rowing, not drifting

A place for me to talk about music. My music or other peoples music. My name is Tyler Dever, and I write orchestral music, along with being an official musician of Andrew Hussie's Homestuck.

Personal blog
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Tyler Dever


I haven’t put anything up in a while, so here’s a Calliope/Caliborn thing maybe? I dunno. I made it in like 10 minutes and then I went to go eat. Let’s see what happens

Dawn of the first day


709 hours remain.

I haven’t written a single thing down prior to today,  but I have brainstormed. So it’s time to get started!

NaSymWriMo: You should participate!


It would be really awesome if a buch of people participated in this too! It doesn’t have to be a symphony by any stretch, but an extended musical work of any kind would be really enjoyable for all. Something like an EP or a full LP would be totally kosher.

I’m gonna follow the #nasymwrimo tag on here and reblog other people’s progress and kind of make…

NaSymWriMo: NaSymWriMo!


Hello everybody! My name is Tyler Dever and you may know me as one of the musicians of the hit web sensation Homestuck. You can see my contributions here. I am a college student from Colorado attempting to improve my craft as I work on getting a degree in Music Composition.

With that said,…

Hey all, check out my upcoming project

I found this on Youtube. This is awesome!


Cover of “Requiem” by Tyler Dever. Obviously Jit plays 2348561087236923 times better than I do, but I really enjoy this piece.

Sorry for the poor quality. All I have is the built in webcam of my laptop so


[Flash 9 is required to listen to audio.]
Tyler Dever

—String Trio

Hey everyone! This is a string trio I wrote my sophomore year. This is kind of the first thing I ever wrote! It doesn’t really have a name. I had a composition assignment for music theory and I ended up writing this. It was at the same time as this that I wrote the ostinatos that would become Candles and Clockwork a few months later.

Anyways, I feel like it held up decently I guess? There are a few things I would (could? should? probably will) change about it, but I’m pretty proud to say that is a potential for an “Opus 1”.

I especially like the 12/8 section and kind of want to build on that in a near future!

If you develop an ear for sounds that are musical, it is like developing an ego. You begin to refuse sounds that are not musical and that way cut yourself off from a good deal of experience.

—John Cage (via jitmakesstuff)

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Icarus is the first of a few commissions from my summer donation drive to get this new computer. It was commissioned by forumgoer and fellow Homestuck Colin “Geekthras” Stanfill. He was one of many who really helped me out when I was in a very bad place over the summer and this is my way of showing gratitude!

Icarus is a solo piano work that is reflective of the old Greek myth about flight. It features some of my favorite things: fast tempos, mixed meter, and dorian modes! I had a fantastic time writing this and it has quickly grown to be one of my most favorite tracks I’ve ever written!

This is the first full length piece from my upcoming collection of compositions album I plan on releasing! Stay tuned for some more little pieces of it as it gets closer! I plan on releasing it before the end of the year!

Thanks for listening.

I keep accidentally posting these on my other blog!

[Flash 9 is required to listen to audio.]
Tyler Dever



Hi guys! I found this old piece that I had set aside for a Homestuck project. I have since realized it really doesn’t fit that and has no real place in any of my projects currently! So I thought I’d share it with you guys until I find a place for it.

I originally wrote this to be an anthem for Jake’s dream death. It’s WIP name was “Our Hope is Lost”. I have since felt like it doesn’t really fit. Now I like to think of it as a background piece for a scene in a game or a movie. Something forested. Which is why I decided that it would be a really great meadow theme in my fake video game OST I was planning on making. Since that’s postponed indefinitely, I decided to show you guys it!

The main comments I’ve gotten on it is that it lacks a melody (which I don’t agree with) and is too pulsed but I feel like it’s pretty much exactly how I wanted it to come out. The only addition I haven’t put in is string runs up into the second phrase (0:52, 1:24). Once I finally figure out how to do that in Sibelius I’ll do it hahaha.

I hope you enjoy Meadows

Whooops I accidentally posted this to my personal blog! I’ll just reblog it over here this time.