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Create a Yahoo! SearchMonkey application

Enhance your search result listings using RDF, XSLT and PHP

Rob Crowther (, Web developer, Freelance
Photo of Rob Crowther
Rob Crowther is a Web Developer from London and is currently moderator of the Exploring Semantic Web Technologies forum on developerWorks. He has a keen interest in Web Standards and blogs sporadically at

Summary:  SearchMonkey is one of the first attempts from a major search engine to make use of Semantic Web technologies to enhance search results. In this tutorial, you will implement a Yahoo! SearchMonkey application that enhances search listings to include other information about the blog and blog owner. You will first implement a basic application using the default data available from Yahoo!. Then you will create a custom data service to provide your own structured data to SearchMonkey before you develop a more advanced application that takes advantage of this new custom data service.

Date:  14 Oct 2008
Level:  Intermediate PDF:  A4 and Letter (786 KB | 32 pages)Get Adobe® Reader®

Activity:  7398 views

About the author

Photo of Rob Crowther

Rob Crowther is a Web Developer from London and is currently moderator of the Exploring Semantic Web Technologies forum on developerWorks. He has a keen interest in Web Standards and blogs sporadically at

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