hawkeye-apple_friese_h528I was busy in San Diego yesterday with Tony Hawk, so we're a little late on posting the weekly cumulative game download charts, but that's probably alright. There's not a whole lot of shake up this week aside from the pleasant surprise of both Wayward Souls and Leo's Fortune creeping up the top charts. It's awesome seeing five dollar iOS games making such an impact on the charts... Even if the paid charts typically net significantly less downloads than the freebies.

Paid iPhone Games

  1. A Dark Room
  2. Heads Up!
  3. Goat Rampage
  4. Minecraft – Pocket Edition
  5. The Survival Games : Mini Game...
  6. Plague Inc.
  7. The Amazing Spider-Man 2
  8. Bloons TD 5
  9. Wayward Souls
  10. Papa's Freezeria To Go!

Free iPhone Games

  1. Piano Tiles
  2. 2048 - The Game
  3. Swamp Attack
  4. FarmVille 2: Country Escape
  5. Don't step the white tile
  6. Flappy Smash - The End of a Ti...
  7. Club Penguin
  8. What’s the Difference? ~ spot ...
  9. Clash of Clans
  10. Frozen Free Fall

Paid iPad Games

  1. Minecraft – Pocket Edition
  2. The Amazing Spider-Man 2
  3. Leo's Fortune
  4. The Survival Games : Mini Game...
  5. Heads Up!
  6. SpongeBob Moves In
  7. Blek
  8. Goat Rampage
  9. Hitman GO
  10. Survivalcraft

Free iPad Games

  1. FarmVille 2: Country Escape
  2. 2048 - The Game
  3. Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft
  4. Piano Tiles
  5. Swamp Attack
  6. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Trans...
  7. Hair Salon for Cartoon
  8. Farm Heroes Saga
  9. KingHunt - The Next Generation...
  10. Enchanted Fairy Spa : Pixie Ma...
  • HarryWarden

    Awesome seeing Leo's Fortune on the list :) Definitely agree regarding the presence of premium games getting some download love. The App Store needs it.

  • Amenbrother

    I mean even if a games free doesn't mean too much. Some people like me might download it and try it then it gets deleted if there is too much freemium non sense.

  • Stormourner

    that's right, goat simulator knock-off!! go down more especially for the other knock-offs

  • BlueFalcN

    I don't think minecraft will ever be put off the top ten list. Too popular.

  • RLennon

    Wayward Souls #9?

    I demand a recount!

  • Jzracin

    I personally dont know how any of those games made the list

  • jForsythe

    Kinghunt the next gen is not a free game if I wanted to get it.
    It would of costed me a tad over $3