
                                        Volume. 12205

“Muhammad (S)” premieres for cineastes, critics
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TEHRAN -- Majid Majidi’s movie “Muhammad (S), the Messenger of God” was screened for a group of cineastes, journalists and film critics at Tehran’s Farhang Theater Hall on Thursday.
Producer Mohammad-Mehdi Heidarian, assistant director Bijan Mirbaqeri, sound recorder Mohammadreza Delpak, and the film’s stars Alireza Shojanuri and Mehdi Pakdel were among those who watched the movie, the Persian service of ISNA reported on Friday.
The 190-minute film, also known as “Muhammad (S)”, is about the childhood of the Prophet Muhammad (S).
The film was scheduled to premiere at the opening ceremony of the 33rd Fajr Film Festival on February 1. However, the screening program was postponed due to some technical problems.

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