
A New Sub-domain

by on Oct.05, 2013, under Site Updates

I’ve added the sub-domain brewing.jasonotto.net for my home brewing activities.  I’m also considering splitting my Thief pages off into thief.jasonotto.net.  The trick will be to not break any permalinks.  If you came here looking for beer making information click the link above.

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New Tutorial – Convert World Rep to Model

by on Oct.04, 2012, under DromEd

Newest, and most powerful feature in DromEd 1.19, the ability to export the world rep to a model.  This powerful ability allows any architecture to become a static mesh.

Tutorial Here

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DromEd 1.19 Menus

by on Oct.04, 2012, under DromEd

Useful menu commands that were missed in the menus.

1.  wr_export_obj  exports a .obj file of the world rep.  I’m using this to convert brushes to models.  Complicated brush work can be reduced to a simple model with texture UV data in place.  This command will even export brushes that have been stripped.  Added to File Menu

2.  load_group_ex  loads multibrushes with texture information.  Brush must have been saved in 1.19  Added to Multibrush Menu

3.  uvmap_cylinder  a variation on the new alignext mode of texturing that allows a texture to smoothly map over a cylinder.  Added to Texture Menu

To add them to your menus use this edited version.

; To provide out of the box support for the most commonly used DromEd distribution, this file is
; based on the DromEd Toolkit version and updated to better suit DromEd v1.19. However if you
; don’t use the DromEd Toolkit distribution, and don’t want to switch to it, then you should keep
; your old menus.cfg and update it yourself.

;WARNING: Do not change the order or number of the menus before ‘Editors’
;         as this will break the ‘special’ menu items, such as Shape and
;         lighting type. The special item groups can be moved but requires
;         configuring their new location/position with “menu_checkmark_cfg”

; $Header:r:/prj/cam/src/RCS/menus.cfg 1.27 1998/10/15 12:42:21 TOML Exp $

; menu# item# pairs defining the menu number (first is 1) and the menu item number (first is 0) for the
; 4 item groups (brush shape, lighting mode, lightmap type, align mode) that display a radio button icon to
; indicate current mode/setting. For example when inserting another menu item at the top of the Tools menu,
; the config for lighting and lightmap modes have to be changed from “5 9  5 13″ to “5 10  5 14″.
;menu_checkmark_cfg 4 0  5 9  5 13  4 9

; Menu descriptors
menu_edit   &File:menu_file | &Edit:menu_edit_x | &View:menu_view
menu_edit_1 &Shapes:menu_prim | &Tools:menu_tools | &Editors:menu_editors | &Game:menu_game
menu_edit_2 &Multibrush:menu_mbrush | &Custom:menu_custom | &Extras:menu_extras
menu_edit_3 &Log:menu_monolog | &Highlight:menu_hilight
menu_edit_4 &Textures:menu_textures
menu_edit_5 EAX:menu_eax
menu_edit_6 Playtest:menu_playtest

menu_file   &New:new_world | Open T&emplate:load_file levels\start.mis
menu_file_1 &Open…:load_file | Save &Cow…:run DoSaveCow.cmd
menu_file_2 |Save &Gamesys…:run DoSaveGam.cmd|Save &Mission…:run DoSaveMis.cmd|mru_files:&Recent Files|sep
menu_file_3 |Export OBJ File…:wr_export_obj
menu_file_4 |sep|Add &Texture Family:edit_command add_family
menu_file_5 Reload Schemas:reload_schemas|sep|Run Command…:run @@|sep
menu_file_6 Recover P_Portal:load_file p_portal.cow
menu_file_7 sep|E&xit:quit_game (Alt+F4)
; Toggle &AI:ai|sep|

menu_edit_x &Undo (Ctrl+Z):undo|Redo (Ctrl+Shift+U)|sep|Clea&r (Del):delete_brush
menu_edit_x_1 Clo&ne (Ins):insert_brush|sep|Find Object (F3):find_obj @@
menu_edit_x_2 sep|Wall Object:wall_object|Ceiling Object:ceil_object
menu_edit_x_3 Floor Object:floor_object|sep
menu_edit_x_4 Find Lost Objs:find_lost_objs|Purge Lost Objs:purge_missing_objs

menu_edit_x_5 sep|Play Schema…:play_schema @@
menu_edit_x_6 Halt Schema…:halt_schema @@|Halt All Schemas:halt_schemas

menu_view Toggle Light:toggle_lighting
menu_view_1 Editor Shadows/Low Detail:mip_detail 0
menu_view_2 Game Lighting/High Detail:mip_detail 1|sep|Find Obj…:find_obj @@
menu_view_3 Reverse Rendering:render_backward|Draw Polys:show_poly_edges
menu_view_4 sep|AI path cells:ai_draw_cells|AI path links:ai_draw_links
menu_view_5 Draw Links On…:link_draw_on @@|Draw Links Off…:link_draw_off @@
menu_view_6 sep|Physics models:show_phys_models|Physics BBoxes:show_phys_bbox
menu_view_7 sep|&2×2:vm_layout 1|1 &Left, 3 Right:vm_layout 2
menu_view_8 1 &Top, 3 Bottom:vm_layout 3|Re-&center Dividers:vm_layout 4
menu_view_9 Redraw View (Ctrl+Space):redraw_all

menu_prim   &Cube:prim_type 0 | C&ylinder:prim_type 1 | &Pyramid:prim_type 2
menu_prim_1 Corner-Ape&x Pyramid:prim_type 3
menu_prim_2 &Wedge: prim_special 10 | &Dodecahedron:prim_special 9 | sep
menu_prim_3 Sides in &Base…:prim_sides 0 | sep
menu_prim_4 Align by &Vertices:prim_facealign 0
menu_prim_5 Align by &Sides:prim_facealign 1 | sep
menu_prim_6 S&tair Tool…:stair_serf
menu_prim_7 Sp&iral Stair Tool:spiral_serf

menu_tools   &Portalise:run Portalise.cmd | &Optimise:run optimise.cmd
menu_tools_1 Compute Pathfinding &Database:run PathFind.cmd
menu_tools_2 &Build Room Database:rooms_build|Build AI Room Database:build_ai_room_database
menu_tools_3 sep|&Light:Run DoLight.cmd|&Ambient Light…:ambient|sep|
menu_tools_4 &Quick Lighting:set_lighting_mode 0|&Raycast Lighting:set_lighting_mode 1
menu_tools_5 &Objcast Lighting:set_lighting_mode 2 | separator | 16-bit Lightmaps:set_lighting_depth 16 | 32-bit Lightmaps:set_lighting_depth 32 | 32-bit 2X Lightmaps:set_lighting_depth 64
menu_tools_6 sep|Link &Group…:link_group @@|Link Group AI Patrol:link_group aipatrol
menu_tools_7 Link Group CD:link_group controldevice|sep|Ge&nerate Report:do_report|
menu_tools_8 List objects:obj_alpha_popup|Object histogram:obj_histogram_popup
menu_tools_9 sep | Complete Processing:run DoOpti.cmd
menu_tools_10 B&uild Dialog…:build_dlg

menu_editors Object &Hierarchy (F5)…:obj_tree|Edit Object (F6):edit_obj
menu_editors_1 &Texture Palette (F7)…:texture_pal|M&otion Editor…:motedit
menu_editors_2 sep | &Mission Parameters…:edit_file_vars 0
menu_editors_3 &GameSys Parameters…:edit_file_vars 1
menu_editors_4 &Campaign Parameters…:edit_file_vars 2
menu_editors_5 sep | Mission Quest Data…:quest_edit_mis
menu_editors_6 Campaign &Quest Data…:quest_edit

menu_game   &Game Mode (Alt+G): game_mode |Quiet Game Mode:game_quiet | sep
menu_game_1 Persistent Player Position:persistent_player_pos|Show Stats:show_stats
menu_game_2 AI Aware:aiawareofplayer|sep|AI Sleep All:ai_sleep_all|AI Wake All:ai_wake_all
menu_game_3 sep|Toggle Physics On/Off (Ctrl+Alt+P ingame):run Physics.cmd|sep
menu_game_4 Show Cell (Face Colors):show_cell|Show Cells (Cell Edges Black):show_cells
menu_game_5 Game Mode &Settings:game_mode_edit|sep
menu_game_6 640×480:game_mode 640,480|800×600: game_mode 800,600
menu_game_7 1024×768:game_mode 1024,768|1280×1024:game_mode 1280,1024

menu_mbrush   S&tore Group:store_group @@store | S&elect Group:pick_group_name
menu_mbrush_1 &Dissolve Group:dissolve_group
menu_mbrush_2 sep | &Load Group:load_group
menu_mbrush_3 &Load Group Textured:load_group_ex
menu_mbrush_4 &Save Group:save_group
menu_mbrush_5 sep | &Brush Relative:brush_relative 1
menu_mbrush_6 &World Relative:brush_relative 0
menu_mbrush_7 sep | &Add Brush to Group:add_brush_num @@
menu_mbrush_8 &Remove Brush from Group:rem_brush_num @@
menu_mbrush_9 &Toggle Brush in Group:tog_brush_num @@

; Custom menu.
‘v2.2 Added ‘Load Script…’ and ‘Drop Script…’ submenus
menu_custom Show Stats:show_stats
menu_custom_1 Check Rooms:check_rooms|Persistent Player Pos:persistent_player_pos
menu_custom_2 sep | AI Aware (Alt+F8):aiawareofplayer|Draw Cells:ai_draw_cells
menu_custom_3 Draw Links:ai_draw_links|Flow Watch:ai_flow_watch
menu_custom_4 sep|Play Schema:play_schema @@ | Halt Schemas:halt_schemas
menu_custom_5 sep|Load Script…:menu_scriptload|Drop Script…:menu_scriptdrop|sep
menu_custom_6 No EndGame:set no_endgame|Allow EndGame (not recommended):unset no_endgame
;menu_custom_7 sep|Stairs from brush:stair_serf
menu_custom_7 sep|Camera to object (F8):cam_to_brush|Cam to Cell…:cell_teleport @@
menu_custom_8 &Find…:menu_find

menu_scriptdrop Drop Convict:script_drop convict
menu_scriptdrop_1 Drop Gen:script_drop gen|sep|Drop VK’s Scripts:script_drop script
menu_scriptdrop_2 Drop tnhScript:script_drop tnhscript|Drop NVScript:script_drop nvscript
menu_scriptdrop_3 sep|Drop other script:script_drop @@|Drop all scripts:script_drop_all

menu_scriptload Load Convict:script_load convict
menu_scriptload_1 Load Gen:script_load gen|sep|Load VK’s Scripts:script_load script
menu_scriptload_2 Load tnhScript:script_load tnhscript|Load NVScript:script_load nvscript|sep
menu_scriptload_3 Load other script:script_load @@

menu_extras Reload &Schemas:reload_schemas | Load A Texture:load_a_texture @@
menu_extras_1 Swap textures:texture_change @@Texture1,Texture2
menu_extras_2 Clear unwanted quest data:run ClearBadQuestData.cmd|sep
menu_extras_3 Show Player Room:show_player_room|Show Bad Rooms:show_bad_rooms
menu_extras_4 Check Rooms:check_rooms|AI Test Cells:ai_test_cells|sep
menu_extras_5 Set EAX Room Archetype:eax_set_archetype @@
menu_extras_6 sep|Dump command help…:help @@
menu_extras_7 Spew Bad Room ObjIDs:spew_bad_room_objs|sep
menu_extras_8 Snap all brushes to grid:run GridSnap.cmd

menu_monolog Open monolog:mlog monolog.txt | Close monolog:mlog close
menu_monolog_1 Clear monolog:mclear | seperator|Log cell traversal (Traverse.log):traverse_log
menu_monolog_2 sep|Dump objects:run objlist.cmd | Dump link info:link_dump_stats
menu_monolog_3 Dump mission scripts:script_dump_files|Dump sim particles:show_particle_sim
menu_monolog_4 Dump texture usage:texture_usage_count|Dump Jorge usage:texture_wr_find_zero
menu_monolog_5 Dump current family info:family_dump|Dump memory usage:heap_alloc_cap
menu_monolog_6 Dump schemas:dump_schemas|Dump ambients:ambient_dump|Dump sky:sky_dump
menu_monolog_7 Dump clouds:cloud_dump|Dump currently visible objs:rend_name_list
menu_monolog_8 Dump worldrep:wr_stats|Dump BSP info:dump_bsp
menu_monolog_9 Dump property list:list_props|sep|Create command list:dump_cmds Commands.txt

menu_hilight None:hilight_clear|sep|by texture:hilight_texture @@
menu_hilight_1 objs by archetype:hilight_obj_type @@|brushes of type:menu_hl_brush
menu_hilight_2 brush #:hilight_brush @@|room #:hilight_room_id @@|Bad rooms:auto_hilight
menu_hilight_3 non-90° brushes:hilight_nonaxial @@|objs crossing portal:hilight_split_obj|
menu_hilight_4 objs with property:hilight_by_prop @@|sep|Snapping:menu_hl_snap
menu_hilight_5 sep|Hide other:hilight_render 1|Show other:hilight_render 0
menu_hilight_6 clear old hilight?:hilight_autoclear|sep|Multibrush:multibrush_the_highlight
menu_hilight_7 Add Property:hilight_add_prop @@|Remove Property:hilight_rem_prop @@|sep
menu_hilight_8 Reinstantiate…:hilight_reinstantiate @@|Re-add Physics:run ReInPhysProp.cmd
menu_hilight_9 Activate:hilight_activate|Deactivate:hilight_deactivate|Check all?:hilight_global 1

menu_hl_brush Fill Solid:hilight_media 0
menu_hl_brush_1 Fill Air:hilight_media 1
menu_hl_brush_2 Fill Water:hilight_media 2
menu_hl_brush_3 Flood:hilight_media 3
menu_hl_brush_4 Evaporate:hilight_media 4
menu_hl_brush_5 Solid->Water:hilight_media 5
menu_hl_brush_6 Air->Solid:hilight_media 6
menu_hl_brush_7 Water->Solid:hilight_media 7
menu_hl_brush_8 Blockable:hilight_media 8

menu_hl_snap Unsnapped:hilight_check_snap
menu_hl_snap_1 Snap Hilighted:hilight_do_snap 1

menu_find Find Object (F3):find_obj @@|sep|StartingPoint:find_obj StartingPoint
menu_find_1 Player:find_obj Player

menu_textures Add Family…:add_family @@|Remove Family…:remove_family @@Family to remove
menu_textures_1 Compress Family…:compress_family @@Family to compress
menu_textures_2 Compress all:compress_family all|Add Single Texture…:load_a_texture @@
menu_textures_3 Remove Single Texture…:remove_a_texture @@|sep
menu_textures_4 UV Map Cylinder…:uvmap_cylinder

menu_EAX Generic:set_room_type 0|Small Dead:set_room_type 1
menu_EAX_1 Small Normal:set_room_type 2|Large Normal:set_room_type 5
menu_EAX_2 Large Live:set_room_type 8|Caverns:set_room_type 9
menu_EAX_3 Dead Hallway:set_room_type 11|Normal Hallway:set_room_type 12
menu_EAX_4 Live Hallway:set_room_type 13|Tunnels:set_room_type 14
menu_EAX_5 Large Dead:set_room_type 19|Small Live:set_room_type 20
menu_EAX_6 Sewers:set_room_type 21|Outside:set_room_type 15|sep
menu_EAX_7 Bathroom:set_room_type 3|Living Room:set_room_type 4
menu_EAX_8 City:set_room_type 16|Mountains:set_room_type 17
menu_EAX_9 Quarry:set_room_type 18|Auditorium:set_room_type 6

menu_playtest Set test difficulty (using NVDebug.osm):menu_diffnv
menu_playtest_1 Old-style force difficulty:menu_forcediff

menu_diffnv  Load NVDebug script module:script_load nvdebug|sep
menu_diffnv_1 Debug Normal:quest_create_mis DebugDifficulty,0
menu_diffnv_2 Debug Hard:quest_create_mis DebugDifficulty,1
menu_diffnv_3 Debug Expert:quest_create_mis DebugDifficulty,2
menu_diffnv_4 sep|No Difficulty:quest_delete DebugDifficulty|sep
menu_diffnv_5 Drop NVDebug script:script_drop nvdebug

menu_forcediff Normal:quest_create_mis difficulty, 0|Hard:quest_create_mis difficulty, 1
menu_forcediff_1 Expert:quest_create_mis difficulty, 2
menu_forcediff_2 sep|No Difficulty:quest_delete difficulty
menu_forcediff_3 sep|Process Difficulty (NEVER SAVE AFTER!):process_difficulty

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DromEd 1.19 Fixes

by on Oct.02, 2012, under DromEd

The mysterious author of DromEd 1.19 based the build on the DromEd Tool Kit .cmd files.  These files are needed for many of the menu items to operate correctly.  Download Here DromEd Tool Kit Home

Also, the shipped version of DromEd 1.19 did not correctly calculate object shadows from objects.  A patch already exists for that problem.  Download Here

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Thief 2: The Metal Age Updated to Version 1.19

by on Sep.27, 2012, under Patches

This file appeared online a few days ago on the french forum Ariane4ever, “Le Corbeau” posted these patches out of nowhere.  DrK brought them to the attention of the community at TTLG.

Before beginning, I discovered you must have an up to date version of DirectX.  Get that here

This is an unofficial patch for Thief II: The Metal Age (T2) which updates the game from v1.18 to v1.19, providing improved support for modern hardware and correcting many known bugs. T2 can be purchased digitally from GOG (www.gog.com) and Steam (store.steampowered.com).  If you prefer a boxed copy, it can usually be found on Mastertronic and Amazon (or similar).

A small sample of changes and fixes

- Added windowed mode
- Added single display mode option – no resolution change between menus and game
- Added ingame support for all common resolutions, including widescreen
- Added support for 32-bit color
- Textures can now be automatically promoted to 32-bit, improving quality and effectively eliminating the palette limit
- Added UI framerate cap option to avoid GPU fan spinning up in UI
- Added DDS/PNG image support
- Added full 24/32-bit TGA/BMP image support
- Increased the maximum number of frames allowed in animated textures from 20 to 99, and increased the allowable filename length for animated textures (before the underscore) to support more than 7
- Animated texture rate can now be specified via a material file for that texture
- Fixed a bug where Transparency property didn’t (correctly) apply on objects that contain transparent polys

- Replaced video player lib with an FFMpeg based one to play cutscenes. LGVid.ax or other codecs are no longer required
- Option to use OpenAL (if available) instead of DirectSound. Includes support for audio effects in Windows 7 without an EAX-enabled driver (e.g. ALchemy)
- Added “head_bob” config var to control amount of head bob
- Added mousewheel support to options menu
- Fixed player ground contact tracking when walking off an object (caused footstep sounds to get “stuck” on previous material)
- Fixed sound cap per schema type bug and upped max sound channels to 48
- Changed screenshot output format to BMP and also added support for PNG screenshots
- Changed mouselook sensitivity to be resolution independent
- Added check to avoid trying to open files with reserved system name like com ports
- AIs now breathe from their head instead of their stomachs. They will no longer drown when up to their waist in water.
- Lowered player crouch height by a tiny fraction so he’s less likely to get stuck on 4 unit tall spaces
- Added better support for binding actions to the mouse wheel (can bind wheel up and wheel down as separate actions, with modifier key support)
- Fixed star rendering
- Added “log_player_pos” command that dumps current player pos to log file (when enabled)
- Added the ability to detach from ladders by crouching
- Improved mantling a bit and added optional new mantling algorithm with lower failure rate
- Fixed a bug which limited number of sound channels to 16 even if more were selected
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused doors to float away into infinity
- Fixed (or at least greatly improved) a bug with edge triggered OBBs sometimes failing to detect collision (in particular for slow moving objects)
- Fixed framerate dependent speed issue for camvators/moving terrain (with collision type: none)
- Added “fixed_star_size” option for resolution independent star size
- Fixed some bugs when attaching to a ladder from water.
- AIs who are facing very close to a wall will no longer turn to face south when the game begins
- Health bar drawing adjusted in widescreen
- Added option to fix arm rendering
- Added AA to rendering of loadout screen items
- Fixed pickpocket count bug that would always show 1 more maximum pickpocket than there actually was.
- Added “Blocks frobs” property, allowing objects to block frobs of objects behind them (e.g. to stop frobbing items through safe doors)
- Added option to left-align map notes text
- Made navigation of map/objectives screen a little bit more in-game friendly (screen can also be closed with space, arrow key navigation and return to switch map/obj)

- Lightmaps are now properly displayed in the editor 3D view
- Added support for HW rendering in editor viewports
- Increased the maximum number of visible on-screen terrain polies from 1024 to 20480
- Increased the maximum number of visible on-screen objects from 128 to 1280
- Added some safety checks to object scaling operations to prevent objects with 1.#INF scale
- Fixed a crash when computing pathfinding with an improperly linked moving terrain object in the mission. An ignorable assert is thrown and the object is skipped gracefully instead of crashing.
- Prevented a crash if you apply a model of one creature type to an object assigned a different creature type
- Fixed “Attempt to mark from invalid room id 0″ assertion to actually show the room id that is invalid, instead of always showing 0.
- Integrated csgmerge tool into editor exe
- Added support for 32-bit lightmaps
- Fixed the bug where cloning a multibrush with particles would duplicate every object in the mission
- Fixed a bug where the game would crash when deleting a large multibrush
- Added fallback check to find Motiondb.bin in resource paths
- Fixed resource lock errors when loading TGA images (for object textures and distance art)
- Fixed solo view editor issues when going back to edit mode from game mode
- Added ability to change the brush colors in DromEd via values in DromEd.cfg.
- Added light-based transparency property
- Added ability to enable/disable eye zoom in Thief 2
- Vast improvements to editor dialogs, including crash fixes and improved functionality
- Increased brush limit from 7068 to 16384
- Increased rooms limit from 1024 to 4096
- Increased ambient sound limit from 256 to 1024
- Increased cell limit from 28672 to 32760
- Increased the maximum number of sides in a cylinder from 10 to 26.
- Increased automap location limit from 64 to 256 locations per page
- The texture rotation control can now interpret negative values
- Fixed a crash while generating reports
- Added a warning dialog when attempting to save one filetype (mis/gam/cow) as another
- Added new Windows-style texture palette (which also supports more than 256 textures)
- Added support for all editor window sizes
- Added Pendulum (/sinusoidal) curve type to tweqs
- Added DetailAttachement link type
- Added Distance Alpha property
- Added Bitmap Color property for custom modulation color on bitmap objects
- Added “Face camera (axial)” setting to Bitmap Worldspace
- Added color param, additive blending and spotlight cone falloff support to coronas
- Added “Editor Comments” property
- Added “show_vhots” command for debug visuals of vhot placement and numbering on objects
- Manually deleting links in the link view dialog no longer deletes attached object for ParticleAttachement/DetailAttachement links
- Added the ability to place graphical decals on book pages
- Corpses with Contains links no longer count as pickpockets
- The Auto-Multibrush property no longer crashes DromEd if the .vbr file was not found.
- The stimulus on existing receptrons can now be changed
- The intensity for sources is no longer reset when changing the propagator
- The receptrons list now correctly shows the max intensity value for existing receptrons
- Meshes can now be scaled with the Scale property
- Scaled objects now cast properly scaled shadows
- Objects can now obscure coronas
- Bitmap Worldspace objects can now be locally lit
- Precipitation will now collide with OBB objects as well as terrain
- The brush_to_room command can now be given a negative number, to be interpreted as an absolute size instead of a percentage (e.g. brush_to_room -0.1 would create a room brush 0.1 units larger than the selected brush.)
- It is no longer necessary to explicitly add the Hidden property to a secret object for the secret to be properly counted
- Added numeric keypad input support
- DromEd will no longer stop working after 03:14:07 on Tuesday, 19 January 2038
- Added “scroll here” option to the right-click menu for solo views, similar to the “teleport camera” option for non-solo views
- Fixed some issues with calculating which room cells are in (which might have caused problems with precipitation and fogging)
- Increased the time range of Tweqs to 0-65535
- The same property can no longer be added to an object multiple times
- Fixed a crash when adding the Texture Anim Data property to a concrete object

- See the included modders_notes.txt for more details on editor changes

Download It Here

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Balatro Textures

by on Jul.19, 2011, under Textures

These texture packs have been floating around for a while, but haven’t had a host.  Four zip files.  Grab them here

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Help Pick My Next Project

by on Apr.18, 2011, under DromEd

Since I only do contest missions, and there are no contest at the moment that I’m involved with I’ve been bored.  I need a focus, and the contests do that for me.  To that end.  Here’s a survey, its the first one I’ve made.  This will determine the general location and factions involved in my next mission.  I’ll use this to create the resource portfolio and write a plot.  The second survey will follow the development of the plot.

EDIT: I’ve closed the poll.  The winner is city streets, with mages and a bit of the undead.

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Jorge 2

by on Jan.10, 2011, under DromEd, Textures

Say hi to jorge2, a better version of jorge.  I’ve used this for a while to align textures in my missions.

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New Fancy Furniture

by on Nov.21, 2010, under Models

A few new furniture objects, a new fancy table, chairs, armiore, dresser and sofa.  These are based on some higher quality object textures I found, but the models are all mine.  I reworked textures from 1024 x 1024 or 512 x 512 down to a smaller size and of course completely texture mapped the objects.  The fancy furniture in this pack is suitable for a noble’s home and looks a lot better than some of the original objects.  More Here

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Contest Score Card

by on Aug.08, 2010, under Contest

Mission Game Story Design Total Average
Captain of The Guard 5.75 6.025
8 7 8 7.75
5 2 10 5.5
9 1 6 6.25
6 4 4 5
8 3 7 6.5
7 5 9 7
1 2 1 1.25
10 5 10 8.75
10 2 4 6.5
8 3 8 6.75
8 5 5 6.5
10 7 8 8.75
8 4 5 6.25
3 3 3 3
7 7 5 6.5
5 6 6 5.5
2 4 9 4.25
8 6 7 7.25
5 8 4 5.5
Escape from Hammer Hill 7 7.845238
7 6 7 6.75
10 10 10 10
10 5 10 8.75
7 7 8 7.25
10 8 7 8.75
8 7 9 8
8 8 9 8.25
7 5 7 6.5
10 10 10 10
8 8 8 8
8 5 7 7
5 5 4 4.75
8 6 8 7.5
7 6 8 7
8 7 7 7.5
7 8 7 7.25
8 8 10 8.5
8 6 8 7.5
9 8 8 8.5
10 10 10 10
A Night’s Profit 7 7.45
7 7 9 7.5
8 5 7 7
6 4 6 5.5
10 8 8 9
6 7 7 6.5
9 7 8 8.25
8 4 7 6.75
10 9 10 9.75
8.5 5 8 7.5
8 6 7 7.25
8 6 7 7.25
6 5 6 5.75
8 7 8 7.75
6 6 5 5.75
9 9 8 8.75
7 5 8 6.75
8 5 7 7
8 7 9 8
Settling A Score 9 6.8625
7 5 6 6.25
9 7 9 8.5
5 5 6 5.25
8 6 6 7
8 3 8 6.75
8 8 8 8
5 4 2 4
10 10 8 9.5
5 4 6 5
7 6 6 6.5
7 7 6 6.75
7 5 6 6.25
6 6 6 6
5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5
7 7 9 7.5
10 8 9 9.25
6 6 7 6.25
10 8 10 9.5

The raw scores.  One user sent me only the composite score, so I can’t include it in the final statistics, but I used it in scoring the missions overall.  The highest rating for each sub score was Escape from Hammer Hill.  This mission showed consistent quality across the board.  It sometimes happens that a mission will out score others for a single category, having incredible design but no story for example.  I also have comments on some of the missions I’m sorting to send on to the authors.

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