Suleyman Kerimov Foundation


  • The Suleyman Kerimov Foundation sponsors hotel construction on Shalbuzdag Mountain

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  • Nasledie Kraya breaks ground on Rehabilitation Center for Children with ICP

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  • The Suleyman Kerimov Foundation partners with the Foundation of Zarechensky to build a state-of-the-art school complex

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The Suleyman Kerimov Foundation was established in 2007 with a broad but clear vision: to help improve lives today and for future generations by investing in initiatives that strengthen communities and ease the plight of young people in Russia and throughout the world.

Since then, our commitment has not wavered. We continue to believe strongly that by investing in tomorrow we are changing lives today and making the world a better place now and for generations to come.

Thank you for your interest in the Suleyman Kerimov Foundation. To learn more about the Foundation and the work we do, we invite you to explore our website.