San Francisco archbishop apologizes after DUI arrest

San Francisco archbishop apologizes after DUI arrest

By the CNN Wire Staff

(CNN) - The newly appointed archbishop of San Francisco apologized Monday after being arrested Saturday in San Diego on an allegation of driving under the influence.

"I apologize for my error in judgment and feel shame for the disgrace I have brought upon the church and myself," Archbishop-designate Salvatore Cordileone said in a written statement.

"I will repay my debt to society and I ask forgiveness from my family and my friends and co-workers at the Diocese of Oakland and the Archdiocese of San Francisco. I pray that God, in his inscrutable wisdom, will bring some good out of this."

Cordileone was stopped at a routine DUI checkpoint, according to Lt. Gary Hassen of the San Diego police.

"While visiting in San Diego this past weekend, I had dinner at the home of some friends along with a priest friend visiting from outside the country and my mother, who lives near San Diego State University," according to Cordileone. "While driving my mother home, I passed through a DUI checkpoint the police had set up near the SDSU campus before I reached her home, and was found to be over the California legal blood-alcohol level."

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The state's legal limit is .08%.

Cordileone was bailed out of the San Diego County Jail on Sunday morning, Hassen said. The officer did not know who posted the $2,500 bond.

Pope Benedict on July 27 named Cordileone the new metropolitan archbishop of San Francisco.

Cordileone, who had served as bishop of Oakland since May 2009, was appointed after the resignation of Archbishop George H. Niederauer, 76, according to the the website of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops.

Cordileone is to be installed St. Mary's Cathedral in October, according to CNN affiliate KGO.

He was a controversial choice for San Francisco, which has a large gay population. Cordileone is known as a conservative on social issues and was a vigorous supporter of Proposition 8, the voter-approved measure to ban same-sex marriage in California.

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A federal appeals court ruled against Proposition 8 in February, saying it unconstitutionally singles out gays and lesbians for discrimination.

Supporters of Proposition 8, which passed with 52% of the vote in 2008, said they were willing to take the issue to the U.S. Supreme Court. A stay halting same-sex marriages remains in place as the appeals continue.

CNN's Deanna Proeller contributed to this report.

- CNN Belief Blog

Filed under: Bishops • Catholic Church

soundoff (278 Responses)
  1. Snow

    Whaat? You mean it is wrong to party after having worked hard to make the arch bishop?? :P

    A glass of wine with dinner (or two) will not get BAC above 0.08%, dude.. unless he drank a lot more of it.. what kind of godly person is he if he doesn't have at least that much amount of control on himself?

    August 29, 2012 at 5:57 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  2. hinduism source of hindufilthyracism.

    for looking into eyes like that we muslims would have hanged him for......?? there has to be something in Quran.

    August 29, 2012 at 10:44 am | Report abuse | Reply
  3. skippydog

    Isaiah 28:8. All the tables are covered with vomit and there is not a spot without filth.

    August 29, 2012 at 8:55 am | Report abuse | Reply
    • Ronald Regonzo

      You have been to the DNC? Romney / Ryan 2012

      August 29, 2012 at 11:07 am | Report abuse |
  4. religion; a way to control the weak minded


    He had a couple glasses of wine with dinner and his Mother. If she had no problem with it, why do the California Storm Troopers?"

    I dunno maybe because he could have killed someone with his negligence?

    August 29, 2012 at 8:06 am | Report abuse | Reply
  5. Atheism is not healthy for children and other living things

    Prayer changes things .

    August 29, 2012 at 7:31 am | Report abuse | Reply
    • religion; a way to control the weak minded

      yep, chemical reactions in the brain.

      August 29, 2012 at 8:10 am | Report abuse |
    • Agnostic Atheism is Healthy for Kids and Grown-Ups Too!

      Actually as it turns out – that is not true.

      It's really best for all people including children to have an agnostic approach to god, and an atheistic approach to all religion. It keeps things simple for kids, and let's them be all that they can be. They just need to be taught that some things, like all religion, are just made up by salesmen and politicians from long ago; and that other things, like god, we really don't know a damn thing about.

      Atheists have strong minds, so you don't see them running and hiding their misdeeds within some religion (and by doing so, disserving society).

      So instead of praying to make-believe people, get a good cup of tea and go on and sit down and collect your damn thoughts. My goodness.

      mama kindless

      August 29, 2012 at 9:07 pm | Report abuse |
  6. LouAZ

    Twas a woman who drove me to drink. I never had the decency to write and thank her ~ WC Fields

    August 28, 2012 at 11:22 pm | Report abuse | Reply
  7. airwad999

    he asks that God will bring some good out of him drinking and driving? and this is coming from an Archbishop?

    August 28, 2012 at 10:39 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • Mike

      God regularly brings good out of bad situations. From the most evil act ever committed–the murder of Christ, the creator murdered by the created–God drew the greatest good, the salvation of the world.

      August 29, 2012 at 10:40 am | Report abuse |
    • religion; a way to control the weak minded

      "God regularly brings good out of bad situations. From the most evil act ever committed–the murder of Christ, the creator murdered by the created–God drew the greatest good, the salvation of the world."

      you are referring to words written by many MEN over many YEARS then edited by more MEN. Those were not the words of a god. sorry to burst your bubble

      August 29, 2012 at 12:52 pm | Report abuse |
  8. Loyola Alum

    New SFO Archbishop Coridileone has more jail time than the alleged pedophile Fr. Jerold Lindner of Los Gatos, California. The Jesuit Order has paid $3 million to settle pedophile lawsuits naming Fr. Lindner. Coridileone got 9-hours in jail after a DUI arrest. Fr. Lindner, like many pedophile priests, has never seen the inside of a jail. Fr. Lindner taught Freshmen for 15-years at Loyola High School, Los Angeles.

    August 28, 2012 at 9:44 pm | Report abuse | Reply
    • billdeacons

      Has he been convicted of a crime?

      August 28, 2012 at 10:35 pm | Report abuse |
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