April 23rd, 2013
09:03 PM ET

New role for David Petraeus: Professor

From Shirley Henry

David Petraeus, who resigned as director of the Central Intelligence Agency after the revelation of an extramarital affair, has been named a visiting professor at Macaulay Honors College at the City University of New York, the school's chancellor said Tuesday.

Petraeus will assume the position in August, Matthew Goldstein, the chancellor, said. The university did not provide specifics about what Petraeus would be teaching.

In a statement, the retired Army general indicated he will lead an economic seminar.

"I look forward to leading a seminar at Macaulay that examines the developments that could position the United States - and our North American partners - to lead the world out of the current global economic slowdown," he said.

Petraeus, who once ran the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, resigned from his CIA post in November.

He resigned after admitting he had had an affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell, a fellow West Point graduate who spent months studying the general's leadership of U.S. forces in Afghanistan.

The affair came to light during an FBI investigation of "jealous" e-mails Broadwell reportedly sent to another woman.

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Filed under: Security Brief
soundoff (17 Responses)
  1. Loma Bekius

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    April 30, 2013 at 10:42 am | Reply
  2. andi lee

    Why hasn't Paula Broadwell been courtmarshalled and discharged?

    April 29, 2013 at 2:15 am | Reply
  3. andi lee

    Why hasn't Paula Broadwell been courtmarshalled and discharged? Why?

    April 29, 2013 at 2:13 am | Reply
  4. hjc

    General – thank you for your service to our country!

    April 28, 2013 at 3:36 am | Reply
  5. O.L. Codger

    For me the real answer to Murf's question was the he gave. David P. was a naughty boy. As a retired 4 star and Dir. of the CIA he knew better (or should have!) than to let his desires interfere with his judgement. Is he an evil degenerate because of this? No!* He's paid for his error in judgement. There is a good chance he'll be the next GOP presidential candidate. (Remember, Bill was reelected after Monica.). He'll be a lot better than any GOP candidate since Ike and present a real challenge for Hillary or Michelle.

    * but maybe for other decisions as others have in this thread have suggested.

    April 27, 2013 at 11:19 am | Reply
    • hjc

      I wonder how Hilary would confront the infidelity issue? Tricky!

      April 28, 2013 at 3:38 am | Reply
  6. PO2uSN

    I am sure he will do his job well. i met him when i was on deployment 10 years ago, and again 6 years ago, and he is a very intelligent person, and will do well.

    April 26, 2013 at 8:43 am | Reply
  7. Murf

    For what crimes specifically? Please not the usual left wing "he was a naughty boy, and I didn't like the war or George Bush." rant.

    April 24, 2013 at 10:04 pm | Reply
    • George Patton-2

      For what crimes specifically, you ask. Anyone with half a brain knows as director of the C.I.A., Petraeus ordered the massacre of thousands of people in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and only God knows in what other countries by using those ungodly drones at the behest of that cursed Obama, hurling 500 lb, bombs on defenseless people!!! These people need to be brought to justice!

      April 25, 2013 at 9:07 am | Reply
      • Carlson

        Well put, George. I'm sick and tired of reading all these stupid comments these pea brained people keep posting here! Where do these people come from?

        April 25, 2013 at 7:26 pm |
  8. George Patton-2

    I figured that this clown would turn up somewhere in a position like this. These right-wing thugs do stick together! This guy is a war criminal who needs to be indicted and taken to the I.C.C. and dealt with appropriately!!!

    April 24, 2013 at 5:43 pm | Reply
    • Murf


      April 24, 2013 at 10:00 pm | Reply
  9. Hahahahahahaha

    Easy "A" for all you ladies that know how to work it!!!!!!!!!!! Hahahahahahahaha

    April 24, 2013 at 9:04 am | Reply
  10. alumette

    economics ? really....for a guy who had no problem spending millions on military equipment......ironic.

    April 24, 2013 at 1:10 am | Reply

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