Inside the Subterranean Marijuana Railroad

These Mexican-cartel drug tunnels are sophisticated—and have border agents scrambling

Dylan Penn: The Outtakes

More photos from our shoot with the model daughter of Sean and Robin Wright

Interactive Feature: No Exit

A routine Arizona wildfire resulted in the greatest loss of firefighters since 9/11. Who were the Granite Mountain Hotshots?

The Best Dressed Men of the Week

Our weekly roundup of GQ-approved standout looks from every paparazzo spotting and big-ticket event across the globe

Philadelphia's 10 Best Cheesesteaks

GQ food critic and Philly native Alan Richman leads a team of experts to find the very best



The GQ Punch List

Auburn, the new Hercules, and 7 other things to read, watch, and hear this week

What We Learned From Women This Week

Ellie Goulding breaks out, Brazil is the best, and 8 other things every man must know about the fairer sex right now

The Week in Style

Dueling topcoats, covetable footwear, and a perfect example of how not to break the rules of black tie

The Drinking Man's Hangover Guide

Your resolution should not be drink less—just smarter

How to Wear a Parka

Brace for the blizzard and look stylish while you're at it

How to Be a Colorado Weed Tourist

The 6 things you need to know to get your Rocky Mountain high

What the Duck?

How did the squirrel-eating Bible-thumpers of Duck Dynasty become the biggest TV stars in America? Drew Magary tours the Louisiana backwater

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