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How To Get Rid Of Resentment

November 27th, 2008 by Martha Stanley
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You're having a bad day again for many reasons. As you wake up this morning, your mom immediately scolds you and asks you to do household chores. While driving to work, a dude in a roaring red Porsche cuts you off in the right turn lane. When you reach a convenience store, the cashier ignores you and assists a prettier girl behind you. When he finally attends to you, he says he doesn't have any change for your $100 bill. You are annoyed, irritated and full of spite.

It's easy to become angry at the world. Resentment is one of the most common feelings people experience. It can stem from different situations and can be caused by different people. It can either last for a few minutes or sometimes go on for years.

Whatever may be the cause of your resentment, remember that it's never a healthy feeling, especially if you hold on to it for a long time. It will affect your personality, because the once-cheerful you can disappear. It can also dent you psychologically. Resentment can even cause physical effects. If you always frown because you're always angry, you'll develop lines and wrinkles quickly. You'll also become stressed more frequently.

Brooding never does anyone any good so get rid of your resentment now. Here are some helpful suggestions you can use to release all that anger.

Who Do You Hate?

The get rid of that resentment bottled up inside you, you have tp identify those affected first. There are many people around you. You might feel hatred towards all or just a few of them.

Signs that you're feeling resentful towards a person include:

  • Speaking in a demeaning or sarcastic way to that person.
  • Having nightmares about the person.
  • Becoming angry for no apparent reason.
  • Faking happiness while with them.

If you are guilty of any of these, then you're a resentful person. It's time to put away those negative feelings.

The Hulk Complex

Do you know Dr. Bruce Banner? He's a calm, peace-loving and intelligent guy, but when he becomes angry, he literally turns into a monster. He transforms into the scary, powerful and angry Hulk.

Yes, it's fiction, but we have to admit that many of us are like this when we feel enraged. How do you react when you're angry? You don't turn green like Dr. Banner, but deep inside, you transform into a monster. Sometimes, you even throw tantrums and lose yourself.

Do you know how Dr. Banner solves his problem? He calms himself down. Every time he feels like his anger's going to get the best of him, he takes a few deep breaths and clears his mind. After a few moments, the anger leaves and the hulk doesn't come out.

You should do the same. Whenever you feel angry, calm down and don't let your anger flood you. Close your eyes, think of something peaceful. Deviate your thoughts. You can also count to 10. Let the negative emotion subside until it fades away and you can let it go. The "Hulk" or the resentment inside you will slowly disappear.

Write It Down

If you can't express your thoughts out loud, or if you feel like they're all bottling up inside you, then it's better if you just jot them down. Some people do this by keeping diaries or journals, but others feel like these are too cumbersome. It feel so relieving once you let out all those emotions on paper.

If you're not a good writer, there's another way to do this and it's very easy. All you need are some pieces of paper, pens and willingness to let go.

First, write down all the resentment you feel. You don't have to write long essays. Just jot them down according to how you remember them, like “rude grocery cashier”, “bossy classmate” or “backstabbing colleague”.

Once you've written down everything you can remember, study them. See how useless and pathetic they are. Look at them one last time, and keep in mind that you're about to let them go.

Fold each piece of paper and put them in your hands. Hold them tight, while praying to God to take the resentment away from you. Ask Him to bless the individual who caused the resentment. Do this to all the pieces of paper.

Combine all the resentments in a box, jar or small bag. Keep adding all the resentments until your container is full. Then, burn them all and scatter the ashes. This is your way of letting go.

Take your time while doing this, so you can savor and release the emotion better. It's a very ritualistic process, and slowly, you'll feel all the anger ebbing away.

Focus On Something Else

Resentment can cause a lot of negative effects on us. Some people opt to live in those hurtful and spiteful emotions, causing them to feel depressed and bitter all the time. Why waste your time dwelling on these thoughts? Do something productive instead. Be involved in sports, or do something artsy. Explore a new hobby or go traveling. Keep your mind preoccupied, and immerse yourself in activities you enjoy. If you're not dwelling on those negative things, you'll easily let go of your resentment.

Make Affirmations

Have you ever felt insecure towards another person, to the point that you've hated him or her? Or maybe you've always been compared or laughed at. Envy and poor self-esteem often lead to resentment. Sometimes, you look at what other people have that you don't, and you feel bad about yourself. Then you hate them for making you feel bad.

instead of focusing on what you don't have or possess, keep in mind that you're unique, special and talented in your own way. You should create a mantra that lets you remember this all the time. Think of a positive affirmation, like “I'm beautiful and special, no matter what others say” or “I won't let what they say get to me”. Every time you feel inferior towards another person, or if someone says negative things about you, repeat this affirmation. It'll help ease your mind and maintain your positive outlook. Any feeling of resentment you have will then fade away.

Confront The Involved

Resentment is a one-way emotion. You're the only one who feels it, and oftentimes, the people involved don't even know what or how you're feeling. For example, your mom constantly praises your sibling's achievements, while ignoring your own success. If you let this continue and you keep harboring the pain, resentment will eventually develop.

Here's one thing you can do --- step up and confront the other person. This works best if you're very well acquainted with the other individual, and if you've been feeling the emotions for a long time already. Have a long talk with him or her. Spill out everything, like why you feel hurt or resentful and how long you've been harboring the feeling. Make the other person understand your side. Be truthful all the time.

You should also ask questions. Ask the other person why he or she does the things that make you feel resentful. For example, your aunt gave a gold necklace to your sister for her birthday, while you got only an ugly sweater. Ask why this is so. Pay attention to the explanation, so you'll understand her side. Afterwards, make a compromise with the other party.

This is one of the most effective ways of battling resentment. Resolving issues between you and the other person not only removes all the unpleasant emotions you're harboring, but also lets you restore the relationship the two of you have. Soon enough, the bond between the two of you will rise over resentment. After all, that's more important than hatred.

Love Yourself

Remember that above anything else, it's you who's important. If you ever feel bitter because of how others have treated you or because of what they think and say, don't mind them. It's you who knows yourself best. If you know that what they say isn't true, ignore them. This will help you from harboring negative feelings and help you avoid resentment.

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  1. Very simplistic peice- what if its not just a clerk or someone whose made nasty comments, but a persistent and prolonged wilful spitefulness, which is denied when confronted? How do you deal with it when there is no admission or acknowlwdgement of your feelings?


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