Announcing Gitorious 3.2

We’re happy to announce the release of Gitorious 3.2, which brings new features, performance improvements, bug fixes and last, but not least – support for Ubuntu 14.04.

New Features and Notable Changes

One of the biggest improvements in Gitorious 3.2 is the ability to push (write) over the HTTP(S) protocol where previous versions used HTTP(S) as a read-only protocol. This enables pushing contributions to projects from within networks where the ports of other protocols are blocked for security reasons.

The read portion of the HTTP(S) protocol is a lot faster with support for Git’s “Smart Protocol”.

For added security we have disabled the git:// protocol by default in Gitorious 3.2 since it lacks authentication and can be made a target for man-in-the-middle attacks.

More efficient use of server resources when downloading archives of repositories using the “Download” button. Read more on how we did this in our blog post on Golang patterns for serving on-demand generated content.

Support for Gophers. If you are working with Go you can `go get` packages into your $GOPATH and use it directly in your import paths, ex. `import your-gitorious-host/your-project-name/your-repo-name/package/subpackage`.

The detailed list of the changes can be found in our CHANGELOG.

Separation of Concerns

In Gitorious 3.2 we have separated the web application and git access protocol handling. As we keep refactoring Gitorious into a simpler architecture we have created sub-projects for handling protocols and archiving of repositories.



Improved Installer with Ubuntu support

Our Community Edition installation script has been updated to install Gitorious 3.2, and we are very happy to have support for Ubuntu 14.04 in addition to RHEL/CentOS.

The architecture we are working towards is made up of smaller pieces communicating over HTTP that needs to be glued together to work. To do this we decided to use Nginx exclusively and remove the frontend_server option from the config file.

How to install or upgrade?

In order to install the Community Edition of Gitorious 3.2 on your server you can follow the Community Edition installation instructions.

For upgrading your existing Community Edition installation to Gitorious 3.2 please refer to our upgrading guide.

What’s next?

We have started planning Gitorious 4.0 and we will tell you more about this at a later date, but we can tell you there will be a lot of focus on the user experience. Let us know in the comments what you would like to see in Gitorious 4.0.

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