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Official U.S. Standards
U.S. Standards for Grain

Click here to see General Provisions (9/1/07) that apply to all of the grains. Click below for the U.S. Standards for specific grains.

Official United States Standards under the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946
 U.S. Standards for Rice (January 2009) (PDF; 164Kb)
 U.S. Standards for Whole Dry Peas (07/15/2009) (PDF; 40Kb)
 U.S. Standards for Split Peas (07/15/2009) (PDF; 97Kb)
 U.S. Standards for Feed Peas (7/6/06) (PDF; 115Kb)
 U.S. Standards for Lentils (12/19/2008) (PDF; 35Kb)
 U.S. Standards for Beans (12/19/2008) (PDF; 212Kb)
 Historical Compilation of Standards Changes