

    Source: http://www.ausstats.abs.gov.au/ausstats/free.nsf/0/743DBDA3F3F797D0CA25751600108605/$File/63020_JUN1971.pdf

  • Sarina

    Hi, are you able to provide the mean annual wage in Australia for all ages and all occupations?

    Many thanks


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