“OMAR” TV series secure new screening rights

[ Posted: 15 Jul 2012 ]
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Dubai: MBC and Qatar TV co-production “OMAR” Ibn Al-Khattab TV series have secured screening rights to both ATV in Turkey and MNC in Indonesia to broadcast. The series, to be dubbed and subtitled in both Turkish and Indonesian, will be also aired on Lebanon’s “Future TV” in Lebanon, Tunisia’s “Nessma TV” and “Algerian TV”.

The series continues with plans to be dubbed or subtitled into English and French, among others. “Omar” embodies the life, path and values of the Caliph Omar Ibn Al Khattab. The drama is written by TV dramatist Dr Waleed Seif and directed by Syrian TV director Hatem Ali.

The series are expected to cause controversy. Some Muslims believe it is forbidden to portray Prophet Mohammed and some of his successors (caliphs).

Omar is also a controversial figure in Shiite seminaries. While he is regarded by Sunni Muslims as one of four rightly guided caliphs who were true successors of Muhammad; he is regarded by Shiite Muslims as an ignorant usurper who seized power in bad faith.
Last Update: 15/07/2012
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