Map of Banksy's Better Out Than In Street Art Show in NYC 2013

Banky's "Better Out Than In" residency in New York City in October 2013 has the city buzzing, looking for where his art might next turn up around the five boroughs. Each day the anonymous, British graffiti artist posts a photo of that day's work with a rough location of his spray-painted street art.

Here is a guide to the location of each work, along with a photo and a link to accompanying information. Most of these works have been destroyed or removed, but feel free to go and find out for yourself.

[All photos unless otherwise noted are from]

Most recent location is marked with a green balloon.

Keep up with The Village Voice's Banksy coverage.

A scene from Banksy's stall in Central Park on October 12.

Here's Banksy's Ronald McDonald--with a real, live shoeshine boy!--photographed outside a McDonald's in the Bronx on October 16.

Banksy's remembrance of the Twin Towers in TriBeCa, photographed on October 15.

Banksy quotes Gladiator in Queens, photographed on October 14.

View Banksy in New York in a larger map

Banksy's paean to the heart-shaped helium balloon, photographed on October 7.

My Voice Nation Help
Felix Colon
Felix Colon

i started out as a fan. now I can't wait till, "Banksy" (actually a collective and not any single person) leaves

Rebecca Calamar
Rebecca Calamar

Dear Farmer Joe: Please bring the Sirens of the Lambs to midtown this week. Pretty please.


"Heading to South Bronx to see today's !!!" -Said No One in Their Right Mind.
