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2006-07-06 溫情暖香江之「小孩不笨2」電影欣賞會 Leo
  由本議會主辦,日新慈善教育基金贊助之「溫情暖香江」服務計劃,於昨年十二月至今年初舉行期間,共得到三十六間學校的支持和參與,為學生安排社會服務學習機會。現日新慈善教育基金為給予服務表現優秀的同學們多點鼓勵,特別送出570 張「小孩不笨2」戲票,讓大家一同欣賞。茲列詳情如下:

日  期:2006年7月15日(星期六)
時  間:上午10時至中午12時10分
地  點:九龍旺角新世紀廣場嘉禾戲院
備  註:所贈送戲票乃贊助機構心意,不得轉讓或轉售圖利。

貴校如有意參加,領取戲票,請盡快填妥《參加回條》於2006年7月7日(星期五)或以前傳真至24747258,逾期不予受理。如有任何查詢,歡迎賜電 24760469 聯絡。
2006-04-03 台灣教育交流團 Leo
2006-02-09 丙戌年聯校新春團拜 Leo
2005-12-28 「閱讀與寫作」家長講座
Seminar on "Reading and Writing" for Parents
時間:10:00 - 1:00pm
嘉賓講者:- 香港中文大學訊息工程系教授
     - 香港教育學院中文系高級講師

2005-12-05 第一屆香港兒童文學 - 鄉村生活故事創作比賽頒獎禮暨作家講座
Prize-giving Ceremony on "Story about Rural Living" Writing Competition and Famous Writer Sharing Talk
時間:1:00 pm 書展
   2:00 pm 作家講座 : 「少年文學寫作分享」(由東瑞先生主講)
   2:30 pm 頒獎典禮
   3:00 pm 攤位遊戲及書展
地點:九龍紅磡黃埔花園 葛量洪校友會黃埔學校

2005-02-20 聯校新春團拜暨元宵點燈典禮
Joint-school Spring Reception and Yuen Siu Festival “Dim Dang” Ceremony
Miss Li



In Lunar New Year, the Chinese families are busy to pay New Year visits to their relatives and friends. They reunion and share their joy at the very beginning of a new year. According to the Chinese tradition of some walled villages in New Territories, there should be a "Dim Dang" Ceremony ("Lantern Lighting" Ceremony) in the new year for the new baby boys.

Joint-school Spring Reception and Yuanxiao Festival “Dim Dang” Ceremony was held at Kiu Saw Public School in Tuen Mun on On 19th February 2005 (Saturday). The international exchange students of CUHK and the teachers and students from secondary school and some member schools of our Committee participated in this event. Programs were consisted of lion dance, "Dim Dang", lantern riddle, "Hui Chun" calligraphy competition, dumpling stall and walled village cultural visit. The "Dim Dang" Ceremony was derived from the old tradition in expressing that Education is a profession on passing the flame and attaching importance to the new lives.

2004-12-21 香港鄉村學校議會成立典禮
Inauguration Ceremony of Hong Kong Rural Schools Council
The Inauguration Ceremony of Hong Kong Rural Schools Council will be held on Wednesday 22nd December 2004 at 2:30 p.m. in the School Hall of Kam Chin Village Ho Tung School, Sheung Shui. Mr. Cheung Man Kwong, Legislative Council Member will officiate at the Ceremony.
2004-10-31 參觀雪龍號極地考察船
Visit “Xue Long” Antarctic expedition vessel
On October 31st 2004 (Sunday), about 400 students, teachers and parents from some member schools of our Committee were arranged to visit “Xue Long” Antarctic expedition vessel, which anchored at Ocean Terminal in Tsimshatsui in Kowloon. They knew more about the research expedition of our country in Antarctica. “Xue Long” is the main Chinese Antarctic support vessel and provides icebreaking capabilities. It is currently the biggest vessel regularly engaged in Antarctic work.
2004-09-25 中秋文化交流日
Mid-autumn Festival Cultural Exchange Day
由本委員會聯同八間各區鄉村學校合辦之鄉村學校國際文化交流計劃,首項活動「中秋文化交流日」,已於2004年9月25日(星期六)假上水金錢村何東學校舉行。是日邀請到廿多位香港中文大學校國際交流生和十多位國際學校師生代表參加,節目除了文化考察新田大夫第外,並在何東學校進行開幕禮、醒獅、學生文藝表演、燈謎、競技遊戲和盆菜宴。是日參加者約近三百人,氣氛熱鬧。照 片
Mid-autumn Festival Cultural Exchange Day, the first event of the Rural Schools Intercultural Exchange Scheme which was organized jointly by our Committee and eight village schools from different districts. The event was held at Kam Chin Village Ho Tung School in Sheungshui. More than twenty international exchange students of CUHK and more than ten representatives of teachers and students of international schools participated in the activity. Programs were consisted of cultural field trip at Tai Fu Tai in Suntin, opening ceremony, lion dance, student performance, lantern riddle, sports game and "Poon Choi" meal in KCV Ho Tung School. About 300 participants on this day, the atmosphere was lively. 。PHOTO
2004-09-04 「廿一世紀村校發展計劃」座談會
A 21st Century Village School Development Scheme Symposium

On August 30th 2004 and Septmeber 4th 2004, We invited about 50 village school teachers and parents to participate, and had a exhaustive briefing for our mission and the detail of the scheme, which introduced by Prof. Kwok Siu Tong and Dr. Lam Wai Kin, HKRSDC Advisor; Principle Fung Suk Kai, Kiu Sau Public School; Principle Lok Lai Fong, Small Trader New Village Public School; and Mr. Tse Kwok Wah, Manager of Tai Lam Chung Public School.